How often do you have premonitions? Do you follow him? Or rely only on logic? For everything to be thoroughly thought out? Do you know what intuitive and logical thinking is? How do they manifest themselves? And why do they even exist? Let’s talk about it and find out what it is.
A thought is a certain impulse that occurs in the brain and has various formats. It can be a picture, a sound, a word, a feeling… Any thought is based on past experience, on personal associations, knowledge, ideas about the world. Even strange conclusions, which are sometimes incomprehensible to someone, are actually quite logical and understandable if you know what they are based on. Once people believed that the earth was flat, many theories were created against this background, all of them were very logical and even scientific to some extent, but turned out to be wrong (although some supporters of the theory are still ready to argue with you until they are hoarse about that the earth is not a sphere at all). What kind of capricious lady is this Logic?
Thought Based Thinking
Logic is the science of correct thinking. It is built on the study, study, systematization and analysis of any phenomenon, fact and process. In such cases, a solution is reached by building a logical chain of reasoning that helps to establish cause-and-effect relationships. People who use logical thinking, not based on feelings and sensations, are well versed in the exact sciences, where there is no need to actively use their own imagination and there is no place for fantasies and conjectures. In essence, this is a purposeful, step-by-step and exact solution of a logical problem using proven theories and rules.
Intuition is based only on feelings, sensations, even if there is some knowledge and experience. Often this is just an emerging anxiety about the upcoming day, business, decision, or some kind of excitement, inner glee, as if you know for sure that you need to do just that. Intuitive thinking is not entirely correct to oppose to logical thinking, if only because it does not exclude logic. A decision made on the basis of a premonition can then be examined and understood why it is better. But often there is no time for this, you just have to trust your instincts, which helps out.
Obvious difference
Let’s give an example: a man found himself in a cave at a fork, he has two tunnels in front of him, one of which leads to a life-saving exit. By turning on logical thinking, you can choose the right path based on the direction of the draft, the condition of the surface of the walls, the presence of water and characteristic sounds. Following intuition, a person simply feels where he should go, but this does not mean at all that he does not notice natural clues at all. It’s just that information is processed in his brain an order of magnitude faster, and attention is not focused on the causal relationship of phenomena, noticing only the result.
Which one is correct?
Both types of thinking can help find and formulate the right answer. Both are fallible. Logic is good because it gives a sense of confidence when you come to an answer in a verified way, by research, but where is the guarantee that the experience (knowledge) on which the logical chain will be based is correct? The logic will be correct, but the final decision may lead to a dead end. The same goes for intuition. A person may incorrectly recognize signals, signs, feelings, or a premonition will be simply erroneous. In one way, these two mindsets are similar — they can be trained.
Logic — the accumulation of proven knowledge, the compilation of the correct chains. Intuition — by trusting your instinct, turning off the “main processor”. Both can become your personal weapon in making a decision. The main thing is to find a way to think or feel correctly.