What is self-education and how to create an individual plan

Good day, dear readers of my blog! The key to successful improvement of one’s skills is the ability to independently organize the process of learning and obtaining new information. This is very effective, and therefore today I decided to raise such a topic as self-education, where to start an action plan.

The benefits of self-education

  • The circle of acquaintances is expanding, as communication takes place with like-minded people from all over the world, and this contributes to the development of new ideas.
  • A person receives knowledge on the basis of new information that is relevant at a given time in a given society.
  • The material selected for study will fully comply with the request. The institutes have a lot of extra items that are not needed at all for some specifics, but at the same time are considered basic. This wastes time and resources.
  • It’s free. The maximum is to pay a nominal fee for using any resource, although there are a lot of free valuable links, sites and applications on the Internet.
  • Time management. There is no need to adjust to the schedule of any system, no minutes are lost on the road and so on. That is, there will be a convenient individual schedule, with the ability to be distracted by force majeure situations.

What is self-education and how to create an individual plan

  • The level of motivation is higher due to the fact that there is value and awareness of the efforts invested. In higher education institutions, teachers play the role of a motivator, especially when assessing the level of knowledge. Therefore, the focus of attention is shifted to them, and responsibility for the level of received and assimilated material is lost.
  • The opportunity to gain knowledge and experience from the best and most successful people, whose finished material you choose yourself. And not from teachers who are already in fact appointed to teach you something, despite the lack of authority.


What is it, and what are the advantages of self-education, you have already understood, now I want to introduce you to its variety:

  1. Household. Learning something during leisure time activities or for household chores.
  2. Cognitive. Replenishment of information about the surrounding world.
  3. Self-realization. The development of intellectual abilities, or physical form and endurance, spirituality and morality. You can read about ways to develop your physical form here.
  4. Professional. Increasing the level of qualifications in order to achieve success and advance in a career and gain social recognition and approval.

Where to start, action plan

What is self-education and how to create an individual plan

Each program is individual, depending on the type of self-education and goals. But there are conditionally a few general points that people who decide to develop their own plan should take into account.

  1. Considering that a lot of important and fresh information comes from other countries, it is worth starting to learn English. It is universal and the whole world communicates on it, therefore, in order to be aware of the latest news and ideas, it is very important to study.
  2. There should be a gradual study of materials. Not just the study of absolutely all the literature on the desired topic, but the selection of high-quality information.
  3. Develop the ability to self-organize, do not allow yourself to be distracted and relax during the specially allocated time for studying. Use every opportunity to start reading. Even while on the road or while waiting in line, organize yourself a productive pastime.
  4. Read abridged versions of popular books, this will save a lot of time.
  5. Communicate on the forums, because in a conversation brilliant ideas arise, connections are established, the studied material is consolidated and experience is exchanged. And also participate in webinars, Skype presentations, trainings and more.
  6. Use all methods to obtain the necessary information, including all sorts of online courses. There are many online universities that offer a wide variety of careers for free.
  7. In order to consolidate the acquired knowledge and transform it into skills and abilities, one should constantly apply them, try them in practice. Then an experience will be formed that is remembered much better than just a theory.
  8. Improve your reading technique in order to process a large amount of material in the shortest possible time. I wrote an article on this topic, you can read it at this link.
  9. See difficulties and problems as an opportunity for development. Because it is then, trying to figure something out, that you are able to discover the truth for yourself. Use not only specialized literature, but also search engines such as Google and Yandex to find answers to your questions.
  10. Write down your goals and deadlines for achieving them. This will allow you to control the learning process and notice the slightest achievements. And make a schedule of classes so that the necessary volume for training is present for each day. We have already talked about how to achieve your goal, here is the link.


1 Comment

  1. Vraiment ça me plaît beaucoup mais je préfère, améliorer ma lecture

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