What is sesame: properties, application of seeds and oil

🙂 Thank you, dear reader, for choosing my article! Here you will find a comprehensive answer to what sesame is. About its use, medicinal properties and contraindications.

Sesame – what is it?

Indian sesame (oriental or ordinary) is the oldest oilseed crop, an annual plant. The oil content in sesame seeds reaches 60%, and in terms of the amount of calcium it surpasses most products!

What is sesame: properties, application of seeds and oil

In raw food and vegetarian diets, this product occupies a leading position in the supply of calcium to the body. It is worth noting that the peeled seeds contain many times less nutrients.

This unpretentious plant easily tolerates drought and produces a good harvest in arid conditions. Harvesting (seeds) is done manually – a laborious process!

The seeds are used to make oil, as a seasoning or sprinkle on flour products. The Arabic names for the plant are “sesame” and “sim-sim”. Just like in the fairy tale “Ali Baba and 40 robbers”.

The history of Indian sesame seeds begins several thousand years before our era. He was before us and will remain after us. Sesame is mentioned in the documents of Ancient Egypt, Babylon and Assyria. The ancient Babylonians considered sesame food of the gods, prolonging life.

The healer Avicenna, who lived in the XNUMXth century, described in his writings the healing properties of sesame oil and seeds. The Roman soldiers used sesame seeds with honey, this helped them to restore strength and energy.

Sesame calorie content and composition

In 100 grams of product:

Very high calorie content – 560 kcal!

  • fats – 49 grams;
  • proteins – 20 gr.;
  • dietary fiber – 6 g.;
  • saturated fatty acids – 7 gr.;
  • starch – 10 gr.;
  • water – 9 g;
  • mono and disaccharides – 2 gr .;
  • vitamins: B1, B2, E, PP;
  • amino acids;
  • lecithin;
  • sesamol substance;
  • 😉 “minerals” – potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron.

Sesame seeds: useful properties and contraindications

The combination of useful substances of a unique plant has a beneficial effect on the human body:

  • helps the body block cholesterol;
  • prevents aging;
  • enhances digestion;
  • fights cancer cells;
  • reduces the risk of mastopathy formation;
  • has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair;
  • high calcium content strengthens bones, teeth and nails;
  • improves blood clotting;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • prevention of osteoporosis;


  • with diets (due to high calorie content);
  • persons suffering from thrombosis;
  • with increased blood clotting;
  • kids (up to about 3 years old).

Black and white sesame: what’s the difference

What is sesame: properties, application of seeds and oil

The difference is small, but it does exist.

  1. Black is more expensive than white, it contains more nutrients.
  2. Unpeeled black seeds differ from their light “counterparts” in their high ash and carbohydrate content. They are higher in antioxidants, phytosterols and sesamoline.
  3. Aroma: Black sesame has a sharper and more intense aroma.

Dark sesame is cultivated in high places, not lowlands. The main suppliers are China and Thailand. If you have a choice, go for black sesame seeds. It is more useful at times!

It is important to know that unpeeled and unroasted seeds have beneficial properties. After frying or peeling, almost all of the benefits disappear. The daily rate is 1-2 teaspoons (adding to food. Salads, for example).

Sesame oil applications

The oil is used:

  1. In medicine.
  2. For massage.
  3. In cooking.
  4. In cosmetology.

Excellent composition of the oil (Omega-6, Omega-3, vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants):

  • gives an unusual taste to any salad;
  • improves digestion;
  • will help with gum disease (rubbing);
  • prevents aging (sesamol);
  • kills free radicals;
  • increases the number of blood platelets;
  • helps with physical and mental stress;
  • promotes better absorption of vitamin A;
  • prevention of thyroid diseases;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • fights DNA damage;
  • used as a mild laxative;
  • prevents sleep disturbances;
  • effective for shortness of breath, asthma, dry cough;
  • used for anemia;
  • for colds (rubbing the chest with warm oil and wrapping the patient);

External use:

  • heals abrasions, cuts, cracks;
  • helps with burns;
  • relieves bruises.


  1. Incompatible with aspirin and oxalic acid: calcium + acid = kidney deposits.
  2. With varicose veins;
  3. Thrombophlebitis.

With self-medication, do not be lazy to seek the advice of your doctor.


Why should you eat sesame every day?

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