What is the danger of lack of sleep

Sleep is not only one of the most pleasant, but also one of the most useful functions of the body. True, only if it is a quality dream.

A dangerous enemy of the inhabitants of megacities is their excessive exposure. “The amount of night light in megalopolises interferes with normal and full sleep, which is unsafe for health,” says Pavel Valentinovich Koposov, doctor of medical sciences, oncologist. – In America, a number of studies were carried out: in cities where there are illuminated advertisements on the streets and where they are not. The results are staggering: studies have shown that in cities where light prevents people from sleeping, cancer is more common.

Oncology and insufficient sleep are interrelated. People who sleep in the dark produce enough melatonin. It is this hormone that regulates sleep and rest, protects DNA from damage and develops a stable immunity to cancer. Light at inopportune time disrupts human biorhythms. People who sleep with a night light, TV or any other light source increase the risk of developing cancer and other dangerous diseases. “

Melatonin is the “master” of sleep, it makes you fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning. To fall asleep, you need high levels of melatonin, which is produced in the dark, and in order to wake up, you need a decrease in this hormone. In the course of research, a very interesting detail was found. It turned out that retinal exposure affects the production of melatonin. This discovery is very important for office workers who sit all day in artificially lit offices under fluorescent lamps. They definitely need to go outside for at least 20 minutes every 2-3 hours in order to be nourished by the sun.

The importance of melatonin also lies in the fact that it is the precursor of the hormone of happiness – serotonin. When there is a sufficient amount of serotonin in the blood, the body experiences a sense of comfort, joy and happiness. According to nutritionists, it is possible to increase the level of melatonin, serotonin and tryptophan (a derivative of these substances) with the help of some products: figs, cherries, nuts, cottage cheese, oatmeal. Make a great breakfast by chopping and blending oatmeal, almonds, banana, and milk. It is satisfying, tasty, and very healthy.

Sleep in a dark room, with TVs turned off, night lights, no gadgets and chargers at the head of the bed – and then everything in your life will return to normal. It should be light during the day, dark at night. And the closer we are to this natural biological rhythm, the healthier and happier we will be.

Fact in the topic

Several studies have found that nurses who work the night shift have an increased risk of developing cancer, including cancer of the reproductive system (breast and ovary). This tendency was also noted among flight attendants.

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