I have seen Beluga vodka many times in the store. She attracted attention not only with a stylish design, but also with a price – more than 1000 rubles! My good friend and I once argued whether this alcohol is so good.
But buying a bottle and trying it yourself is not our method. Therefore, I, taking advantage, so to speak, of the position, asked my subscriber Ivan R. to taste this drink and tell us all about it. If your opinion differs from Ivan’s, then I’m waiting for you in the comments. The truth is always in the middle!
Information from the history of the brand and product description
Vodka “Beluga”, or Beluga in the original, is a product of the almost eponymous company Beluga Group, formed in 1999.
And this product is produced at the Mariinsky distillery (St. Petersburg), built back in 1990. Under the name Beluga, several types of alcoholic beverages are produced:
- Beluga Noble vodka is a classic product in the family;
- vodka Beluga Celebration – a special series released in honor of the anniversary of the Mariinsky Distillery;
- vodka Beluga Transatlantic Racing – a limited edition in honor of the Russian yachting team, which has won many victories in prestigious competitions and world championships;
- vodka Beluga Transatlantic Racing Navy Blue – the design is stylized as the blue of sea water and directs you to thoughts about the sea and sailing;
- Beluga Allure vodka is a collection series released in honor of the Russian equestrian polo team that won the most significant world competitions;
- Beluga Gold Line vodka is a limited edition in which each bottle has a unique number, released for true connoisseurs of luxury;
- Beluga Epicure by Lalique vodka is a joint product of Russian vodka producers and French crystal makers, which comes in a magnificent crystal decanter.
I will tell you about the classic Beluga Noble vodka. It, according to the manufacturer, is made from high-quality malt alcohol and the purest water raised from an artesian well.
Appearance of the drink
Vodka is bottled in glass bottles with a capacity of 0,375 to 1,0 liters. True, I saw liter packaging only in the Duty Free store of one of the international airports. There I bought it for 15 euros.
But just the other day I went to Bristol near my house and saw such an action there. On average, the cost of a bottle of 0,5 liters is about 1000 rubles.
The chic design of the bottle itself, and even placed in a gift cardboard box, is not a shame to give such vodka. A small metal fish glued to the label, apparently, gave the name to vodka.
Do not forget about the image of the beluga on the lid.
What can I say, beautiful!
As befits a classic vodka, it is completely transparent and colorless. With strong cooling in the freezer to -18 ° C, the drink becomes viscous, almost like glycerin. In combination with a frosty fish on the bottle, it looks great.
In general, the appearance of the drink made a very pleasant impression on me. He deserves that price. But the taste of vodka remained. I’ll do a tasting.
Flavour and Fragrance
The taste of vodka, according to the promises of sellers from online stores in which I read reviews, should be soft with hints of honey in taste and vanilla in aroma.
However, with strong cooling, no notes were detected. It is understandable – experts advise drinking vodka with a temperature of about 10-15 degrees. Therefore, I have already tried the remaining vodka like this.
And here I was disappointed – the drink became quite hard and tasteless. I had to chill again.
It turned out that for me personally the most acceptable consumption temperature is about 0 ° C, that is, straight from the refrigerator. Then there is no rigidity and some notes appeared there. I don’t know, vanilla, not vanilla, but there are some.
My findings
I’m probably not particularly accustomed to such expensive drinks, but it seemed to me that there was nothing special about this vodka. It is definitely clean and of good quality. Very well suited as an aperitif before a hearty meal (and during it). But for everyday gatherings, it’s a little expensive.
And yet, I’m probably picky. But if I had black beluga caviar on my table, stacks of crystal, and the waiter presented vodka, then the drink would not seem tastier to me?
From the tasting of this “status” drink, I learned the following:
- try to find the price “for the stock” in a specialized store;
- get aesthetic pleasure from the appearance of the package and bottle;
- try vodka at different temperatures;
- I didn’t see much difference from the cheaper ones.
Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. Take care of yourself!
Have you tried the famous “Beluga”? What are your impressions? Maybe you consider it ideal or, on the contrary, do you think that you overpaid for the brand?