
Our body needs fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water. Protein, also known as protein, is a building material for muscles, bones, internal organs and the basis for proper digestion.
Without protein, it is also impossible to form a circulatory and immune system, and protein also takes an active part in the body’s metabolic processes – metabolism, which is important for proper nutrition and attempts to lose excess weight.
Protein helps to deliver important nutrients to the cells and protects the body from external pathogenic factors.
Where to get protein
Protein is not produced by the body on its own, so its intake is needed from the outside, and preferably under control, because the majority of people do not get even half of the daily protein allowance.
How does protein metabolism occur
Protein from food is broken down in the gastrointestinal tract to amino acids. Animal food contains all the necessary amino acids that the body can synthesize from protein, and plant sources have an incomplete set.
From the intestines, amino acids enter the blood and are distributed to all cells of the body. The cells synthesize the necessary protein molecules from amino acids, which are used by the body for its needs.
What is the norm of protein per day
A person needs to consume 0.45 grams of protein per kilogram of weight every day, if you have a workout or an overly active lifestyle, then you can safely increase the protein norm to at least 1 gram.
What foods contain protein
Protein is found in animal products – in low-fat meat, fish, eggs, dairy products. Vegetarians can make up for the lack of protein by eating a portion of legumes, soy, nuts, seeds.
How to cook and eat properly
It is preferable to prepare protein dishes by boiling or grilling-without adding oil. You should eat protein products separately from porridge, bread and potatoes. Add a vegetable salad to the fish or meat. Protein food can be eaten no later than 18 hours, so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract with the laborious process of digesting protein at night.
What will happen if there is not enough protein
With a lack of protein, metabolism slows down, muscle mass decreases, and fat increases. The skin, hair, nails are almost completely made up of protein, so their condition directly depends on protein nutrition.
With a protein deficiency, colds become more frequent, the immune system weakens.
Interesting facts
– The collagen molecule consists of 2000 amino acids, and if protein metabolism is disrupted, then no cream will rejuvenate your skin.
– If you do not make up for the lack of protein, the body will pull amino acids from the internal organs, which will inevitably lead to their destruction.