What is the blood sugar standard in adults?

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What is the norm for blood sugar for an adult? What sugar level should you be concerned about? Does high blood sugar clearly indicate diabetes? The question is answered by the drug. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski.

What is the blood sugar standard for an adult?

Hello and welcome. I am 34 years old, I am a man. My family has had diabetes, my father, among others, has diabetes, but it is a condition that affects many members of my family. So I decided to buy a glucose meter to monitor my blood sugar level on an ongoing basis (I note that I have not had any health problems related to diabetes so far).

However, I would like to ask what it is like blood sugar norm in adults? I was looking for information on this topic on the internet, but unfortunately I found different information on different websites. If the meter shows me blood sugar level exceeding 100 mg / dL are these reasons for concern?

And whether it is a sign of diabetes right away, or maybe such a blood sugar level in adults may appear, for example, after eating too much sweet things (I try to avoid them). What is the blood sugar standard in adults? Does it depend on gender and age, or is it a constant number? And can different meters measure sugar in different ways or will the result always be the same?

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Your doctor will give you the correct fasting glucose

Dear sir, it is assumed that an adult is correct fasting glucose is 70-99 mg / dL. If the concentration is higher, it is already a disturbing condition, but it does not immediately mean diabetes. A fasting glucose concentration between 100 and 125 mg / dL indicates impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and is a pre-diabetes condition. IFG is an indication for an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), also called glucose load test.

OGTT consists of consuming 75 g of glucose and then measuring the glucose after 120 minutes. If after two hours the glucose level is 140-199 mg / dL, it is called impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), which, as well as impaired fasting glucose, is a prediabetes mellitus. If the glucose concentration exceeds 200 mg / dl, then diabetes is diagnosed. In addition to OGTT, diabetes can also be diagnosed in other ways. If the patient presents symptoms such as polyuria, increased thirst, drowsiness, weakness or weight loss, and the random glucose concentration (i.e. not fasting) is more than 200 mg / dl, then diabetes mellitus can also be diagnosed.

We also recognize diabetes if, in at least two different measurements (measurements on different days), the glucose concentration is 126 mg / dl or more. As I wrote above, IGT and IFG are pre-diabetes, which means that if the patient does not change his lifestyle, he will most likely develop diabetes. Pre-diabetes generally does not require pharmacological treatment and, as I mentioned, lifestyle changes. You should take care of a healthy diet and regular physical activity. In the event of repeated abnormal glucose levels, an urgent visit to the GP is required.

– Lek. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski

To support the blood sugar regulation processes, reach for DuoLife ProSugar – a dietary supplement for regulating blood sugar levels. You will get similar benefits by using DO! Active DOUBLE PACK – a daily dose of B vitamins. In addition, you will take care of the immune and nervous systems, as well as improve the condition of your hair, skin and nails.

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