What is stone therapy

Who knows English, he is aware that stone (stone) is translated as “stone”. Then it turns out that stone therapy is stone treatment? But it is difficult to imagine how a stone can play the role of a medicine. Nevertheless, in many modern beauty salons and alternative medicine clinics, clients are offered sessions of stone therapy, which allegedly has amazing properties for the body.

To understand what stone therapy really is – one of the forms of treatment or quackery, you need to figure out what this practice is, what types of stones can claim the title of “medicine”, and then decide whether it is worth spending time and money on stone treatment .

What’s this

Stone therapy is not a new trend at all, as it might seem. This practice was used thousands of years ago in various ancient cultures to treat many diseases. [1]. The benefits of massage with polished to a shine and well-heated stones were known even by the ancient Egyptians and the inhabitants of Tibet. Chronicles testify that the ancient Chinese in 2000-1500 BC. e. used heated minerals to relax muscles and improve the functioning of internal organs [2]. By the way, the members of the imperial family were massaged only with green jadeite. And Japanese monks in ancient times tied several warm pebbles to their stomachs in order to maintain a feeling of satiety longer. And even the indigenous tribes of America also treated muscle pain with the help of stones heated in the sun. In general, in the traditions of many peoples, stones were used to relieve pain, they were used in various rituals, and they also believed that if you always carry a certain mineral with you, you can improve your health and protect yourself from diseases.

Today, there are many methods of treatment using stones. But what today is called classical stone therapy is a variant of the healing practice used in Chinese medicine. This technique was adapted to modern needs at the end of the twentieth century by the American cosmetologist and massage therapist Mary Nelson Hannigan. [3].

That is, stone therapy is a type of massage that is done with the help of cold and hot stones of different weights. During the procedure, the specialist acts on certain points and energy channels on the client’s body, which help improve the functioning of a particular body system. Stones for the procedure are selected in a special way. It is believed that different breeds will be needed to treat different types of diseases. In addition, orthodox stone therapists are convinced that it is important to choose stones for massage according to their shape: it should resemble that part of the body or organ that requires treatment.

Benefits of stone therapy

Proponents of alternative medicine believe that stone therapy is especially useful for diseases such as:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • disturbances in the work of the pancreas;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • angina pectoris;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • vascular dystonia;
  • bulimia;
  • anorexia;
  • sleep disorders.

It is also believed that after the procedure, the amount of endorphins in the body increases – chemical compounds that are responsible for a good mood, which makes it possible to consider stone therapy as one of the methods for treating depression.

In cosmetology, with the help of stone therapy sessions, they try to fight the aging process of the body. It is believed that “stone” procedures help:

  • improve skin tone and elasticity;
  • contribute to the cleansing of pores;
  • accelerate the removal of toxins from the body;
  • improve lymph flow;
  • eliminate stagnation of blood in the veins;
  • treat cellulite.

Stone massage experts say that this technique is unique, as it allows you to influence the human body in terms of 5 important aspects:

  1. A person is directly affected by the energy of the stone itself.
  2. There is a reflex effect, which is created by alternately pressing on the bioactive points on the body.
  3. There is a mechanical effect – by kneading the tissues with your hands.
  4. There is a deep thermal effect – through the use of cold and hot stones.
  5. It turns out that vibration massage is achieved by tapping stones against each other.

Types of stone therapy

In ancient times, the selection of minerals for massage was approached with particular scrupulousness. Now this is treated a little easier, although some rules still need to be followed. In particular, in order for the therapy to give the expected effect, it is necessary at least to understand which stones to use – warm or cold.

Hot Stone Massage

For this procedure, choose flat and smooth stones that can retain heat. They are lubricated with an aromatic mixture and heated to 54-62 ° C, after which they are placed on the body in the area of ​​​​massage points. As a rule, warm stones are laid out along the spine, on the stomach, chest, on the palms, and also between the toes. Warm minerals create a deep heating of tissues, including muscles and bones. The procedure is often combined with a manual massage technique. This type of stone therapy induces deep relaxation and brings the patient into a meditative state.

The effect of heat on the human body:

  • causes dilation of blood vessels;
  • enhances blood circulation;
  • provokes more intense sweating;
  • causes shortness of breath.

Short-term exposure to warm stones causes:

  • muscle relaxation;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • expansion of the peripheral vessels of the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

Prolonged exposure to warm stones causes:

  • increased sweating;
  • relaxation of smooth muscles;
  • activation of the parasympathetic nervous system (responsible for relaxation);
  • decrease in heart rate;
  • soothing breathing;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • general relaxation and sedation, up to falling asleep.

Benefits of this massage:

  1. Relieves pain.

In principle, most types of massage create an analgesic effect. But if we talk about stone therapy using heated stones, then due to heat it affects the deeper layers of muscles, so this procedure relieves tension in muscles, tendons and ligaments better and faster. [4].

  1. Improves blood circulation.

Poor circulation can make you feel tired and lead to a buildup of lactic acid and fluid in your muscles. Exposure to heated stones promotes vasodilation, which in turn activates blood circulation. As a result, muscle cells receive more oxygen, which alleviates pain and other unpleasant sensations in the tissues. In addition, massage according to the oriental method involves the impact on certain points that contribute to the restoration of the body, the removal of toxins from it, as well as increasing human activity.

  1. Relieves stress.

Massage is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress. The procedure with the use of heated minerals not only helps to relax and calm down, but also has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body. Chinese stone massage therapists are sure that this kind of therapy helps to cope with anxiety disorders, improve the state of the cardiovascular system and prevent hypertension, which can occur due to stress.

  1. Promotes good sleep.

Tension, restlessness, discomfort or soreness in the body impairs the quality of a night’s rest. But these problems can be avoided thanks to stone therapy, which ultimately contributes to a better night’s rest. [5].

  1. Improves overall health.

The symptoms of some autoimmune and chronic diseases can be tried to alleviate with the help of stone massage. The procedure has the most noticeable positive effects in diseases associated with muscles and nervous tissue. Hot stone massage also helps to normalize the amount of the hormone arginine vasopressin, which regulates blood pressure and water retention in the body. [4]. And thanks to proper blood circulation, toxins are removed from the body faster, immunity is strengthened.

Cold stone massage

Although lesser known, cold stone massage is also effective for relaxation and health promotion. In particular, cold stone therapy helps with headaches and sinus diseases. For the procedure, small smooth stones are usually used, the temperature of which is significantly lower than room temperature (it can be from +10 to 0 ° C).

The effect of cold on the human body:

  • activates the processes of tissue metabolism;
  • provokes the release of adrenal and thyroid hormones, which enhances heat generation;
  • causes contraction of blood vessels;
  • reduces blood flow to the skin;
  • the surface of the body gives off less heat, keeping its reserves in the deep layers.

The result of short-term exposure to cold stones:

  • increased cellular metabolism;
  • expansion of the coronary vessels;
  • accelerated breathing;
  • increased heart rate;
  • weakening of the peristalsis of the digestive organs;
  • decrease in sweating.

The result of prolonged exposure to cold:

  • activation of the parasympathetic nervous system;
  • outflow of blood from internal organs;
  • the breakdown of brown fat in the body begins;
  • the breakdown of glycogen stores in the liver is activated.

Benefits of this massage:

  1. Relieves symptoms of sinusitis.

Sinusitis can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection, an autoimmune disease, or an allergy. Also, this condition can occur due to a deviated septum or other structural abnormalities, polyps, or even a dental infection. Sinusitis is usually accompanied by headaches, fever, swelling, and pain around the eyes, ears, or teeth. There are different methods of treatment of this disease, one of them is stone therapy. Cooled stones are placed on the forehead and around the eyes. In this case, exposure to cold helps to relieve swelling and facilitate breathing through the nose.

  1. Elimination of headache.

The use of cold therapy constricts blood vessels and reduces inflammation, which is why cold stone massage is considered useful for headaches. [6]. In addition, the cold creates a slight freezing effect, which also helps to dull the pain.

  1. Relief of pain from injuries.

Massage with cold minerals has an effect similar to compresses used to relieve pain after an injury. Cold stone therapy temporarily slows down blood flow, and also affects the inflammatory process and the functioning of the nervous system, which ultimately helps to slightly relieve pain caused, for example, by sprains or bruises.

  1. Improves mood.

Stone therapy using cold is a good way to relieve stress, eliminate anxiety, increase concentration and even improve mood.

Using hot and cold stones at the same time

In many cases, stone therapy procedures are carried out with the simultaneous use of cold and hot stones. Warm minerals in contact with the body cause the expansion of blood vessels, and cold – the opposite effect. Their alternation creates an effect akin to a contrast shower, which improves blood circulation and helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

What types of stones are used for massage

The effectiveness of stone therapy largely depends on the correct choice of material for the procedure. So for a hot stone massage, it is important to choose those that are able to retain heat for a long time. For cold massage, minerals are chosen, the physical characteristics of which, on the contrary, do not allow them to heat up quickly. Rough stones are used for deep cleansing of the skin and detoxification of the body. Smooth ones are chosen when the main goal of the procedure is relaxation. It is also believed that polished stones are more effective in the treatment of headaches, to increase immunity, accelerate metabolic processes in the body, and also to relieve fatigue.

Types of stones for stone therapy:

  1. igneous rocks.

This is a group of rocks that formed from molten magma. The most commonly used igneous rock by massage therapists is basalt. The color of basalt stones depends on their chemical composition. But most often they are black, gray or green. This breed is characterized by a high content of iron and silicon dioxide, which allows it to retain heat excellently. Thanks to this characteristic, igneous stones are successfully used for hot massages. Basalt is a rather heavy material, rough in natural conditions. Therefore, for massage purposes, it is usually ground and adjusted to sizes and shapes that are convenient for massage.

  1. Sedimentary rocks.

Sedimentary rocks are formed on the surface of the earth’s crust due to physical and chemical influences (precipitation from water, weathering, the influence of microorganisms and thermodynamic conditions). These are well-known sandstones and limestone rocks. In stone therapy, sea stones are most often used. Sandstone and limestone retain heat well, therefore they are used mainly for hot procedures. In addition, sea stones can form from coral and plant deposits. Such stones are distinguished by a rich mineral composition, therefore they are considered more useful.

  1. metamorphic rocks.

When pre-existing rocks are exposed to hot magma and the pressure resulting from tectonic shifts, new materials are formed – metamorphic rocks. In other words, these are modified igneous or sedimentary rocks.

Stones of this category are used by massage therapists for cold stone therapy. Usually, marble, slate or jade are chosen for procedures, which are easily cooled and hold their temperature for a long time. Stones in this category are always amenable to careful grinding and shaping.

  1. Minerals and gems.

Some spas use gemstones or minerals instead of metamorphic stones for stone therapy. In such cases, the choice is often determined by the healing properties that are attributed to the breed. The most popular in this regard are amethyst, topaz, obsidian, tourmaline and various types of quartz. But such materials as diamond, pearl, garnet and turquoise, as a rule, are used by specialists working with the client’s chakras. It is believed that the stones of this group are able to charge a person with vital energy. In addition, experts select the type of stones for the type of disease. For example, lapis lazuli is commonly used to treat inflammation. With suppuration, ulcers and skin diseases – amber. To improve skin tone – pearls. Diamond helps to slow down aging, remove wrinkles and sagging. And for good relaxation, masters use rock crystal.

What does the stone therapy procedure look like?

When a person first hears about stone therapy, most likely, he immediately recalls popular advertising photos of spa salons, which depict girls whose bodies are lined with polished black stones in even lines. But this is not the only technique used in stone therapy. Depending on the technique, from 2 to 60 stones can be involved in the procedure.

  1. Combined massage technique with hands and stones.

In this case, the stones are used as a tool for massage. There may be from 2 to 10. During the procedure, direct contact of the stone with the skin may be absent – in order to avoid burns [7]. If the client does not suffer from allergies, aromatic oils can also be used to enhance the beneficial effects of the massage.

  1. Massage exclusively with stones.

This type of stone therapy is a kind of symbiosis of acupressure and heating pads. During the procedure, heated stones are applied to certain points on the body. For example, with cholelithiasis and cholecystitis, heat is applied to the spine. With angina pectoris, warm stones are placed on the left collarbone. For the treatment of urinary incontinence, heat is placed on the upper sacrum. During this procedure, the master can use about 60 stones. The classic set is 20 marble and 40 basalt.

The duration of one stone therapy session is about 60 minutes. But in order to achieve a visible cosmetic or therapeutic effect, the procedure is advised to take courses.

What you need to know before the procedure

People often underestimate the effect of massage on the body. Nevertheless, the massage therapist should be chosen as carefully as the doctor. An incorrectly performed procedure (too intense or too soft, pressing on the wrong points) can cause unpleasant side effects. If this is a manual massage, then after incorrect manipulations, a pinched nerve may occur, and after poor-quality stone therapy, you can get burns or even more severe inflammation. Hence the first rule of stone therapy: the procedure should be carried out by an experienced specialist.

It is also important to pay attention to how clean the salon or clinic adheres to the rules. All items that will come into contact with the client’s body must be disinfected. Do not forget: a fungal disease and all kinds of infections are transmitted very easily.

In addition, heavy meals should be avoided immediately before and after the procedure. On the contrary, after the massage it is necessary to drink plenty of pure water. Stone therapy improves lymph flow, and in order for toxins to be easily removed from the body, it is necessary to maintain hydration at the proper level.

Contraindications for stone therapy

Stone therapy, like other types of massage, can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Before deciding on the procedure, it is important to find out what contraindications there are for stone massage.

First of all, the procedure is contraindicated during fever and infectious diseases. Also, you should not go for a massage in the presence of cuts or other skin lesions – there is a risk of infection [8]. Stone therapy may be contraindicated after a recent operation, pregnant women, people with cancer, varicose veins, heart disease, in the presence of edema, as well as people with reduced pain sensitivity (for example, with paralysis).

Humanity has believed in the mysterious power of stones since ancient times. They were used in magic and healing. Even today, amulets for happiness are made from minerals, and some are convinced that the energy of a stone can affect the well-being and even the character of a person. But even those who do not believe in the mystical power of minerals are convinced that stone therapy is a great way to relax and improve the functioning of the whole organism.

Sources of
  1. ^ Davidson, Tish (2005). The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. 4 (2nd ed.). Detroit: Gale. pp. 1930-1932 978–0787649999. ISBN XNUMX-XNUMX.
  2. ↑ Davidson, Tish (2014). The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. 4 (4 ed.). Detroit: Gale. pp. 2301–2302.
  3. ↑ LeCain W. Smith, 2014. – Our Inner Ocean: A World of Healing Modalities.
  4. ↑↑ Healthline. – What Are the Health Benefits of a Hot Stone Massage?
  5. ↑ Cathy Wong, Verywell Health, 2019. – What to Expect During a Hot Stone Massage.
  6. ↑ Wildflower Canmore, 2017. – Cold Stones Massage.
  7. ↑ Wikipedia. – Stone massage.
  8. ↑ Nicole Galan, Medical News Today, 2017. – Five benefits of hot stone massage therapy.

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