What is the cost of dental implants?

Implants are the best solution in the case of a missing tooth or a few teeth. Importantly, after putting them on, you get a very natural effect. The implant is a small, titanium screw intended to replace the tooth root in the bone. A porcelain or ceramic crown is placed on the screw, matching the shade to the remaining teeth.

What are implants?

A tooth implant is designed to rebuild the teeth lost by the patient. It differs from a traditional prosthesis in many ways. It should be remembered that a full or partial denture is removable and is only placed over the gums to fill in the gaps. The dentures are made of porcelain or acrylic and placed on an acrylic plate. In order to fix it well, it is necessary to use appropriate fixing creams or a properly prepared metal structure.

In turn, the implant is a small, titanium screw located in the jaw bone. Due to the fact that the screw is made of titanium, it does not corrode and does not interact with the human body. It replaces the root of the tooth and it is worth knowing that after a few months of inserting the implant, the screw begins to fuse with the bone. Only when this happens, the abutment and the tooth crown can be placed.

What types of tooth implants are there?

Dental implants are becoming more and more popular, thanks to which this field of dentistry is still developing. This allows patients to take advantage of a variety of opportunities. At the moment, there are two types of implants:

  1. titanium implants – they are made of titanium with high biocompatibility and durability. Titanium quickly fuses with the bone, which significantly affects the stability and durability of implants. A possible disadvantage of the implant is its color. Unfortunately, if the patient is not properly hygienic, the gum line can get lower. As a result, the metal part becomes visible. In addition, titanium may cause allergies in some people;
  2. zirconium implants – zirconium implants are made of zirconium oxide. They have a nice shade of ivory and properties that resemble those of natural tooth tissue. Zirconium implants are also durable and durable, and they fuse well with the bone tissue.

We can also divide implants due to the waiting time for the effects of the treatment. For this reason, we distinguish:

  1. single-phase implants – they are placed on the first visit, and the patient has a new tooth almost immediately;
  2. two-phase implants – they are used when the implantation of implants is not easy and requires more time. It happens mainly in people with severe missing teeth. The first stage is implant placement, and the second stage is placing the crown after the wound has healed.

Contraindications for dental implants. Check what to watch out for?

How is implant treatment?

The placement of implants is as follows:

  1. first visit – the doctor conducts an interview, checks the condition of the teeth and discusses the options for supplementing the gaps. Before starting treatment, a pantomographic X-ray of the teeth should be performed. Only on this basis, the doctor determines the treatment individually;
  2. implant placement – the implant is placed in the bone under local anesthesia, so it is a painless procedure. The treatment must be performed gently. The doctor provides the patient with the necessary recommendations after the procedure, which are not very different from those after other surgical procedures, e.g. tooth extraction;
  3. control visit – the visit takes place approx. 10-14 days after implantation;
  4. prosthetic restoration – after approx. 2-6 months after implantation, a prosthetic reconstruction is performed. In this case, crowns, bridges or dentures are put on.

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What are the indications for implant placement?

Implants are indicated for the treatment of people who do not have single teeth or do not have any teeth. The cause of missing teeth can be, among others:

  1. tooth extraction as a result of caries;
  2. failure to develop tooth buds;
  3. untreated periodontitis.

It should be remembered that due to missing teeth, bones disappear, which leads to malocclusion, contractions of the jaw muscles, headaches and even changes in the shape of the face. To prevent this from happening, you should have dental implants inserted, which are much more comfortable than traditional dentures.

Good to know: How many teeth does a person have?

Are dental implants safe?

Concerns about the safety of implants are quite common. However, it should be remembered that as much as 95% of implants do not fail after 5 years. A well-placed implant can serve the patient for life. To be absolutely sure, you should do all the necessary tests before placing your implants.

Proper oral hygiene has a great influence on the safety and durability of implants. Do not forget about it and thoroughly clean the interdental spaces and the teeth themselves. It is worth remembering not only about regular brushing, but also flossing and regular dental checkups.

The durability of the implants is also influenced by smoking. This addiction negatively affects the regeneration of the body, and therefore also the acceptance of the implant. So it’s a good idea to quit smoking.

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What are the contraindications for implant placement?

Unfortunately, not every case can benefit from implantological treatment. This form of treatment is very beneficial, but it is not suitable for everyone. The doctor always decides whether to qualify for treatment. The contraindications for implant placement include:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. age of the patient – implants can be inserted in adults whose bone development has already ended;
  3. parodontosis;
  4. diabetes;
  5. Cancer.

Implants should also not be implanted in the event of mucositis or mechanical injuries.

How much does implant placement cost?

The costs associated with implantation are very individual. The price is influenced by many factors, and the final cost depends on the type and quality of the materials used, technology, and the dentist’s experience.

The price of one screw is approx. PLN 1800. Further costs must be incurred for the subsequent elements. The connector costs about PLN 700, while the crown is about PLN 1000 (ceramic and metal costs about PLN 600, and ceramic – even PLN 1200). The price of the implant itself is about PLN 2000-3000 thousand. This price does not include any other services necessary for the implant placement.

Please note that any additional services, such as bone reconstruction, are charged extra, as are the necessary radiological tests.

Taking into account the above factors, the prices for placing implants range from 2000 to 7000 thousand per tooth.

Unfortunately, it should also be remembered that implant placement is not financed by the National Health Fund.

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