What is sex for?

It may seem that we know everything about sex. Meanwhile, we are not aware of its many aspects. Learn the opinions of experts from various fields of medicine.

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1/ 10 It helps to establish an emotional bond and makes the relationship permanent

From the point of view of sexology, sexual drive and behavior are the most important in establishing and maintaining an emotional and erotic bond. This contributes to the durability of relationships and families. From the point of view of psychology, it allows you to meet the natural needs of a human being. Dr Wiesław Czernikiewicz, sexologist Check your sex life. Complete the test.

2/ 10 It reduces aggression, improves concentration and is an antidepressant

Sex improves cerebral circulation, which improves the ability to concentrate. It also increases the level of neurotransmitters, thanks to which we achieve peace and bliss. It also reduces aggression and acts as an antidepressant. Dr. Andrzej Depko neurologist, sexologist Check your sex life. Complete the test.

3/ 10 Prevents some urological diseases

Sex for women is an excellent prophylaxis for stress urinary incontinence, and if it could be prescribed by prescription, I would certainly do so. It is an excellent exercise for the perineal muscles. Also, sperm containing testosterone penetrating the skin gives a woman more strength. In men, regular semen removal prevents inflammation of the prostate gland. Lack of sex, on the other hand, causes muscle tension that can cause lower abdominal pain. Prof. Jan Karol Wolski, urologist Check your sex life. Complete the test.

4/ 10 It leads to the mixing of blood, which makes humanity stronger

The coexistence of a man and a woman is a means of generating offspring, and the mixing of blood makes humanity stronger. Everyone has their own genetic makeup, and the number of combinations that an offspring can have as a result of the mixing of mother and father genes is almost limitless. If the parents are genetically different, their children will be stronger, more vital and resistant to disease. As treating patients with blood cancers, I must also say that successful intercourse sex gives patients back their purpose in life. It gives a sense of worth, fills you with optimism and is a motivation for treatment. Prof. Witold Jędrzejczak, hematologist Check your sex life. Complete the test.

5/ 10 Improves the condition of the skin

Sex relieves nervous tension, and as you know, it has a huge impact on the condition of our skin, it can also exacerbate the course of many dermatological diseases. It has been noticed that in love, the complexion improves, and in some acne disappears at the beginning of sexual intercourse. It is related to the hormonal balance that has a huge impact on the skin. Interestingly, the smell of the skin also changes in people in love, because pheromones produce a smell that is intended to attract a partner. Prof. Andrzej Kaszuba dermatologist Check your sex life. Complete the test.

6/ 10 Prevents aging of the reproductive organs

In our practice, we note that in sexually active women, postmenopausal atrophic changes occur less frequently in the vaginal mucosa, which prevents inflammation. As an obstetrician gynecologist, I must also say that there is a view that sexual intercourse during labor may accelerate it, not for mechanical reasons, but because of the presence of sperm in the woman’s reproductive organs. Prof. Krzysztof Czajkowski, obstetrician gynecologist Check your sex life. Complete the test.

7/ 10 Sexual performance means a healthy cardiovascular system

Sexual performance characterizes a healthy circulatory system. We have known for a long time that erectile dysfunction in men is most often caused by vascular disease, not mental or emotional disorders. Therefore, every patient should report their problems to a doctor who is always obliged to ask the patient about them. It’s a shame not to say and ask! Erection problems may be the first symptom of a serious illness! Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong cardiovascular diseases specialist Check your sex life. Complete the test.

8/ 10 Makes it easier to fall asleep and relieves pain

Having sex greatly increases the level of endorphins in the brain. It’s a natural painkiller. Peace, relaxation and bliss after intercourse make it easier to fall asleep. Robert Sapa, family doctor Check your sex life. Complete the test.

9/ 10 Increases self-esteem and gives a sense of fulfillment

Sexual desire is a natural human need. The result of its realization is a feeling of happiness and fulfillment. Contact with a partner makes us feel attractive, which increases self-esteem and gives us self-esteem. Dorota Koja, psychologist Check your sex life. Complete the test.

10/ 10 Burns calories and strengthens muscles

During intercourse, you can burn about 400 calories. It’s almost as much as an hour’s bike ride. An active intimate life also increases the body’s efficiency. During the rapprochement, the heart rate jumps up to 180, the blood is more oxygenated. So we can safely say that sex adds strength, vitality and relieves any muscle tension. Marek Wirak, physiotherapist Check your sex life. Complete the test.

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