What is the difference between a white egg and one with a dark shell?

What is the difference between a white egg and one with a dark shell?


The size of the eggs or their origin does not influence their nutritional properties or taste

How to tell if an egg is bad

What is the difference between a white egg and one with a dark shell?

There are many myths surrounding eggs: that if it is bad to eat one a day, that if cholesterol rises … but nothing could be further from the truth. With the egg we are faced with a food that provides us with many nutrients, as well as high quality proteins. «The egg is rich in proteins of high biological value, that is, contains all essential amino acids, and in quality fats. It also provides us with all the vitamins, except for vitamin C. It is very rich in vitamin E (antioxidant) and vitamin A “, explains dietician-nutritionist Lucía Rodríguez (@ lucianutricion.palencia). That is why we find a food that we must include in our diet on a regular basis.

The expert mentions the “bad reputation” attributed to it for its fat and cholesterol content: “It is true that the consumption of eggs increases cholesterol, but HDL, that is, good cholesterol, and reduces the risk of disease cardiovascular ». For her part, Sandra López (@nutrienredes), dietitian-nutritionist at Alimmenta, mentions other benefits for our health that eggs have, since the antioxidant action of some vitamins and trace elements of the egg help protect our body from degenerative processes such as cancer or diabetes, as well as cardiovascular diseases. “It is also one of the main sources of choline, an essential nutrient for the development and normal functioning of our body, as well as containing lutein and zeaxanthin, with protective effects against macular degeneration”, the nutritionist develops.

When asked how many eggs we can eat a week, Sandra López refers to the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition (SENC): they recommend the consumption of three or four eggs a week, in order to make room for other protein foods such as fish, seafood and white meat such as chicken, turkey or rabbit, also necessary in our diet.

We can find both dark and light shell eggs, as well as eggs of different sizes. Both nutritionists point out that there is no nutritional difference, neither between eggs of different color, nor in those of smaller or larger size.

Egg size

  • Small (S): less than 53 grams
  • Medium (M): between 53 and 63 grams
  • Large (L): between 63 and 73 grams
  • Super Large (XL): 73 grams or more

Another differentiation that we find in eggs is their origin and way of “raising”. We can determine this by looking at the “Barcode” on each egg printed. Lucía Rodríguez explains that, if we buy organic eggs, the first digit must be «0». The “1” indicates that the hens are free-range, the “2” that they are raised on the ground and the “3” in a cage.

If we talk about the organic eggsThese are those that come from chickens that have been raised in the open air and on land, as well as free-range chickens. “As far as animal feeding is concerned, the hens are fed with raw materials that come from organic farming and no chemicals are used (except those authorized by the regulation). In other words, the hens’ cycles and laying moments are respected, ”explains Lucía Rodríguez.

If we talk about whether any variety of egg is healthier than another, both nutritionists agree that tall eggs are the same. In itself, its consumption in general is recommended, and as Sandra López explains, it is said that it is better to prioritize organic or free-range varieties, “not only because of their possible nutritional or organoleptic differentiation, but also because of the contribution to humanize in greater degree of the food production chain ».

Also, the nutritionist comments that the objective quality of the egg is determined by its freshness: «It does not depend on the color of the shell or the yolk, the size or the production system: these are only subjective quality factors, which reflect preferences personal data of each consumer ». Your final recommendation, therefore, is buy only properly marked and labeled eggs, and store them in the refrigerator after purchase, to ensure freshness until the best before date.

How to tell if an egg is fresh

To check if an egg is fresh or not, nutritionist Lucía Rodríguez explains that we can do it putting the shell egg in a glass of water. “If the egg falls to the bottom, it is fresh,” he explains and adds that, in addition, when opening a fresh egg, “the white should not expand on the plate (it should be gelatinous and not liquid), and the color of the yolk It will be bright orange (the more intense the better) ».

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