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The estimate for population immunity against COVID-19 in Poland is 90-95 percent. – said the director of NIZP-PZH Grzegorz Juszczyk.

From Monday, March 28, the obligation to wear masks will disappear, and the requirement of isolation and quarantine for co-household members will also disappear. This was announced during a press conference by the Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski. The meeting was also attended by the director of NIZP-PZH Grzegorz Juszczyk. He explained the current level of herd immunity against COVID-19 in Poland.

– The level of population immunity is around 82 percent. This is December survey, and we had a high wave of the Omikron variant in January. Hence the current estimate of 90-95. Now we are conducting another research, we will have confirmation after Christmas – said Juszczyk.

  1. Read also: Niedzielski: On March 28, we abolish the obligation to wear masks. There is one exception

Earlier, he also referred to the influx of refugees from Ukraine to Poland and the related potential scenarios for the development of the epidemic in Poland.

– The epidemic forecasting team forecasts the number of infections and deaths. Taking into account all variables, such as the return of children to school, the increase in our mobility, but also the influx of war refugees with immunization levels of up to 80 percent, this will not result in an increased infection rate, he said.

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