What is the best blanket: swan down or bamboo

What is the best blanket: swan down or bamboo

For bedding, various fillers are used with different characteristics. What is a swan down blanket made of and why is it so popular? Lightweight and practically weightless material has the properties of natural down products, but at the same time it is made artificially. You can evaluate its advantages by examining the disadvantages and comparing with other options.

The swan down blanket is warm and light

Benefits and Cons of Swan Down Blankets

Of course, no one plucks birds to get a blanket. It contains a special microfiber treated with silicone. This provides the product with strength and durability. With a small thickness, it turns out to be extremely warm and soft. But many reviews of blankets note that swan down has several disadvantages:

  • Its breathability is very low. This material does not “breathe”, and therefore in a warm room can cause overheating of the body.
  • Electric charges accumulate on the surface of the material. To prevent the blanket from electrifying, it must be treated with an antistatic agent.
  • The canvas poorly absorbs moisture, has a low hygroscopicity.

If the filler in the blanket rolls into lumps and begins to break through, it means that the technologies were not followed during the production of the blanket. This product is a cheap fake.

Which blanket is better to choose: bamboo or swan down

When choosing between these fillers, the decision will be ambiguous and depends on individual preferences. There are qualities that both products have. They are hypoallergenic, caring for them is not difficult, and they serve for a very long time. These blankets are antiseptic and kill harmful microbes. But some of the advantages of one material relate to the disadvantages of another:

  • Bamboo filler absorbs moisture well and allows air to pass through, neutralizes static electricity.
  • It is made from natural cellulose and is environmentally friendly.
  • The honey pectin contained in it works well on the skin.
  • But swan down is warmer and very light.
  • The price of artificial filler is slightly lower.

Both duvets are good for the off season. In winter, in a cool and dry environment, swan’s down is preferable. On the other hand, if the room is warm, it is better to use a bamboo blanket that can regulate the temperature.

Swan down filler is used for bedding for adults and children. With its low cost and a lot of positive properties, such a blanket will be ideal for a summer residence and an apartment, and if you buy an additional bamboo blanket, sleep will be comfortable at any temperature.

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