What is regressive therapy and how it fights stress and emotional blockage
The transpersonal therapist, María José Álvarez, offers in her book «Past lives. A bridge to the unconscious »a manual to connect with the unconscious to improve the present

The symbology that the unconscious displays when creating images that we feel like a “past life” is connected with the events of the present. And this is the basis from which the transpersonal therapist María José Álvarez starts in her book «Past lives. A bridge to the unconscious ”, a work aimed at people in search of themselves and that delves into the regressive therapy as a tool to stop and deal with stress or emotional blocks.
What are the signs that it is time to deal with stress and blockages?
Normally when a person has to do a process of personal growth Events occur to her that lead her to look within herself to solve those problems. They are usually crisis. Sometimes they are external: problems with a partner, with children, at work, illness or the death of a loved one … Others are internal: anxiety processes, sudden sadness, depressions, illnesses. But in any case, it is our being’s way of telling us that we have pending an emotional process that is normally very old and has been with us all our lives, because it is linked to our deepest traumas and these are repeated throughout our lives. in the different situations that happen to us.
When a person avoids over and over again throughout life those trauma y locks In the end, it ends up generating physical or emotional ailments and complicated situations from the unconscious that serve as a catalyst for the person to end up addressing what they really feel, which is hidden in the unconscious.
In «Past lives. A bridge to the unconscious »you offer a guide to self-knowledge. Do you consider that one of the keys to blockages has to do with the fact that we do not know each other well enough? Or that we do not “interpret” ourselves correctly?
Both. We do not know each other enough because the world is oriented towards the conscious. The reality is immediate and everything goes very fast. We are all experts in the logical part of our brain, the left hemisphere. We are continuously in action and in thought and we also think in a linear way, we believe that what happened has already happened and does not affect us and that there is only the present and the future. So we despise the unconscious, the right hemisphere of the brain, the intuitive and emotional part that we live through dreams, visions, intuitions and our emotional world. But we are unconscious by nature. And above in our unconscious time does not exist and nothing is linear, as we think. Time is circular, everything happens at the same time and what we have not resolved in our life, even if it happened a long time ago, affects us as much or more than what happened yesterday. And usually it is usually the same, what varies are the scenarios and the actors.
On the other hand, it is also true that if we do not know ourselves in depth we cannot “read” or “interpret” ourselves. The unconscious tells us through the symbolic what happens to us, but if we do not pay attention to what we feel, it is very difficult for us to interpret what our dreams, intuitions or visions tell us.
What is regressive therapy and to what extent can it help to release blocked emotions?
La regressive therapy It is a tool that consists of returning to the past through deep relaxation or clinical hypnosis, mentally and emotionally reliving traumatic situations from the past both from this life and from supposed previous lives. By reliving them with the same emotional intensity as when they happened, the trauma is released and the symptom that the person has is healed, be it emotional or psychosomatic.
But also the content of the regression is symbolic, it is a projection of what happens to us emotionally in this life and of all our unresolved blocks here and now, therefore, it offers us a map to know ourselves and heal our soul. In addition, regressions, especially to past lives, provide added value: It helps us understand what happens to us in our life from a higher perspective, with an eagle’s vision, understanding the whole puzzle of our existence and giving it meaning, making that we transcend our suffering. And that allows us to evolve.
Can anyone experience regressions?
To be able to do this therapy, the person must be an adult, at least of legal age and without any diagnosed psychiatric pathology. It is contraindicated for psychotics, schizophrenics, those with bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, Asperger’s, epilepsy or acute anorexia. Also for those people who have recently attempted suicide or those who take high doses of anxiolytics, neuroleptics or antidepressants. Because these diseases are characterized by a loss of conscious reality and an entry as deep into the unconscious as regression offers can chronify their symptoms.
But the rest of the people if they can achieve regression and benefit from it.
You say that the personalities that are visualized through regression are the archetypes that Carl Gustav Jung talks about in “The Hero’s Journey”. To what extent can they be related to what has been experienced with parents, family, partners or in what connection have with hidden desires and fears?
Indeed past lives, whether it is believed in reincarnation or not, are symbolic maps of what happens to us in our life. And they reflect the Hero’s Journey, the individuation process that Carl Gustav Jung spoke of by which we bring who we think we are (“the ego”) to who we really are (“The Self”). A past life tells us about what has happened with mom and dad in our childhood that we have not resolved, how that is projected in the couples we choose and we continue to live with our children, friends and jobs. Also of our shadows and fears and of our wishes and of our hidden talents.
Keys to regressive therapy
- Helps release stuck emotions
- It teaches us to see the shadows, the parts in which we are unethical, or we are lazy, envious, jealous; and what we feel guilty of, victims or executioners … When we see it, we have the opportunity to transform it
- Face deeper fears to take away their power
- You learn to relativize the traumas of life, to forgive them and to discover compassion as the way
- Teach hidden talents
- It is a way of awakening the intuition, the inner voice, which guides towards what is really better
- Help forgive those who hurt us
- It connects us with inner wisdom and with the ability to create life as we really want