What is procrastination. Learning to fight laziness

What is procrastination. Learning to fight laziness

Often, a person puts off labor-intensive and boring tasks for later, after which he begins to regret it. How do you get rid of this habit?

What is procrastination?

The word “procrastination” was coined a long time ago, around 1548. In those distant times, this phenomenon was very vigorously discussed. All sorts of disputes arose between people on this topic.

Procrastination is an eternal procrastination that leads to various problems.

Towards the end of the XNUMXth century, there were many articles on procrastination. Scientists have done a lot of research discussing constant procrastination. Now there are magazines that are entirely devoted to this topic. This topic is deeply studied by psychologists.

Procrastination is still not fully understood. So far, there is no single theory that could explain all the causes of the syndrome of postponing until better times.

Causes of procrastination

Scientists now identify several main types of causes of procrastination.

Here are some of them:

1. Disobedience – the person thinks that the task is useless.

2. Fatigue – the body lacks energy.

3. Perfectionism – a person seems to be unable to achieve a good result.

4. Self-restraint – a person subconsciously does not want to be successful.

5. Lowered self-esteem – a person is afraid to make a mistake while completing a task.

Rules for dealing with laziness

The reasons for the emergence of constant postponement for later can be completely different. A set of unfulfilled tasks can be compared to a cluttered attic. That is, when dealing with procrastination, you need to consider every unfulfilled task. Then figure out what to do with her in the near future.

Step # 1. Refusal of unnecessary

Procrastination can be a signal that procrastinating things are unnecessary.

You need to re-examine your priorities. In order to overcome laziness before completing a task, you should not be afraid to give up unnecessary things.

Step # 2. Sorting cases

It is much easier to move on to doing things if you put all tasks on the shelves. One of the most famous case allocation systems is the Eisenhower Matrix.

There is also another way, which is to draw up a to-do list and when to complete them.

Step # 3. Distribution of forces

Any athlete knows that the winner in the competition is the one who correctly distributes his forces. The same can be said for procrastination. You should not try to do all the things in one day, because it will only get worse. Instead, it is much better to distribute the load evenly. For example, for a week or a month. If you use this advice, then the fight against laziness will not be as difficult as it seemed.

Step # 4. Forgive yourself

You don’t have to try to be a superman who is able to do all things in an instant. Such people simply do not exist.

If a person forgives himself for procrastination, then it will become much easier for him to deal with it. This fact is confirmed by a study conducted by scientists.

Thus, in order not to destroy oneself, it is necessary to fight with postponing things for later. After all, there is nothing good about procrastination. If you yourself do not succeed and it is very difficult to start, then you can professionally help you in this difficult matter here https://avorlov.com/blog/prokrastinaciya/ After all, a person who knows firsthand how to cope with this will help much more effectively.

Self-improvement and self-development always gives good results.

What are you doing to combat laziness? What efforts or methods do you use? Please share.

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