What is the difference between fir and spruce

The difference between fir and spruce can be found in a detailed examination of the crown: the structure and size of the needles, the color of the branches, and the growth of the cones are different. The distribution area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe trees is different, so the requirements for the place of growth are also different. Visually, the trees are very similar to each other.

What is the difference between fir and spruce

What is the difference between spruce and fir

Evergreen coniferous crops belong to the Pine family, this is where their similarity ends, the representatives belong to a different genus. Frost-resistant spruce (Picea) is common in the Northern Hemisphere. In the wild, it forms dense forests. In Central Europe, it is part of mixed forest belts. Spruce grows up to 40 m tall, belongs to centenarians. It forms a pyramidal crown, the trunk is straight, light brown with a gray tint, the bark is scaly, rough.

Fir (Abies) is less frost-resistant, demanding on the place of growth, the tree requires high humidity and a certain composition of the soil. In Our Country, it is less common than spruce. Differs in speed of vegetation. Up to 10 years, the growth gives a minimum. It grows up to 60 m, life expectancy is much longer, this is another sign by which representatives of conifers differ. It is found in the Primorsky Territory, the Caucasus, the Far East, in the southern part of Siberia. The photo shows that the Christmas tree and fir have visual differences from each other. The fir has a regular pyramidal crown, the trunk is straight, smooth, dark gray. It lacks resin channels, the resin accumulates on the surface of the branches and trunk in small bubble pockets.

Important! Spruce wood in the industry is considered more valuable.

The Christmas tree is used as a building material for furniture, houses, musical instruments. White color allows the use of wood for the manufacture of pulp and paper. The resin is used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Fir is more fragile wood, it is used only for the production of paper. The structure of the trunk is not resinous, short-lived as a building material. This property has found application in the manufacture of food containers. It is not widely used in medicine.

How to distinguish a Christmas tree from a fir

With a detailed comparison of spruce and fir, it is not difficult to distinguish plants. Trees have a different crown structure, color and shape of needles. Coniferous trees differ in the arrangement of cones and the separation of seeds.

How to distinguish spruce and fir branches:



  • needles grow rarely, unevenly;
  • gaps are formed in the crown through which the bark of the tree is visible;
  • the plant looks naked;
  • the lower branches are horizontal;
  • grow at an angle higher along the trunk;
  • on the north side, the length of the branches is shorter;
  • the crown is formed in the form of an uneven cone;
  • the shape of the branches is voluminous due to unevenly growing needles.


  • the needles are large, grows densely;
  • forms a continuous mass, there are no gaps, the bark of the trunk and branches is not visible;
  • the tree looks voluminous, fluffy, elegant;
  • the lower circle of branches grows horizontally, the top is raised;
  • the higher the branches, the smaller the growth angle;
  • the crown is formed into a regular cone;
  • due to the density and direction of growth of the spines, the branches look flat.


What is the difference between fir and spruce

The needles of fir and spruce also differ from each other. Abies Feature:

  • saturated green needles with 2 parallel light stripes along the edge;
  • needles are flat and long (up to 4,5 cm);
  • grow horizontally in 2 rows, in a spiral;
  • the end of the shoot looks cut off;
  • the tip is missing;
  • needles do not prick, soft to the touch;
  • thin at the base, widening upward;
  • the tip of the needle is slightly forked.
Important! Due to the surface accumulation of resin, fir differs from Christmas trees in a persistent coniferous smell.

After the needles fall off, there are no protrusions on the branch. At the place of growth of a fallen needle, there remains a hill with a clearly defined nest (place of growth), trees are also distinguished by this feature.

External characteristic Picea:

  • needles are green, differ from fir in a lighter uniform color;
  • arranged in a spiral
  • directed, unlike fir, in different directions;
  • the shape is tetrahedral, voluminous;
  • needles are short, sharp at the end, hard.

Due to the versatile orientation of sharp needles, the tree is prickly – this feature helps to distinguish representatives of the species.

Cones look different, spruce cones have a cone-shaped elongated brown color. Cones grow at the end of perennial branches down. After ripening, the seeds fall off, and the cones remain on the tree. Seeds are equipped with wings, which crumble on impact with the ground.

Fir cones are more rounded and light in color. They grow on the top of the tree upwards, after ripening, together with seeds, they break up into scales. Only the stem remains on the branch. The seeds do not crumble from impact, the wings are tightly attached.

Summary table of differences between fir and spruce:





Dense, regular pyramidal shape.

With gaps, on one side the branches are shorter.


Oval, grow upwards, fall off with seeds in autumn.

Slightly elongated, dark brown, growing down, remaining on the tree after maturation.


Smooth, light gray with resin pockets.

Brown uneven, scaly, tuberous branches at the site of growth of needles.


Flat, with densely spaced needles growing horizontally.

Volumetric, needles are sparse, grow in different directions.



Long, dark green along the edge with stripes, flat without a point at the end, soft.

Short, monophonic, tetrahedral, pointed at the end, hard.

The trees are distinguished by a resinous smell, while spruce has an unstable smell.

What is the difference between fir and spruce

Which is better: fir or spruce for the New Year

When choosing a Christmas tree or fir for the New Year, pay attention to the appearance of the tree. Christmas tree is a collective term, dress up spruce, pine or fir. In nurseries they offer a variety of conifers with a complete characteristic. If a festive attribute is purchased at a city fair, you need to know how conifers differ and what will last longer in a heated room.

What costs longer – a Christmas tree or a fir

At low temperatures, there is no difference between a Christmas tree and a fir; trees retain their needles for a long time. In a heated room, a tree is placed in a container with wet sand, placed away from heating appliances, and the sand is constantly moistened. This method helps to increase the shelf life of trees. Subject to the conditions, Picea will stand no more than 6 days and throw off the needles.

In this quality, Abies compares favorably, it can stand for more than 1 month, while maintaining an aesthetic appearance. The needles do not fall off, they only dry out. It is more difficult to buy a tree, it is rarely put up for sale, the price offer is much higher. Ephedra differ among themselves in the duration of the preservation of the crown.

What smells stronger – spruce or fir

The smell of fir differs from spruce, because it lacks resin channels, the enzyme accumulates on the surface of the branches. If a tree is brought into a room from frost, a persistent smell of coniferous forest immediately spreads. It lasts for a long time, more than 4 days. Spruce spreads a smell less saturated and no more than a day. Representatives of the Pine family also differ in this feature.

The difference between spruce and fir in planting and care

Outwardly similar conifers are radically different when planted. For fir choose open areas, partial shade is allowed. The soil is neutral and well drained. Spruce is less demanding on the place, which compares favorably. Shade and moist soil are suitable for it, it grows on any composition of the soil. Species differ in frost resistance, spruce easily tolerates low temperatures, young seedlings do not need shelter for the winter.

They differ in survival rate in a new place; when planting, a tree seedling is acquired with a closed root; at the slightest drying, it will not take root. Humidity is not critical for fir planting material. The plant always takes root well. The care of the species is different. The fir crown does not require formation, it grows evenly, maintaining strict forms. Spruce branches require length alignment and removal of dry fragments. Different types of watering requirements. The fir root system tolerates drought well, spruce requires constant soil moisture. There are differences in the application of top dressing, fir requires fertilizer up to 3 years of growth, the Christmas tree does not need additional nutrition.


The difference between fir and spruce lies in the structure of the crown, the shape and size of the spines, the intensity of the smell and the way the cones are formed. Both representatives of the species are suitable for growing on a personal plot, agricultural technology is different. For the New Year’s holiday, a tree is chosen at will, taking into account the fact that conifers differ in the shelf life of the crown.

How to distinguish fir from spruce

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