What is occultism: history, teachings and methods

😉 Greetings to my readers! This article will give a complete answer to what occultism is.

Occultism – what is it

At all times, people have been fascinated and interested in secrets. Have you all heard about shamanism and hermeticism, about the Knights Templar? All these concepts are part of one whole – the occult. It can change its name, but its essence is always the same. It is that people want to become equal with the Gods.

The main flowering of occultism in our country came at the end of the XNUMXth century. At this time, the people found freedom of speech and began to believe in everything they wanted. If you delve a little into history, under the communist system this problem did not exist. People believed in what they were told (told) to believe.

Occult teachings

Now in our country there are a large number of occult schools. People visit them to comprehend secret knowledge. At the same time, without even realizing how dangerous it can be.

What is occultism? The term itself (translated from Latin – secret, secret) appeared in the XNUMXth century. Scientists describe occultism as the mysteries of science, along with alchemy, kabbalah and astrology.

What is occultism: history, teachings and methods

All these sciences recognize the presence of otherworldly, unexplored forces in space and in man, but only the “initiate” can comprehend this knowledge.

The purpose of initiation is to help see the world, with the help of new abilities, and reach the highest point of self-knowledge. At the same time, completely control your hidden powers.

According to many psychics, only those who practice a lot can understand and comprehend the occult sciences. Occultists believe that the uninitiated see the world differently and cannot comprehend the essence of what is happening.

In occultism, a whole class of different teachings is grouped. Their main goal is self-improvement, which will help to learn how to manage all the phenomena of the visible and invisible world.

Occultism came to us from the west and east. Of course, this is due to the development of democracy. Remember that it was in the 90s of the last century that crowds of preachers and shamans appeared in Russia, who began to create various occult schools and sects.

Their goal was to alienate the people from Christianity. After all, Russia is practically the only country in the world where true Christianity is preached. Occult schools include schools: extrasensory perception, ufology, astrology and many others.

The Church does not recognize the occult and considers people involved in magic to be the devil. Previously, at the direction of the church, a person engaged in witchcraft or healing could be executed. Healing in those days was equated with murder.

The church and the occult are in constant struggle. After all, the church teaches humility, love and faith. Occultism, on the contrary, preaches pride, a person should be proud, this will help him become a god. Disobedience and pride will lead people to divine form.

Occult methods

Everything that occultism offers: extrasensory perception, hypnosis, coding, magic – is an effect on the human psyche. In most cases, suppressing the will of the individual, and sometimes even forcing them to do what they are ordered to do.

Occultists use their methods to program people for the actions they need. Moreover, in most cases, people do not understand that this is not their independent choice, but just information laid down by someone.

Thus, individuality, one’s own “I”, perishes in a person. By depriving a person of freedom of choice, changing his thinking, imposing his own vision of the problem on him, the occultists subjugate the human soul to themselves.

What is occultism: history, teachings and methods

Occultism is equated with philosophy, but it is worth understanding that it is immeasurably more voluminous. It contains a lot of experience, which is constantly trying to streamline.

Many people who are not satisfied with the knowledge of philosophy and its teachings will find here a lot of information that will help them to comprehend the world not only with five senses. Explain those nuances that other sciences do not cover.

He teaches to perceive any objects and phenomena as a state of consciousness, and only indicates how to use this consciousness and control it. It is thanks to this control that a person can be manipulated.

Occultism does not develop to satisfy its own interests, but becomes a weapon in the hands of man. And here a lot depends on how to use it, although these teachings say not to harm other people.

A person does not have enough simple curiosity to understand the whole essence and main problems of occultism. For his followers, this teaching is not a subject, but a way of life. If a person is not ready to sacrifice anything or become devoted to the teachings, he is wasting his time.


Additional information in this video will help you finally understand what occultism is ↓

What is occultism? | Differences between occultism and esotericism | History of the occult

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