Even a child knows that spinach is healthy and valuable. Recently, however, it turned out that this vegetable can also be a cure for overweight. Who shouldn’t eat spinach? Does spinach help you lose weight? Does spinach help you lose weight? What kind of vitamins in spinach? Is spinach healthy? Is spinach good in your diet?
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In this article you will learn, among others:
- Is spinach healthy?
- What kind of vitamins in spinach?
- Does spinach help you lose weight?
- Who shouldn’t eat spinach?
Is spinach healthy?
It is one of the most-bought frozen vegetables, its consumption is growing at a dizzying pace. Every year Poles buy nearly 7,5 thousand. tons of spinach in stores. This is a very good trend. Spinach has a whole list of health-promoting properties:
1. It contains a lot of iron (2,8 mg per 100 g), although non-heme, and therefore less digestible, but thanks to the presence of vitamin C, we will still get a large amount of this valuable element for ourselves. Karolina Łąkowska, a nutritionist, writes about increasing the absorption of iron. In addition, spinach is helpful in the production of red blood cells.
What kind of vitamins in spinach?
2. It is a source of iodine, manganese, calcium, potassium, vitamin B and vitamins E, K and beta-carotene. As a result, it increases immunity, regulates blood pressure and lowers cholesterol.
3. There is a wealth of antioxidants that they are sweeping free radicals, thus protecting the body against aging, cell destruction and memory loss.
4. It contains a lot of folic acid, which primarily prevents fetal malformations, which we write about in the article on the future mother’s diet. Interestingly, scientists associate folate deficiency with the occurrence of psychiatric problems. It works by lowering the levels of serotonin in the brain, which in turn causes memory problems, increased sleepiness and nervousness. Improvement is already observed with a daily consumption of 100 g of spinach – 220 mg of folic acid.
Who shouldn’t eat spinach?
Today, however, we were not supposed to talk about the health benefits of spinach. It turns out that this seemingly simple vegetable specializes not only in protecting against diseases. We can also count on it in the case of overweight and obesity. Scientists from Lund University in Sweden assure that the compound found in spinach, namely TYLCOID, increases the effectiveness of the reduction diet by as much as 43 percent. Most likely, this action is due to the ability to inhibit hunger (some sources say that even by 95%). Thylakoid blocks the breakdown of fat from the meal in the intestines and slows down digestion.
Does spinach help you lose weight?
The research is still ongoing and it seems that the slimming effect can only be achieved after crushing, filtering and blending the leaves in order to release thylakoid from the cells. One thing is for sure – spinach for most of us has the same health. And if, in addition to prevention and treatment, it takes care of our figure, it will become an ideal addition to cocktails, soups, casseroles or pasta.
Main photo is from: Photo credit: / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)
Photo from text is from: Photo credit: Plat / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)
Do you eat spinach often? What are your favorite spinach recipes? Or maybe you choose a spinach cocktail? Share with us in the comments!
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