Supporters and opponents of the statement about the interchangeability of red pepper and paprika were divided into two equal camps. Each of them has its own arguments, proving the correctness of its theory. This article will help you understand where is the truth and where is fiction.

What is the difference between paprika and bell pepper

Historical information

All the confusion with the names was due to the fault of Christopher Columbus. Being sent to India for black pepper and other spices, he accidentally came across America. Having decided that he had reached the goal of his voyage, Columbus took with him the fruits of a completely different plant, confusing it with black pepper. In fact, the fruits taken away belonged to herbaceous plants of the nightshade family, and not to the climbing vine of the pepper family. But due to a mistake by Columbus, the plants that were brought also began to be called pepper, only capsicum.

Capsicums are a separate vegetable crop, with about 700 varieties. Their fruits can be both sweet and bitter. The sweet varieties include the well-known bell pepper, and the bitter varieties include red.

Bell pepper

What is the difference between paprika and bell pepper

One of the most popular representatives of the nightshade family. In our country, it is better known as Bulgarian pepper. The homeland of this vegetable is Central America, and its history goes back more than 20 centuries.

This culture is very demanding on light and heat. That is why in our northern regions it is most often grown in a greenhouse. Southern regions can successfully grow sweet peppers in open ground.

Its sweet fruits have a huge variety of different forms. The most common forms are as follows:

  • cylindrical;
  • conical;
  • oval;
  • round and others.

In addition to various forms, it is distinguished by a rich color range, which includes almost the entire spectrum of colors. Depending on the cultivar, the fruit may be light green to black in color. Their sizes with weight will also differ: from 10 to 30 cm and from 30 to 500 grams.

Its nutritional value is due to its high content of vitamin C. It also contains vitamins A, B, mineral salts and essential oils. Its use in cooking has no boundaries and is universal.

Bitter pepper

What is the difference between paprika and bell pepper

Red or hot chili peppers were brought from America. Its fruits are not as varied in shape and color as the fruits of the sweet counterpart. Depending on the variety, their shape can be elongated from spherical to proboscis, and the color can vary from yellow to black-olive. At the same time, red varieties still predominate.

Since this is a very thermophilic culture, it is recommended to grow it in greenhouses. In addition, it can be grown even on the windowsill. All you need is a pot of 1,5-2 liters.

The alkaloid capsaicin gives these red peppers their pungent taste. Like other fruits of plants of the nightshade family, it is rich in vitamin C. In addition to it, it contains:

  • almost complete set of carotenoids;
  • fixed oils;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • sulfur;
  • B vitamins and other beneficial substances.

Due to its composition, it is able to have a powerful positive effect on the entire body.

Important! Red hot peppers have the ability to enhance the effect of drugs. Therefore, it is better to refrain from using them together.


What is the difference between paprika and bell pepper

In fact, paprika is a powder from the red fruits of plants in the nightshade family. Paprika plants are perennial shrubs with erect shoots and fleshy fruits. Their homeland is South America. In addition to America, paprika is successfully cultivated in Our Country, Ukraine, Chile, Slovakia, Turkey and Hungary.

Important! Hungary stands out as a producer of paprika. It is the Hungarian seasoning that is the highest quality and most popular all over the world. She has excellent taste and aroma. In total, 8 different varieties of pepper powder are produced in this country.

Its taste can be both sweet and spicy. Depending on the variety, fruits for paprika can be:

  • spicy;
  • sweet
  • sharp.

In addition to red paprika, there is also yellow paprika, but it is less common.

Important! Yellow paprika is incredibly spicy.

Paprika as a seasoning is very useful. It has a rich composition, including the following vitamins and minerals:

  • BUT;
  • E;
  • WITH;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus and others.

But the main benefit of paprika is the content of lipocaine and capsoicin – these substances effectively fight infections and strengthen the immune system. In addition, lipocaine and cansoicin are actively involved in the prevention of cancer.

So are there any differences?

What is the difference between paprika and bell pepper and red pepper? Nothing. These are different names for the same plant – Capsicum annuum. This plant has about 700 different species. The difference will only be in the taste of a particular species. In some species, the taste will be sweeter, and in some species, more spicy. Both can be used to produce paprika.

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