What is the dash diet and how it can help you lose 10 kg

All the details of the method of losing weight, which helps not only to lose weight, but also to get rid of cardiovascular diseases.

A perfectly toned and sculpted body has always been in fashion, but in recent years, a real boom in a healthy lifestyle has begun. Everyone around them is losing weight, doing cardio workouts and proud of their success on Instagram. And in this cycle, the question always arises of choosing the perfect diet. Many nutritionists will tell you that there is no perfect diet, because it is better to stick to the classic food pyramid, and then you will definitely lose weight. However, there is a method of losing weight, which for several years in a row has taken the leading position among diets, according to the authoritative American news magazine US News & World Report. No wonder the principles of this technique are adhered to by Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Hudson.

In fact, this nutritional system was designed to treat hypertension and was first developed by the National Institute of Heart, Lung, and Blood Diseases in the 1990s. The fact that with the help of this diet you can lose weight and that it is suitable for people not only with high blood pressure, they learned only 20 years later. PubMed researchers found that people who followed the dash diet lost more pounds than those who followed other non-nutritive diets.

The Dash Diet is a flexible eating system, very much like a balanced diet. The priority is fish, lean meat, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, beans, nuts. Many nutritionists note that this diet does not prohibit the use of starches, which contain more carbohydrates (although most weight loss methods completely exclude them).

The only limitations are processed foods and excess intake of fats, sugars, and sodium

According to American scientists, processed foods (those that have gone through one or more stages of processing, such as sausage) account for 58 percent of the calories in a person’s daily diet. Needless to say that it is because of this that a person begins to gain excess weight? Probably not.

If you lead an active lifestyle, then you should eat no more than 2000 calories per day, which will consist of the following foods.

· Whole grains: 6-8 servings per day – this can be bread, spaghetti, porridge;

· Poultry and fish: 2 servings a day;

· Vegetables: 4-5 servings per day;

· Fruit: 4-5 servings per day;

· Low-fat dairy products: 2-3 servings per day;

· Fats and oils: 2-3 servings per day;

· Nuts, seeds, dry beans and peas: 4-5 servings per week (no more than 40 grams per serving);

Sodium: 2300 mg per day.

Breakfast: scrambled eggs, 2 slices of whole grain bread, a handful of berries, a small glass of fruit juice, coffee (you can even have a latte with skim milk).

Lunch: vegetable stew with a slice of boiled turkey fillet and brown rice.

Dinner: salmon fillet with broccoli and herbs, a slice of ciabatta, frozen low-fat yogurt as a dessert.

Don’t forget about snacks, they must be present in the diet. A handful of dried fruits, fresh fruit, low-fat yogurt, and nuts are perfect.

Since the diet involves the perfect combination of eight different food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products, meat / fish / poultry / eggs, nuts and seeds, fats, the body receives all the necessary trace elements.

Plus, you start to eat less salt, sugar and unhealthy fatty foods that cause high blood cholesterol. If you take into account medical research on the dash diet, then in four months you can safely lose 8-9 kilograms, provided that you play sports. Of course, the effect of the diet is not as quick as that of most radical methods, but it is natural and correct. And the lost pounds do not come back if you make such a diet a way of life.

And most importantly, prevention of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and stroke.

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