What is the difference between sushi and rolls: the difference from each other
Japanese cuisine is quite varied, but sushi and rolls are the most common. The difference between sushi and rolls can be understood by knowing the technology of cooking. These two appetizers, similar at first glance, are completely different.
How sushi and rolls differ from each other
Sushi, or sushi, is a Japanese dish with a rich history. Traditionally, it is made from a rice cake and a slice of fresh fish. Over time, the recipe has undergone changes and rolls have appeared – a new, no less tasty dish.
What is the difference between sushi and rolls is not always clear at first glance.
The main differences between the two dishes are as follows:
- in appearance;
- stuffing;
- method of use.
Sushi is a slice of fresh fish on a pressed flatbread that can be tied with a nori ribbon. Served with wasabi sauce. Rolls are twisted with a roll, inside of which there is a filling. The algae are either on top or on the inside. The filling for the rolls is not only fish, but also cheese, fruits, vegetables or meat. Several components can be combined at once. Sushi is a one-component dish, always with seafood. In addition, it is eaten only with chopsticks. But the rolls can be eaten with your hands.
Meals are also prepared in different ways. For rolls, a bamboo mat is used so that the finished snack does not fall apart, keeps its shape. While sushi is made only with the help of hands, they form a dense cake, evenly distribute the filling, thanks to which the sushi retains its appearance.
There are several options for the rolls: nori-maki, uro-maki, yaki-maki
Yaki-maki is a baked dish served hot. Nori-maki and uro-maki differ only in the way they are cooked. The former have algae on top, not inside. But sushi is always a traditional dish, which is not easy to diversify.
Now you know the difference between rolls and sushi. Both dishes are good in their own way, which one to choose is a personal matter. Use this information to make things easier.