You can only feel truly happy when you are healthy. And health, in turn, implies not only physical and emotional well-being, but also the ability to build relationships, and also take an important place in society. How to achieve this? We offer several ways.
Our physical health is largely determined by the decisions we make every day: what foods to eat, whether to exercise, how many hours to allocate for sleep. If we miss something, the body always reminds us of this with fatigue or some kind of disease.
The same principle works with mental health: in order for our emotional state to be normal, it is necessary to monitor the level of stress and, if possible, visit a psychologist.
However, in addition to these types of health, there is also social health. It is our ability to interact with others and form meaningful relationships. Well-being in this area is determined by how easily we adapt to various social situations.
Signs of social health include:
- Ability to balance social and personal time
- Engaging in communication with other people in the community
- Having strong bonds with family and friends
- Quick adaptation to different social situations
- The ability to be yourself no matter the circumstances
- Treat other people with respect
- Clearly forming personal boundaries
- Getting pleasure from life
Here are five ways to strengthen your social muscles.
1. Chat with at least five people every week
By talking to at least five people each week, we can feel happier. And it does not matter with whom exactly we interact: a relative, friend, colleague or dance partner. The main thing is that the connection with these people matters to us.
Turning this idea into reality is as easy as shelling pears: you can call on the phone, chat, communicate via video call, visit each other or get together for lunch.
2. Build relationships with neighbors
Kindness is one of the best tools for creating and strengthening bonds. It is not surprising that scientists advise to show it to others, especially to our neighbors. Why to them? Probably because it is the easiest (and most profitable) of all.
Researchers from the US, UK and Australia spent very little time communicating with their neighbors: they shared useful information with them, visited them, helped mow the lawn … And as a result, they themselves began to feel much less lonely.
3. Talk more on the phone
No matter how people scold smartphones that “deprived” us of live communication, they also have undoubted benefits. So, the level of loneliness and anxiety is significantly reduced if we talk on the phone for at least ten minutes two to five times a week.
However, of course, simply retelling each other the plots of the films you have watched will not work: these ten minutes should be devoted to an empathic dialogue in which the interlocutors are interested in each other’s lives and listen carefully.
4. Build close friendships with at least three people
People who have three or more close friends feel significantly better than others, according to a new Canadian study. Earlier studies have shown that friendship has a positive effect on health and even prolongs life.
5. Try yourself in group activities
Of course, one-on-one communication is an important factor in maintaining social health. But no less significant is the sense of community. You can get it by participating in volunteer movements, as well as by visiting various hobby groups.
Like physical and mental health, social health requires constant effort. Try to follow our recommendations and see what works for you personally.