To make moonshine at home, you will definitely need a device such as a distillation column.
When I first went to the store of moonshine stills, I was seriously surprised by the assortment of all kinds of equipment presented.
It was the columns that caught my attention the most. If other additives had approximately the same appearance, then the columns could be radically different.
The difference in size could reach up to 5-7 times. Then I began to wonder why this was so, and I was able to formulate the answer to my question only after I tried several different options.
Short column – pros and cons
For short columns, I include equipment up to 1 meter long. Many experienced moonshiners do not consider such options for their production at all. They may be right, but it should be noted that short columns have a number of advantages:
- Low cost (up to 3 rubles, depending on additional attachments).
- High performance in a short time. The best option for those who need quickly and a lot.
- Ease of assembly and dismantling. Most of these models are one-piece, so installing them on a cube is a matter of two minutes.
The quality of the resulting product really leaves much to be desired, since deep cleaning is out of the question. Using a short column, I distilled up to five times to get a quality drink.
Assortment of distillation columns in the store
But it was then that I thought that it was of high quality, in terms of the level of purification it was inferior to what I received at the outlet after repeated distillation on a long column.
Long column – pros and cons
The long column is also not without drawbacks. Firstly, it takes up a lot of space, and secondly, it is quite difficult to mount it on a cube and requires a lot of time. The consumption of water for cooling also increases, the overall heating of the room increases.
But, despite this, it is the long columns that most moonshine lovers use. Their choice is due to several reasons:
- Deep cleaning of the product.
- Possibility of modernization and automation of the column.
- A huge range of additional nozzles, which allows you to “play” and experiment.
The rate of distillation is, of course, greatly reduced. But after all, long columns are set up for the drop-by-drop selection of heads and tails. In most cases, a double run is sufficient to obtain a product of adequate purity.
How to determine the length
I can say one thing – if you want to make decent drinks for yourself and your loved ones, then it is better to give preference to a long column.
Yes, you will have to constantly spend time and effort on its assembly and disassembly, spend money on expensive equipment and pay significant utility bills, but it’s worth it. Saving on yourself and your health is a dubious prospect.
Short columns are often used for the preparation of household alcohol – for burners, for ignition and for medical purposes.
I often came across this equipment when traveling through the hinterland of Russia, in villages and small villages, where moonshine is not a drink, it is a currency. The more you got, the more you earned. Naturally, we are not talking about quality there.
Long models are much easier to modify
But length is not the only important parameter by which you should choose a column. It is also worth considering its diameter, declared performance and additional features.
I bought a column with the ability to install additional nozzles, even though I have never used them, but, in my opinion, it is better to always leave this option for yourself.
Parameters for choosing a distillation column
One of the main parameters when choosing a column is its diameter. On sale, I met equipment from 25 mm to 50. When choosing a column, you should focus on the initial data: the size of the cube, the method of heating it, the energy consumed.
The most important thing to consider is the heating power of the cube. As a rule, moonshiners use electric built-in heating elements, as they are easier to control and automate. The average calculations are as follows:
- power up to 1 kW – 25 mm;
- 1,5 kW – 32 or 38 mm;
- 2 kW and above – 50 mm or more (customized).
With regard to length, the long column, of course, greatly exceeds the short one in the most important criteria. However, you should not think that using a short one, you will not be able to get a product of relatively acceptable quality, just the distillation method will be different.
What columns do you use? Are you satisfied with your purchase or would you change something anyway?