What is the acceptance crisis and why does it happen after 40

What is the acceptance crisis and why does it happen after 40


The acceptance movement is a line of work that every day gains more followers

What is the acceptance crisis and why does it happen after 40

When the barrier of 40 is passed, many women have personal acceptance problems, both on the physical and mental planes. In addition, due to the circumstances experienced, this difficult stage is joined by stress and anguish caused by the consequences of the pandemic.

Verónica Rodríguez, psychologist and director of the Coaching Club, comments that one of the direct consequences of the pandemic is that “The body has taken a back seat”. She argues that in this age of social distancing, stress, teleworking and less movement, these peculiarities “provoke in women a feeling of disconnection from herself”, to which we must add the crisis of accepting ourselves as we are. “Accepting ourselves is not the same as resigning ourselves,” recalls the professional.

The pandemic, says the psychologist, has revealed some personal cycles that have to do on the one hand with physical appearance, and on the other with the passage of age, that is: loneliness, the change of life stage that is given by the growth of the children, or the old age of the parents. Likewise, confirms the professional, the number of women who come to therapy overwhelmed by the burden and the cultural weight of not having a partner or of not having been a mother.

Acceptance movement

«The acceptance movement is a line of work that is gaining more followers every day. Self-esteem is promoted, whether you have the size you have, you have straight or curly hair, whether you are tall or short, or whether you have decided to go waxed or not, ”explains Verónica Rodríguez, who affirms that hair removal is also promoted. self-support in those decisions that are not in tune with cultural mandates: being single, divorced or not being a mother. “Above all, the acceptance of the way of life is promoted as a mechanism that enhances change,” he sums up.

“When we have low self-esteem we feel less than others,” warns the professional, who comments that this can make us feel unmotivated, avoid doing things or even do without having social relationships. “All this makes our life not fully satisfactory,” he says.

The tyranny of the ‘perfect body’

The psychologist affirms that there is a tyranny over the body and aesthetics that has generated symptomatic discomfort. “What they will say has done more damage than is believed,” he assures. To combat it, as a response to this acceptance crisis, the movement called ‘body positive’ has emerged, which defends that any body is beautiful regardless of its size, shape or skin color. «The ‘body positive’ promotes all kinds of positive emotions and tries to develop self-esteem and self-image. It teaches us to love ourselves inside and out and also teaches us to accept our shortcomings », says the professional.

“Although it is a movement that has begun to settle especially among young people, especially in the female profile, it is gaining momentum among middle-aged women who are currently leading various groups with these themes,” concludes Verónica Rodríguez.

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