What is petroleum jelly and what is it for: tips for use

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What is Vaseline

This substance has neither taste nor smell. Vaseline does not dissolve in water, does not saponify from alkali, does not oxidize, does not change under the action of acids. This product was invented on the basis of oil in 1859 by a chemist from England, Robert Chesbrough.

What is petroleum jelly and what is it for: tips for use

Robert August Chesbrough, years of life: 1837-1933

The scientist called his invention petroleum jelly, but buyers did not pay attention to the product with that name. Then Chezbrow came up with a new name “petroleum jelly” (from “wasser” – water and “elaion” – olive oil).

13 years later, the scientist received a US patent for the production of petroleum jelly. In 1878 he patented the Vaseline trademark. This brand belongs to the cosmetics company Unilever.

What is petroleum jelly and what is it for: tips for use

Image from the archives of the company “Vaseline”

There are two types of petroleum jelly: natural and artificial.

  1. Natural – from the residues from the distillation of deciduous paraffin resins. Transparent.
  2. Synthetic is an alloy of ceresin, paraffin, and vaseline oil. Has a cloudy appearance. Creamy mass of white or yellow color.

Application of vaseline

Part of massage creams. It is used as a laxative (liquid paraffin), an enema tip lubricant. When applied, the tattoo softens the skin, protecting it from paint.

Do not use Vaseline with latex condoms. This substance breaks down latex and causes the condom to break. Use silicone or water soluble lubricant.

What is petroleum jelly and what is it for: tips for use

In cosmetology

  • if you mix petroleum jelly with ground coffee or sea salt – you get a soft body scrub;
  • Before applying perfume (for example, on the wrists), lubricate them with petroleum jelly. It will absorb and retain the smell longer;
  • eliminates diaper rash, relieves irritation on the baby’s skin. Apply to clean, dry skin only. It is a barrier against constant exposure to moisture;
  • for makeup. If you apply a little petroleum jelly to your eyelids before using the eyeshadow, it will last longer. A wet shine will appear;
  • Apply a drop of Vaseline to the brow brush and comb through the brows. So the eyebrows will keep their shape all day;
  • for rapid growth of eyelashes, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly on them before going to bed, they will become thicker;
  • This product will help remove false eyelash glue;
  • a few drops of petroleum jelly and a cotton sponge will help remove makeup and waterproof cosmetics;
  • this tool will relieve peeling and chapping of the lips;
  • Before styling your hair, rub some petroleum jelly into your palms and apply to your hair. This will replace the styling gel.
  • restores the split ends of the hair. Apply to dry hair ends. The procedure time is 15-20 minutes.
  • neat manicure. Before coloring your nails, apply petroleum jelly to the cuticle with a cotton swab without touching the nail. The varnish will not get on the skin;
  • from hangnails (before bedtime) apply petroleum jelly to the cuticle.

At home

  • you can upgrade leather jackets, gloves, bags, wallets, shoes. Apply a thin layer of Vaseline to the product for 1-2 minutes, then wipe with a dry cloth;
  • if the lightning is jammed, lubricate its problem area;
  • wonderful lubricant for furniture fittings, door hinges;
  • polish substitute. Apply a small amount of the product to a soft cloth and wipe down the surface of the wooden furniture. This will create a dust-repelling layer;
  • removes traces of lipstick, powder, foundation from clothes. Treat stains with petroleum jelly before washing;
  • a miracle remedy will help to remove a stuck ring from a finger, put on earrings painlessly (lubricate the earlobe);
  • To prevent the nail polish brush cap from sticking to the thread of the bubble, treat it from the inside.

Vaseline oil: application

It is an effective laxative. Sold in pharmacies, it costs a penny. Colorless liquid paraffin stimulates intestinal motility by softening stool. Effective for constipation. Not absorbed when taken orally.

Take 15-30 ml. a day, 2 hours after a meal. (One tbsp.spoon = 15 ml). Treatment is no more than five days! The shelf life of the product is up to 5 years.

Vaseline oil is contraindicated if you have:

  • pregnancy;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal bleeding;
  • inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • burns.

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