What is piperine? Does piperine support weight loss? Is Piperine Healthy? |

In this article you will learn, among others:

  • What is piperine?
  • Does piperine support weight loss?
  • Is Piperine Healthy?
  • Does piperine have an anti-cancer effect?
  • What are the properties of piperine?

What is piperine?

Piperine is an alkaloid accumulated mainly in the outer casing of peppercorns. It occurs in the form of four similar chemical compounds: trans – trans, cis – trans, cis – cis, trans – cis. However, it is the trans-trans form of piperine that gives it its pungent taste. Piperine is effective against insects, hence it can be found in insecticides and pesticides. However, the field in which it has found its widest application is medicine.

Does piperine support weight loss?

Piperine stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes, significantly shortens the gastrointestinal transit time and accelerates the digestion of food. A high dose of piperine may also lower blood glucose levels. In addition, piperine disrupts the activity of genes that control the formation of new fat cells, thus reducing their level in the bloodstream and inhibiting the formation of new ones.

Piperine is a substance worthy of attention – says the employee of FarmEKO Ewa Bryl – it effectively accelerates the metabolism, as well as helps in burning excess body fat. In our store, it is very popular among customers.

Is Piperine Healthy?

Piperine increases the absorption of certain ingredients, such as: beta – carotene, selenium, B vitamins. It also facilitates the absorption of coenzyme Q10. Due to this property, it is often added to mineral and vitamin preparations in order to improve their bioavailability.

Does piperine have an anti-cancer effect?

In a study on mice, it was proved that the administration of piperine and the alcoholic extract of the plant Piper longum has a toxic effect on cancer cells. Moreover, it has been shown that piperine and alcoholic extract from Piper longum inhibit tumor growth and may contribute to extending the life span of mice with cancerous tumors. 

Piperine with other drugs

Piperine administered simultaneously with some drugs has the ability to increase their bioavailability. It has been shown that propanolol as well as theophylline given concomitantly with piperine have a longer half-lifea, as well as a higher peak concentration in the blood serum. The greater bioavailability of drugs can be used to obtain better control over the therapy and increase patient compliance with the drug administered.

What are the properties of piperine?

Piperine is also a powerful “scavenger” of free radicals that contribute to the development of many diseases, as well as accelerate the aging of the body. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it prevents the occurrence of oxidative stress in the body. Oxidative stress is a state of imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants. It can lead to atherosclerosis, heart attack or stroke. It can be caused by, among other things, a diet rich in processed foods high in saturated fat.

In a study carried out on rats, animals were divided into two groups: one was on a high-fat diet, and the other was additionally enriched with piperine. Reduction of oxidative stress was observed in rats which were simultaneously administered piperine along with a high-fat diet. 

Initially, several controversial reports were documented regarding the safety of piperine as a food additive. However, animal studies have shown that piperine is a non-genotoxic substance, and even has anti-mutagenic and anti-cancer properties, so it can be safely used by us.

What other such healthy substances as piperine do you know?

Main photo is from: trophygeek via Foter.com / CC BY

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