What is the daily requirement for vitamin D and why do you need to supplement it in winter?
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Vitamin D, also known as the sun vitamin, is an important element for our body – mainly due to its wide spectrum of activity. Its positive effect – with previous regular supplementation – can be felt, among others. in autumn and winter, when it is much easier to catch even a runny nose. It is also important that our mood deteriorates with the advent of colder, shorter days. Can we fix it somehow?

The role of vitamin D3 for our body – why do you need to supplement it in winter?

It was once believed that the main role of vitamin D3 is its participation in the proper functioning of the calcium-phosphate metabolism. It is necessary for the absorption of calcium, stimulating osteoblasts (so-called osteogenic cells) and maintaining proper bone mineralization. It has also been shown that its normal level in the body is associated with greater muscle strength during exercise. People who train, but with hypovitaminosis (deficiency) D3, no longer achieve the same effects as those who train with the correct concentration of D3 in the body. Currently, more and more often talk about other properties of this vitamin, including about its beneficial effect on:

  1. the immune system;
  2. cardiovascular system;
  3. nervous system in the context of mood;
  4. lowering the risk of developing neoplastic diseases;
  5. reducing the risk of developing neurological diseases.

Hence – if its natural synthesis (with sunlight) is not possible – it is recommended to supplement it.

Important! In a temperate climate, it is difficult to obtain a constant synthesis of vitamin D3 – this is formed in our skin under the influence of sunlight, which is lacking in autumn and winter. Therefore, we can only ensure effective production from March / April to September, under the appropriate conditions. In the remaining months, supplementation is recommended.

Vitamin D3 – obligatory supplementation

In order for the skin synthesis of vitamin D3 to be effective, exposure to the sun’s rays should last at least 15 minutes each day, with a minimum exposure of 18%. body, without the use of protective filters. Sometimes, however, the spring and summer weather does not spoil and it is difficult to properly manufacture the element we need. People with office work, students and the elderly staying all day in a closed room are also at risk of vitamin D3 deficiency. In such a situation, supplementation will be recommended throughout the year.

Important! Even if it is high summer and plenty of sun, in the case of people working in closed offices, there is no effective skin synthesis of vitamin D3.

Why supplement with vitamin D3? Are proper diet and summer exposure not enough?

80 percent Vitamin D3 in our body comes from skin synthesis. The remaining 20 percent. our diet provides. The richest source of this element is primarily fish. Unfortunately, Poland is not a leading country in terms of their consumption. Fish appears on our table at most once a week and, in addition, they are usually poor in D3 species (e.g. popular cod).

Vitamin D3 content in selected foods:

Important! The decision on supplementation, as well as the recommended dose of vitamin D3, should be determined on the basis of examining the concentration of vitamin D3 in the body.

What is the daily requirement of vitamin D3?

In accordance with the current recommendations for supplementation and treatment with vitamin D (amendment 2018, published in “Postępy Neonatologii”; 24 (1)), the need to implement regular supplementation in the Polish population according to the following indications and doses has been adopted:

Term-born newborns and infants

  1. 0-6 months: 400 IU daily from the first days of life, regardless of the feeding method;
  2. 6-12 months: 400-600 IU per day depending on the daily amount of vitamin D taken with food;

Children (1-10 years old), adolescents (11-18 years old) and adults (19-65 years old)

  1. healthy children, spending time in the sun with uncovered forearms and lower legs for min. 15 minutes from 10.00 to 15.00 without sunscreen in the period from May to September do not require supplementation, although it is still recommended and safe;
  2. if the above conditions cannot be met, vitamin supplementation at a dose of 600-1000 IU per day (in children) and 800-2000 IU per day for adolescents and adults is recommended, depending on body weight and vitamin D supply in the diet, throughout year.

Seniors (> 65-75 years old,> 75 years old) and people with dark skin complexion

In this group, the effectiveness of skin synthesis, as well as absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and altered metabolism of vitamin D, may be reduced, therefore supplementation is recommended throughout the year. It is 800-2000 IU daily for the group> 65-75 and people with dark complexion and 2000-4000 IU daily for the group> 75 years old, depending on body weight and vitamin D intake in the diet.

Women during pregnancy and lactation

In this group, it is recommended to supplement with serum 25 (OH) D in order to maintain the optimal concentration in the range> 30-50 ng / ml. If determination is not possible, then vitamin supplementation at a dose of 2000 IU per day is recommended throughout pregnancy and lactation.

Important! The group to which the greatest attention should be paid is the obese group. In their case, the dose of supplemented vitamin needs to be doubled compared to the dose recommended in the same age group.

Supplements with vitamin D3 can be found in pharmacies and on the Internet – for example at https://www.doz.pl/apteka/k656-Witamina_D.

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