What is psychosis?
Psychosis is a serious mental illness that causes severe disorders such as loss of contact with the reality, flashes (sudden delirium) or irrational thoughts (absurd, unreasonable thoughts). The sick person no longer knows, at times, what is real and what is not. She may suffer from visual or auditory hallucinations.
Psychosis is a disorder in the brain. The person who suffers from it no longer has the same pansies et emotions. She changes her behavior. The disease can come suddenly or, on the contrary, develop gradually. In the latter case, the first signs such as isolation, mistrust, anxiety or depression may appear and be warning signs. Other changes can affect appetite, sleep, memory problems or concentration.
Psychosis usually starts at the end of theadolescence. It must be taken care of quickly. It is indeed accepted that the later the disease is treated, the slower the cure.
The person is not aware of their illness or delirium, which differentiates psychosis from neurosis. A person suffering from psychosis will be persuaded of the reality of his feelings and his visions. She is unaware of her personality disorders.
Schizophrenia can be thought of as psychosis. People with bipolar disorder can also experience psychotic episodes. There are several psychoses: manic-depressive illness (with significant mood disorders), hallucinatory psychoses and delusional psychoses.
The consumption of alcohol, drugs or Drugs can lead to psychosis. Just like some brain tumors or stroke.
A psychotic episode can be cured. It is even possible to cure. Treatment must therefore be tailored to the symptoms and causes of the psychosis. It usually combines medication and psychotherapy. Hospitalization may be necessary.
About 3 in 100 people1 will suffer from at least one psychotic episode during their lifetime. This disease affects both sexes and all social backgrounds.
Possible causes of psychosis are many (and not all well defined!). A brain disorder is sometimes involved, as is heredity or biological factors. It could also be due to stress or drug use. Most of the time, the causes are a combination of these different factors.