What is the GDX test?

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How is the GDX test performed? What does this name mean? What is the GDX test? Is the GDX test aimed at detecting eye diseases? How can I prepare for the test? Is it an invasive test? The question is answered by the drug. Katarzyna Darecka.

How is the GDX test performed?

Good day. I am 53 years old, I am a woman. For about six months now, I have noticed that my eyesight has started to deteriorate. I do not and have never worn glasses, so far I have rather prided myself on very good eyesight. As I mentioned, this has started to change for about half a year. I started to see less clearly, I have an impression of some kind spots in front of the eyeseverything has changed a little. I delayed the visit to the ophthalmologist for a very long time, but finally I got mobilized and made a decision.

The ophthalmologist performed an eye test but said that further diagnostics would be necessary. Therefore, she sent me for a test and it was only at home that I read that it was a GDX test. I have to admit that this is the first time I hear this name, so I would like to ask what is the GDX test? Is this a test to detect any eye disease? By the way, I would also like to ask if I should somehow prepare for this study, know something about it? Is the GDX test invasive in any way? I will be grateful for your response.

The doctor explains what the GDX test is about

The GDX test, i.e. the scanning laser polarimetry test, is a method of assessing the thickness of the retinal nerve fibers, and incorrect values ​​indicate thinning and atrophy of the retinal nerve fibers, which may indirectly indicate the degeneration of the optic nerve in the course of glaucoma.

Among indications for GDX examination is the detection of early changes that may indicate glaucoma, tracking the progression of previously diagnosed glaucoma or the occurrence of other diseases leading to damage to the optic nerve, such as neurodegenerative diseases, ischemic, post-traumatic and cancerous changes in the brain, metabolic diseases, including diabetes and multiple sclerosis.

GDX examination does not require any special preparation, and additionally, it does not require the use of pupil dilating drops. It should be remembered that the examination is performed by an ophthalmologist and not by another person, e.g. a technician. After the examination, the patient should receive the test result with the description of the examination prepared and stamped by an ophthalmologist.

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that damage the optic nerve. It is the most common cause of secondary blindness in adults over the age of 60, but may even begin in young people. Rapid diagnosis and treatment implementation is very important because changes that have occurred in the course of glaucoma cannot be undone by treatment. In the course of glaucoma the optic nerve is damaged, usually due to increased intraocular pressure, most often caused by overproduction of fluid or its impaired drainage.

However, the exact cause of these abnormalities is unknown. There is also a tendency for glaucoma to occur in families and the risk increases in the presence of severe hyperopia or myopia, as well as in chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, sickle cell anemia.

W preventing glaucoma frequent visits to an ophthalmologist are recommended – every 5 years up to the age of 40, every two to four years between the age of 40 and 54, and every one or three years up to the age of 64, and from 65 years of age. – every year or two. You should play regular, moderate-intensity sports, follow the prescribed medications, including eye drops, and always wear glasses when performing hazardous work.

– Lek. Katarzyna Darecka

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