What is obstruction? Causes, diagnosis and treatment of constipation

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Obstruction, or in other words constipation, is a very troublesome ailment that, if ignored and untreated, can lead to serious health consequences. There can be many causes of obstruction, sometimes it is a wrong diet, but it is often a symptom of a serious illness. What is obstruction and what to do in case of constipation? How to treat obstruction and what tests are worth doing in the case of this ailment? Can constipation be effectively prevented?

Obstruction – what is it?

Obstruction is, in other words, constipation or constipation. Obstruction is defined as difficult or infrequent bowel movement. People who struggle with obstruction pass stools less than twice a week. In some, more severe cases, there are situations in which the patient has a bowel movement less than twice a month. This is a very dangerous situation for health and, in extreme cases, may lead to death.

Obstruction is a disturbance in the frequency and rhythm of bowel movements. Experts say that a healthy person passes a stool once or twice a day. Usually, your bowel movements happen at the same time, very often in the morning and in the late afternoon. During obstruction, the bowel movement rhythm is disturbed, and the stool itself is very hard. Its expulsion outside the body often causes pain to the patient.

Obstruction is quite a common ailment as it affects about 20-30% of the population. It is estimated that this problem is much more common in women than in men. Additionally, it is a disorder that elderly people often have to deal with.

Can the color, shape and consistency of stools help diagnose the disease? Check: What does an altered stool report? The color, texture and shape of the stool

Obstruction – types of constipation

Obstruction is a common condition, but it is worth noting that there are several types of constipation. Among them, the following are indicated:

  1. random obstructions – these are constipation that occurs due to different situations in life. These types of constipation are usually caused by changes in eating habits, stress, or a persistent fever;
  2. short-term obstructions – it is constipation that alternates with periods of good bowel movements. If this alternation occurs more often and does not pass for a long time, then diagnostic examinations of the gastrointestinal tract should be performed;
  3. chronic obstruction – it is habitual, atonic constipation. 

The most common obstruction is idiopathic constipation, which is associated with functional disorders of the digestive tract. They are divided into:

  1. functional constipation;
  2. slow transit constipation, also known as spastic or atonic constipation;
  3. constipation with pelvic floor muscle dyssynergy. 

Idiopathic constipation is diagnosed in over 90% of patients who consult a doctor because of problems with bowel movements.

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If you want to learn more about the structure and functions of the digestive system, read on: Human digestive system

What are the causes of obstruction?

Much has been written in the medical literature about the possible causes of obstruction. Constipation is a fairly common disorder, and luckily it doesn’t usually mean that you are seriously ill. In many cases, the cause of obstruction is simply a poor diet, low in fiber, and too little water consumed every day. Lack of exercise, a sedentary lifestyle and old age are other factors that may contribute to the occurrence of obstruction.

The causes of obstruction vary, and therefore they have been specified indicating mechanical, toxic, functional, mental, metabolic or pharmacological basis.

Mechanical causes of obstruction mean that constipation is a result of:

  1. hemorrhoids – in this condition, patients avoid passing stools because defecation causes bleeding and pain. Avoiding bowel movement can effectively disrupt the normal rhythm of the end part of the large intestine;
  2. intestinal strictures by inflammatory as well as cancerous infiltrates;
  3. scars;
  4. oppression from outside;
  5. intestinal obstruction – which causes feces to remain in the intestines;
  6. Hirschsprung’s disease, which affects children and infants.

Obstruction can also be caused by some toxic effects on our body. Behind toxic causes of obstruction may be accepted:

  1. among people allergic to cow’s milk protein, consumption of foods that contain this ingredient;
  2. arsenic or lead poisoning;
  3. poisoning with drugs, especially opium or atropine.

The obstruction may have a functional basis. Behind functional causes of obstruction it is recognized:

  1. spastic constipation;
  2. feverish diseases,
  3. wasting the body through a drastic weight loss;
  4. atonic constipation in bedridden or elderly people who practically do not move independently.

Obstruction is also the result of mental strain or mental illness. Behind causes of obstruction related to the psyche it is recognized:

  1. strong stress, which may result from problems at work or in private and family life;
  2. psychiatric anorexia;
  3. depression;
  4. anorexia or bulimia.

Obstruction is also caused by problems related to abnormal metabolism. Metabolic causes of obstruction primarily:

  1. hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s disease;
  2. diabetes;
  3. hypercalcemia.

It often turns out that the obstruction is caused by taking certain medications. It also happens that a combination of several drugs can provoke constipation. Drugs that may contribute to constipation have:

  1. aluminum or calcium oxide which is used to neutralize stomach acids;
  2. anticholinergic preparations;
  3. sympathomimetic drugs;
  4. diuretics;
  5. antidepressants;
  6. 5-HT receptor blockers;
  7. opiates that are used for therapeutic purposes or in people with addiction;
  8. as phenytoin;
  9. codeine and cough medications and preparations;
  10. iron;
  11. anticonvulsants;
  12. sucralfate.

You can’t forget that obstruction may be a symptom of an illness. The diseases that are considered to be the cause of constipation include:

  1. diseases of the large intestine, especially: irritable bowel syndrome, diverticular disease, colorectal cancer, strictures in the course of inflammatory diseases, hernia or intestinal torsion;
  2. diseases of the rectum and anussuch as anal cancer, nodules, rectal diverticula, anal stricture, or anal fissure;
  3. pelvic diseasesuch as endometriosis and uterine tumors;
  4. diseases within the peripheral nervous system, i.e. diabetic neuropathy, Chagas disease;
  5. diseases within the central nervous systemespecially Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord tumors and brain damage;
  6. connective tissue diseasesincluding systemic scleroderma and dermatomyositis.

For problems with the digestive system, it is worth using regular Intestinal Formula – Panaseus dietary supplement available at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

Are the drugs we use always safe for health? Read: Medicines that need to be thrown out of the medicine cabinet. They can be dangerous to your health

Obstruction – accompanying symptoms

Obstruction is a very easy to recognize condition. The initial symptom of constipation is a very hard stool. In this case, defecation is very laborious and often painful. In addition, the obstruction may be accompanied by nausea, nausea, dizziness or severe flatulence. Many patients also lose their appetite.

Symptoms that accompany constipation must not be underestimated. If the obstruction lasts quite a long time or if it repeats cyclically, it is worth monitoring your body and your health to make a timely medical appointment. What you should pay attention to in the first place is:

  1. the occurrence of general symptoms such as loss of more than 10% of body weight within 3-6 months;
  2. general weakness of the body;
  3. persistent fever;
  4. the presence of symptoms that may indicate blood loss, such as anemia, intestinal bleeding, tarry stools, and a positive fecal occult blood test;
  5. family history of colorectal cancer;
  6. age over 45.

What other symptoms can occur in colorectal cancer? Check: Colon cancer symptoms – how do you recognize them?

Obstruction – diagnostic tests

Patients’ obstructions are not always a reason to perform extensive diagnostics. However, long-term bowel problems are a clear sign that the cause of these problems needs to be investigated.

The basic examination in the case of long-term obstruction is abdominal palpation. This is a routine test that involves touching your fingers to the abdomen. Intense symptoms of obstruction, on the other hand, require the patient to undergo a rectal examination, i.e. an examination through the rectum. During the examination, the patient takes the elbow-knee position or lies on his side. The doctor, usually a proctologist, inserts a finger 7-8 centimeters deep into the anus, into the area of ​​the Kohlrausch fold.

Long-term obstruction also requires laboratory tests. Your doctor may ask you to take a stool sample and test it for occult blood. Blood counts for anemia, hematocrit and obstruction are also indicated.

In some cases, tests such as rectoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy or contrast infusion are also useful.

If the above tests do not clearly indicate the cause of the obstruction, specialist diagnostics should be performed. For example, the Hinton test can evaluate the transit time and speed of content in the large intestine. On the other hand, rectal manometry and the balloon shedding test are tests that allow to identify abnormalities in the functioning of the pelvic floor muscles or the anal sphincter muscle.

What diagnostics should be performed at least once a year? Check: Eight tests worth doing at least once a year

How is obstruction treated?

Treatment of obstruction usually begins with the use of digestive stimulants and osmotic drugs. The dose of the drug should always be consulted with a doctor or pharmacist and adjusted to the individual needs of the patient. It very often happens that a single preparation does not improve the situation and the obstruction does not subside. Therefore, the doctor may offer the patient two preparations that will bring relief in appropriate doses.

If no improvement is seen after 2-3 months of pharmacological therapy, and the obstruction persists, the doctor usually orders functional tests. If the obstruction is caused by the difficult passage of the stool through the colon, rectum and anus, I use the biofeedback method. In this method, the patient aims to train the correct defecation reflex. It is difficult to assess the effectiveness of this method, because it is not used very often, and moreover, it is not very available.

Pharmacotherapy in the case of obstruction may be based on prescription and over-the-counter preparations.

At Medonet Market you will find, for example, Dicopeg Liquid for constipation, available in packages containing 10 sachets of the preparation.

Over-the-counter medications for obstruction primarily:

  1. herbal stimulant medicationswhich contain anthraquinones, i.e. the decay root, senna leaves or buckthorn bark. The laxative effect of senna leaves is to stimulate intestinal peristalsis and inhibit the absorption of water in the large intestine, which softens and facilitates the passing of stools. Agents that contain senna cause very strong abdominal cramps, so they are not recommended for women during menstruation and pregnant women. These drugs should also not be taken by children under 12 years of age. Preparations with senna are taken orally, usually in the form of herbal infusions or teas;
  2. herbal remedies that make stools swelland thus increase the volume of the fecal matter. Such agents include psyllium extract;
  3. drugs that coat and soften the stool, e.g. liquid paraffin;
  4. preparations with aloe;
  5. drugs that soften the fecal mass, e.g. docusate sodium in capsules.

If you suffer from obstruction, try our Organic Sauerkraut Juice. Also buy the EKO Recommended Tea for Constipation, which is available on Medonet Market. It contains herbs that support the functioning of the digestive system, namely: elderberry fruit, rowan; leaf of blackberry, plantain, wild mint, nettle; herb of gorse, gluten, chicory.

To get rid of flatulence and constipation, try Harmonix 500 ml – a dietary supplement, which includes, among others, extracts of lemon balm, yarrow herb and valerian root. This 100 percent. you can order a natural product on Medonet Market.

Medications for obstruction prescription issued by a doctor have:

  1. stimulant drugs, e.g. bisacodyl in tablets or suppositories. Bisacodyl stimulates the intestinal peristalsis and increases the amount of water in the stool, which makes it easier to pass stools. Long-term use of this drug may aggravate the obstruction. This medicine should be taken with water. Drinking bisacodyl with milk will reduce the effectiveness of the drug;
  2. drugs with an osmotic effect, e.g. lactulose syrup, macrogols for colonoscopy, glycerol suppositories or enemas, and rectal phosphate enemas. Lactulose is a sugar and it works by increasing the amount of water in the large intestine, which stimulates peristalsis and softens the collected faeces. Macrogols also increase the amount of water in the large intestine, thereby liquefying the fecal matter. 

In the case of very severe constipation, an enema can be used on an ad hoc basis. You can buy the Pear for Constipation today, which is available in various sizes. At Medonet Market, at a promotional price, you will also find Clisma Lax Deflating Enema in a special bottle adapted for direct use.

Many cases of obstruction can also be treated without the use of laxatives. Diet plays a very important role in reducing the symptoms of obstruction. Therefore, people who suffer from constipation should give up heavy foods, animal fats, and highly processed carbohydrates. You should eliminate white flour and sweets from your diet. The food you eat should contain large amounts of fiber, as it has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines. Additionally, it is very important to provide the body with the right amount of water. In the event of obstruction, increase the frequency of physical activity, or at least choose to walk instead of taking the bus, or take the stairs instead of the elevator. Many patients are also advised to follow a slimming diet.

Bioherba Safflower Oil, which can be purchased at a favorable price on Medonet Market, will help reduce constipation problems.


You cannot take laxatives regularly. Laxatives stimulate the intestines to work. If they are taken continuously, the intestines will become “lazy” and their motility will be impaired. This means that they will not provoke a bowel movement on their own.

Obstruction in pregnant women

Obstruction is a common condition in pregnant women. This condition is influenced by the increased level of progesterone, which slows down the intestinal peristalsis from the first weeks of pregnancy. On the other hand, in advanced pregnancy, the large intestine is compressed, which may also cause defecation disorders. Usually after childbirth, when hormone levels return to normal, constipation problems disappear.

However, it is worth remembering that during pregnancy there is increased pressure in the abdominal cavity. In addition, prolonged pressure may promote the formation of haemorrhoids and anal fissures. In such cases, problems with obstruction must not be ignored and this condition should be consulted with a doctor.

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Childhood obstruction – causes and treatment

Obstruction in the youngest patients is, like in adults, idiopathic constipation of a functional nature. Obstruction is caused by refraining from passing stools. Children have many reasons not to defecate when the need arises. Among these reasons, stress, anxiety, anorexia and pain associated with bowel movement are indicated.

In such cases, it is necessary to react very quickly, because long-term obstruction in a child reduces the defecation reflex and, what is worse, affects the appearance of retrograde peristaltic movements of the large intestine.

Obstruction in children is often the result of a congenital disease, such as cystic fibrosis or Hirschprung’s disease. Constipation in children can also result from changing or extending the diet. This is because obstruction may occur as a result of food intolerance, including allergy to cow’s milk or in the case of celiac disease.

How to deal with obstruction at home? Read: Home remedies for constipation

Obstruction – prognosis and complications

Can obstruction be completely cured? Unfortunately, some patients struggle with recurrent constipation throughout their lives, even though it is not a medical condition. Slow metabolism and metabolism can significantly affect the occurrence of obstruction.

Long-term obstructions are burdensome for the patient and cause discomfort. But most importantly, keep in mind that ignoring this problem can significantly increase your risk of colon cancer.

What could you mean by passing stools too often? Check: Is frequent bowel movement a symptom of an illness?

Obstruction – Can It Be Prevented?

Obstruction is quite an unpleasant ailment that can significantly affect the patient’s quality of life. Therefore, it is very important to take preventive measures to help prevent constipation.

Obstruction can be avoided by following the previously mentioned principles of a healthy lifestyle based on a balanced diet and physical activity. Avoiding highly processed foods as well as poorly leftover food products significantly reduces the risk of obstruction. It is recommended to enrich the menu with fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

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