What is the difference between blackberry and blackberry

When choosing a fruit shrub, many gardeners are faced with the question of which crop to give preference to. After all, thanks to the hard work of breeders, their range has expanded significantly. Now, along with blackberries, nurseries sell blackberries. Both shrubs are valued for their high taste and beneficial properties of the fruit. However, not all novice gardeners understand the difference between blackberries and blackberries. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to know the differences between these fruit crops.

What is the difference between blackberry and blackberry

These shrubs are not recommended to be planted nearby

The difference between blackberries and blackberries

In almost all countries of the world with a temperate climate, dense thickets of blackberries can be found. It grows in forests, ravines and on mountain slopes. This is a wild form of culture, which later served as the basis for breeding garden varieties.

Unlike blackberries, blackberries cannot be found in the wild. This shrub was obtained at the end of the 19th century. And for a long time remained unclaimed. Ezhemalina is the result of free pollination of a number of growing raspberry and blackberry bushes. And only over time, breeders became interested in it. As a result, varieties with unique taste qualities were bred. In order to thoroughly understand what is the difference between blackberry and blackberry, it is necessary to study in more detail the characteristics of each plant.

The appearance of the bushes

Both cultures are shrubs. But if blackberry shoots are strong, powerful, more than 3 m long, then in blackberry they are shorter, up to 2,5 m, thin. The difference between cultures lies in the structure of the bushes. In blackberries, all branches are intertwined and, without growth adjustment, grow rapidly, forming dense thickets. And zhemmalin is characterized by a rarefied structure of the bush. Her branches are initially straight-growing, and only at the top of some varieties they become arched. In this case, the shoots are located freely and do not intertwine with each other.

There is also a difference in the shade of the branches. In the first shrub, young pagons are green, after ripening they retain this shade, but are covered with a bluish bloom. In raspberries, growing shoots also have a similar color, but subsequently acquire a reddish tint.

Important! Both crops do not respond well to stagnant moisture in the soil.

Appearance of berries

Blackberries differ from blackberries, as can be seen in the photo, and the appearance of the berries, despite the fact that the drupe fruits, when ripe, in both cases have a black tint. In garden blackberries, they are elongated-oval, and in blackberries, they are round or hemispherical. When harvesting the first crop, the receptacle breaks off at the point of attachment to the shoot and remains inside the berry, while in the second crop it is easily separated from the berries.

What is the difference between blackberry and blackberry

The difference is that inside the ripe blackberry has a light shade, and the blackberry is black, like on top.

The presence of spikes

There is also a difference between cultures in spikes. In blackberries, they have a dense structure, a curved tip and a large size. In appearance, they resemble the thorns of a rose, rarely located on the shoots. In the raspberry, the spines are smaller, bending, and short. They are densely located on the shoots and create the effect of hairiness.

Important! Now varieties of thornless blackberries and blackberries have been bred, so it is not always possible to accurately determine the culture by thorns.


There is also a difference in fruiting. In blackberries, it is stretched and lasts for 4-6 weeks. At the same time, the return of fruits is gradual. The yield is high, from one adult bush you can collect 7-12 kg, depending on the variety.

Ezhemalina is characterized by a friendly return of fruits. Berry picking can be carried out for two weeks. The yield of raspberry, unlike its relative, is lower due to the compact size of its bushes. From one plant, you can collect from 3 to 5 kg of marketable fruits.

What is the difference between blackberry and blackberry

Blackberries, unlike raspberries, better tolerate transportation

Ripening dates for berries

The difference lies in the timing of the ripening of the crop. This is due to the fact that the growing season of blackberries is longer, unlike blackberries. Therefore, the berries begin to ripen on the bushes of the first crop no earlier than mid-July. But at the same time, they stay on the shoots for a long time, do not crumble.

In the raspberries, fruiting occurs a month after the start of flowering. Therefore, it is possible to feast on its berries, unlike a related shrub, already at the end of June-beginning of July, depending on the climatic conditions of the region. The fruits of the blackberry are prone to baking under the rays of the scorching sun. Therefore, it is recommended to harvest the crop in a timely manner.

Tastes of berries

You can also distinguish blackberries from blackberries by taste. In the first case, the berries are moderately sweet with pronounced sourness and slight astringency, despite the attempts made by breeders to develop varieties with a high sugar content in fruits.

Unlike blackberries, blackberries are characterized by higher taste qualities. Its berries are fragrant and sweet.

What is the difference between blackberry and blackberry

The tasting score of many varieties of blackberry is 4,6-4,8 points out of a possible 5

Disease and pest resistance

Plants also differ in their resistance to adverse external factors. Blackberries are more susceptible to diseases and pests. Any mistakes made in care significantly weaken her immunity.

Common problems when growing blackberries:

  1. Root cancer. As a result of the defeat, gall growths appear on the shoots and roots of the shrub. Initially they are green in color, then they become darker in color. The disease is not treatable.
    What is the difference between blackberry and blackberry

    Mechanical damage to shoots and roots increases the likelihood of developing root cancer

  2. Late blight. The disease causes root rot. Grows on heavy poorly drained soils.
    What is the difference between blackberry and blackberry

    Regular loosening of row spacing is an excellent prevention against late blight.

  3. Anthracnose. The disease is activated during the growth of young shoots. It appears as red-violet spots, which later turn gray. Then they dry out, cracks appear in problem areas.
    What is the difference between blackberry and blackberry

    Upright blackberry varieties are more likely to suffer from anthracnose

  4. Septoria. The disease affects the fruits, leaves and shoots of the shrub. Appears as rounded spots with a light center and brown edges.
    What is the difference between blackberry and blackberry

    Septoria leads to a decrease in frost resistance

  5. Powdery mildew. The disease develops in the first half of summer against the background of high temperature and humidity. Manifested by a white bloom on the leaves, which later becomes brown.
    What is the difference between blackberry and blackberry

    Powdery mildew interferes with photosynthesis

  6. Leaf rollers. These are mobile green caterpillars that feed on shrub leaves. Affected plates collapse.
    What is the difference between blackberry and blackberry

    Leaf rollers are activated in the first half of summer

  7. Marble shield. The pest attacks the blackberry during the formation of the ovary and the ripening of the fruit. This leads to their decay. The size of the marble shield is 12-17 mm. There may be a difference in the color of the pest, depending on the variety.
    What is the difference between blackberry and blackberry

    Marble stink bug exudes a specific smell when it senses danger

  8. Thrips. Small insects, up to 2 mm in size. Activated during the flowering period of the shrub. They feed on leaves and young shoots, making moves in them.
    What is the difference between blackberry and blackberry

    Thrips are carriers of viral diseases

Unlike blackberries, blackberries are highly resistant to diseases and pests. Its defeat is possible only with a close landing with other infected shrubs.

What do blackberries and blackberries have in common

Despite the differences between these plants, they have a lot in common. This is due to belonging to the same family and genus.

General properties of blackberry and blackberry

  • drupe fruits;
  • rich chemical composition of berries;
  • versatility of application;
  • biennial life cycle of shoots;
  • average level of frost resistance;
  • the need to tie to a support, pruning;
  • high ability to reproduce vegetatively.
Important! Only an experienced gardener can immediately distinguish these fruit bushes.


The difference between blackberry and blackberry is significant, but it becomes apparent only when comparing the main characteristics of crops. Therefore, when choosing seedlings, you need to pay attention to this. But regardless of the differences, both berries benefit human health, and therefore it is impossible to say unequivocally which one is better.

All about raspberries, blackberries and blackberries

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