What is the cause of the squeaking in the ears?

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Why do you hear strange squeals in your ears? Is something in the ear responsible for the squeaking in the ears? Should any diagnostic tests be performed? Does squeaking in the ears require an ENT appointment? The question is answered by the drug. Katarzyna Darecka.

What are the causes of squeaking in the ears?

Hello, I am a man, I am 44 years old, I have no major health problems, I undergo regular preventive examinations. For some time, however, I have been tormented and disturbed by the strange squeaking in the ears. Squeaking in the ears occurs in different situations and is sudden, it is also short-lived and disappears without a trace. Sometimes it gets me at work, talking to someone, and sometimes in the car, listening to music while driving. I would like to emphasize that I have no hearing problems. I have done all the tests and my listening is correct.

Only this squeaking in my ears worries me and is a bit annoying. Whether the cause of squeaking in the ears there may be a problem with something in the ear? The squeaking is not accompanied by earache, nor is it accompanied by a headache. As mentioned before, the squeaking occurs suddenly and usually stops quickly. Should I do any specialized tests? Visit an ENT specialist? I had my last tests for normal hearing quite a long time ago, but I cannot say that anything has worsened. I hear correctly, I have no problem understanding a conversation or even a whisper. So I wonder what is the cause of the squeaking in the ears?

Your doctor advises you about the causes of squeaking in your ears

The exact cause of squeaking in the ears is not fully understood and understood. Usually, squeaking in the ears is associated with hearing impairment or loss, associated with damage to the inner ear, most often associated with the natural aging process or as a result of exposure to noise. We are then talking about neurosensory hearing loss. The cause of hearing impairment can also be conductive, i.e., obstruction or obstruction of the pathway through which sound waves normally reach the ear, i.e., diseases of the outer and middle ear.

Other ENT causes of squeaking in the ears include perforation of the eardrum, otitis ex. exudative otitis media, otosclerosis, Meniere’s disease, or vestibulocochlear schwannoma.

Systemic causes of squeaking in the ears include head and neck injuries, cardiovascular diseases, in particular hypertension, endocrine disorders, e.g. hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, ototoxic drugs, the side effects of which may be hearing disorders (some antibiotics, e.g. gentamicin, streptomycin, neomycin; anticancer drugs: carboplatin, cisplatin, oxaliplatin; very high doses of loop diuretics, high doses of antimalarial drugs).

It is worthwhile before visiting an ENT specialist if you have a suspicion that the cause of tinnitus in the ear and the feeling of its clogging is there wax plug, for a few days, give dedicated ear drops to help dissolve the wax plug. Perhaps, without the intervention of a doctor, the plug will fall out by itself during the bath, but if it does not, the drops will help to dissolve the plug so that it can be removed more easily.

To extract the wax plug, the doctor usually injects a syringe with warm water into the ear, which should rinse the plug from the ear. Do not use ear buds to remove the earwax plug yourself, this may cause it to sit deeper, the plug becomes heavier to remove, and may even damage the eardrum.

If the squeaking in the ears is bothersome and frequent, it is worth contacting the ENT specialist – he will collect a detailed interview, examine with an otoscope and if he does not see the ear wax plug or other abnormalities of the outer ear and the eardrum, he will order other additional tests, including a hearing test and based on it will draw conclusions and diagnose.

– Lek. Katarzyna Darecka

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  1. ጆሮየን በጥፊ ተመትቸ ነዉ ከዚያ ብሆላ ጩከቱ አያቆርጥም ነገር ግን የመስማት ችግር የለብኚም ጩከቱ ግን ሁለየም ይጮሀል

  2. ጆሮዬ ውስጥ በጣም ይጮሀል ከጀመረኝ 7 ወር ሆነው ።አሰማለሁ ከጆሮ ውስጥ የሚወጣ ነጫጭ ፈሳሽ ነገር አመጣ ቅርብ ጊዜ ግን ማታ ማታ ይጮህብኛል ።ነርብ ሊሆን ይችል ይሆን እባክዎ መፍትሄ ፈልጉልኝ

  3. ብዙ ጊዜ ቀን እና ማታ ይጫህብኛል ጃሮዬ አንቅልፈም ይነሳኛል ታክምም እልታሻለኝም መፍትሄ ሰጠኝ

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