What is the correct way to carry out rehabilitation after an illness?

The issue of motor rehabilitation after a stroke is really relevant today. More and more people are affected by this disease. In today’s article we will talk about one of the ways to recover from an illness.

How to carry out rehabilitation correctly?

In the boarding houses https://mcss1.ru/reabilitation/, elderly people receive all the necessary medical care that is appropriate for their age. Based on the person’s current state of health, they select the optimal rehabilitation program not only for strokes, but for other diseases.

Therapeutic exercise

So, the main direction in such a situation is attending physical therapy classes, which should partially or fully restore the work of the musculoskeletal system, dexterity of movement in the limbs and balance.

During visits to special centers, in addition to kinesiotherapy, electrostimulation of the neuromuscular apparatus is often prescribed. Classes where biofeedback methods are used are compulsory. You can start attending classes from the first days after the trouble, the main thing is that the person is conscious and, of course, with the permission of the attending physician.

Passive gymnastics

To begin with, passive gymnastics is used. It can also be done at home, since all movements are performed by an outside person. If relatives do not have enough time for this, you can always find a nurse who will perform such manipulations for you.

In parallel, it is necessary to control the pulse and pressure, making short pauses for rest. A little later, the exercise cycle becomes more difficult. The patient is seated and taught to do it independently. If the patient has expressed paresis (movement disorder), then before the first steps, an imitation is performed in a lying or sitting state.

The first standing takes place with the support of a methodologist, after which it is done independently, leaning on metal handrails. The main thing is to learn how to evenly distribute everything on both the affected and healthy legs.

Rehabilitation – we begin to walk

After this, the process of learning to walk after a stroke begins. To begin with, we walk on the spot, then within the ward and eventually in the corridor or on the street. This is done using a special support frame until it is no longer needed. We gradually increase the distance and walking speed by adding obstacles, for example, stairs.

Self-service recovery processes also need to be carried out in stages. For starters, it is self-nutrition and hygiene, after changing clothes and using the bathroom. For the latter, it is necessary to equip the room, install additional handrails and supports.

As soon as these stages are passed, we begin to involve the patient in household chores and a gradual return to work.

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