- Черника и голубика: сравнение ягод
- What is the difference between blueberries and blueberries
- Difference between blueberries and blueberries
- Comparison of the beneficial properties of blueberries and blueberries
- The difference in growing berries
- Differences in storage, processing and transportation of berries
- Conclusion
Blueberries and blueberries are very popular due to their medicinal properties. Both are similar, useful, but there is a difference in their qualities.
Черника и голубика: сравнение ягод
Дикорастущие черничные и голубичные плоды – настоящая находка. В магазинах продаются садовые разновидности, выведенные в основном селекционерами из Канады. Они по составу и качествам похожи на дикоросы и приносят такую же пользу. Черника Обыкновенная (Vaccinium myrtillus) в садах практически не растет. Саженцы, что предлагают на рынках и в интернет-магазинах – совсем другой вид растения, результат американской селекции голубики Высокорослой (Vaccinium cyanococcus). Своими свойствами плоды напоминают лесные.
You can distinguish blueberries or blueberries by comparing the fruits. Blueberry is smaller, weighing up to 1 g. It is characterized by dark coloring substances – anthocyanins, an intense, special, attractive aftertaste with sweet and sour notes. Blueberry fruits are recognizable by their light green dense, fleshy pulp and colorless, watery juice. They are sour, with a neutral, mild taste, but there are also sweet, slightly cloying.
It is clearly seen in the photo how blueberries differ from blueberries.
What is the difference between blueberries and blueberries
В природе оба растения предпочитают холодный и умеренный климат, встречаются в лесах и заболоченных местностях. Черника невысокая, до 40 см, с зелеными, гибкими побегами, на которых видно одиноко расположенные ягоды. Растет в хвойных, чаще сосновых лесах. Голубичные кусты выше, 0,5 м, иногда поднимаются до 1 м, побеги одревесневшие, ягоды собраны в гроздья. Произрастают на открытых местностях, встречаются и на Кавказе. Листья яйцевидные, похожие, поскольку оба кустарника принадлежат к одному семейству – Вересковые.
Berries of blueberries and blueberries at first glance are difficult to distinguish for a beginner. But each has its own characteristics even in appearance – the skin of one and the other is covered with a bluish bloom, the difference is visible in color. Blueberry fruits are round, similar to a dark blue, almost black ball. Blueberry – gray-blue, large, up to 12 mm, weighing 1 g, slightly elongated.
Photo: blueberries and blueberries differ in skin color.
Difference between blueberries and blueberries
It is interesting to compare blueberries and blueberries in terms of the composition and amount of vitamins.
Substances in 100 g of product | Blueberries | Blueberry |
Calories | 57 kcal | 39 kcal |
Proteins | 0,74 g | 1 g |
Fats | 0,33 g | 0,5 g |
Carbohydrates | 14,49 g | 8,2 g |
Fibre | 2,4 g | 1,2 g |
Water | 87 g | 88,2 g |
Ash | 0,4 g | 0,3 g |
Vitamin A | 54 ME | 0,29 mg |
Vitamin V1 | 0,037 mg | 0,02 mg |
Vitamin C | 9,7 mg | 16-20 mg |
Vitamin PP | 0,418 mg | 0,28 mg |
Vitamin K | 19,3 μg | 19,3 μg |
The difference in the content of biologically active substances is rather insignificant. The fruits of shrubs are rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fiber, pectins. According to the content of vitamins of different groups – C, PP, B, A, K, the berries are approximately equal, although there is some difference in favor of the composition of blueberry fruits.
The difference between blueberries and blueberries, as the photo shows, is in the color of the pulp.
The healing properties of blueberries and blueberries depend not only on the presence of vitamins, but also on other components. Blueberry fruits are rich in acids – ascorbic, malic, nicotinic, acetic, oxalic. They contain a little iron – 0,8 mg, but in a form that is completely absorbed by the body. Blueberries are known for their unique high manganese content of 0,336 mg, which makes them different from other wild and cultivated plants. This element is indispensable in carbohydrate metabolism.
Comparison of the beneficial properties of blueberries and blueberries
Berries are good for health, and one should use the period of their collection to strengthen the body. Blueberries differ from blueberries in properties and influence, although both types of fruits give an exceptionally positive tonic effect.
The benefits of blueberries
Благодаря своим качествам голубичные плоды и продукты из них популярны. Их употребляют:
- to strengthen the cardiovascular system, including hypertension;
- to improve the functioning of the intestines and pancreas;
- to stimulate metabolism and reduce blood sugar levels;
- to normalize brain activity in the field of memory improvement and concentration;
- to relieve eye fatigue during hard work at the computer;
- as an anti-inflammatory and antidysenteric agent;
- in case of anemia and to increase immunity.
Пектины и антоцианы способствуют выведению токсинов, поддерживают нейронные связи, поэтому ягоды рекомендуют своим пациентам диетологи, онкологи и геронтологи.
However, you should not eat only blueberry fruits, as they can cause allergies, intestinal upset and muscle dysfunction.
The benefits of blueberries
A characteristic feature of the composition of blueberries is a large amount of ascorbic acid and antioxidants. Many consider these berries a panacea for diseases and eye fatigue, to support the retina. Moreover, they produce pharmaceutical preparations based on them.
It has been established that blueberry fruits are shown:
- with a decrease in visual acuity;
- при угрозе развития сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний и атеросклерозе в частности;
- во время расстройства ЖКТ;
- to cleanse the body of toxins, with anemia and low immunity;
- as prevention of oncological diseases;
- with elevated blood sugar levels;
- in case of infectious or catarrhal diseases.
Berries are used as an antibiotic for the treatment of burns or abscesses on the skin, in folk medicine they are used for urolithiasis.
There are also contraindications: chronic constipation and diseases of the pancreas and duodenum.
Which berry is healthier: blueberries or blueberries
Существует общепринятое мнение, что черника полезнее голубики. Между их свойствами есть незначительная разница. И вместе с тем витаминные плоды насыщают организм полезными веществами и усиливают его защитные функции:
- to maintain healthy eyes, blueberry fruits are better, although blueberries will also contribute to strengthening vision;
- the latter are indispensable for older people with their properties to improve memory and thinking processes, as well as to normalize bowel function.
The difference in growing berries
Отличие черники от голубики состоит в способности прижиться в садах. Черничные евразийские растения требуют особых условий, которые почти невозможно выполнить. Садовые кустарники выведены на основе растений из Северной Америки. Оба вида надо высаживать на открытых участках или в легкой полутени, на кисловатых почвах и позаботиться о дренаже в лунках.
Features of growing blueberries
When buying seedlings in the spring, they choose early and medium varieties, because late-ripening ones may not ripen in our conditions. For the northern regions, undersized bushes are suitable. Pay attention to the taste of the variety.
Care instructions:
- when planting, you can not add ash and manure, fertilize with minerals;
- поливают в фазе цветения и формирования завязей;
- приствольный круг мульчируют торфом, листьями дуба, хвоей.
How blueberries are grown
Blueberry seedlings are selected based on the height of the bushes, the size and sugar content of the berries, and the ripening time. When growing, follow these tips:
- между лунками расстояние до 1,5 м;
- regular watering is the key to good shrub development;
- fed with minerals, without organics.
Сравнение урожайности и сроков сбора ягод черники и голубики
Garden shrubs are productive, give up to 7 kg per plant. The fruits are harvested from late June to early autumn, plucked every week.
Blueberry fruits, depending on the variety, ripen from late July to mid-autumn. Ripe, weighing 10-25 g, acquire a bluish-blue hue. But you don’t have to cut them right away. They wait another 5-10 days for the fruits to gain sugar and soften, to be removed with a dry separation. The first harvest is consumed fresh, and the late harvest is allowed for processing.
Differences in storage, processing and transportation of berries
Fresh blueberry fruits are stored for a month and a half at a temperature close to zero. Blueberries in such conditions can withstand 15 days. Fruits are transported in small boxes, folded in three or four layers. Both types of berries are frozen or dried, used for various preparations and fillings.
Blueberries and blueberries are valuable for health, there is very little difference between their properties. Horticultural crops, differing from wild plants, have similar healing qualities. Following the advice on growing shrubs, they get vitamin berries for their own use.