What is put in the Easter basket

Often, the filling of Easter baskets is very different – what the parishioners do not carry on this day, hoping for the blessing of the clergy. What is customary and unacceptable to sanctify in the church after the Easter service?

Easter cake

Easter cake is an indispensable component of the Easter rite, it is advisable to bake it yourself, putting the dough on Wednesday or Friday. You can buy Easter cakes in the bread department. The process of making cakes is a spiritual process that requires pure thoughts and concentration.

Curd Easter


This sweet product is not prepared in all families, but they try to serve cottage cheese pies and cookies to the festive table. You can also take these products with you to church if it is convenient to carry the dessert in the basket.

Painted eggs

Eggs symbolize rebirth, resurrection and are necessarily a traditional Easter attribute. This creative process should also bring joy and comfort. Unite household members at work. Therefore, it is so important to paint the eggs yourself. There should be no holy images in the subject of the drawings, otherwise, after consecration, such images must be burned, and not just thrown into the trash. And the consecrated shell is traditionally buried in the garden so that there is a good harvest.

Meat products

Meat is also mandatory for consecration, as it symbolizes sacrifice, and simply is the main source of strength and energy. From a Christian point of view, all meat is considered clean and edible. You can take both the meat you cooked, and meat sausages, boiled pork, jellied meat and preparations.


As a grape drink, a small amount of wine – 1 bottle – can be consecrated on this day in the church. Cahors wine is considered a church wine, but if there is another wine, even homemade, you can take it.


So that the first meal after Lent is not bland, it is customary to bless it with horseradish, grated with beets – this dressing will suit all meat dishes and eggs. Horseradish symbolizes long life and excellent health. It is also customary to bless a small amount of salt, which is then placed in front of the icon, guests are greeted with bread and salt, and evil is driven away from babies.


Since young children do not always eat symbolic Easter dishes or, for some reason, they cannot use them, they bring both sweets and fruits to the church. It can be – chocolate, candy, apples, pears, oranges.

What is prohibited

– Vodka and beer do not belong to products that can be consecrated.

– Water – it is sanctified on the Jordanian holidays or simply collected in the church.

– Blood sausage, since blood products are prohibited for use in the Bible.

– Knives – someone mistakenly disseminated the information that on this day it is possible to cut food only with a consecrated knife, but this information has nothing to do with the truth.

Remember to take a candle with you and cover the food with a towel.

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