What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, also known as obsessive-compulsive disorder, is a mental disorder that is based on the presence of compulsive thoughts or behavior in the patient. Another characteristic feature is that the patient’s behavior is considered illogical, which makes them feel uncomfortable and ashamed.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder they are usually easy to recognize. The sick person himself feels that something unusual is happening to him. Often, someone around her also notices it. Due to the fact that we live in times of easy access to professional information, we can make an initial diagnosis ourselves, and then go to the appropriate specialist doctor. On the websites you can find various tests that will help in the diagnosis of ailments.

The causes and symptoms of the disorder

The reasons the prevalence of OCD is complex. Among many of them, we can specify: genetic and environmental factors, perinatal burden, early and wide-ranging sense of responsibility for preventing threats or abnormalities in the anatomical structure or functioning of the nervous system center. Symptoms of the disorder obsessive-compulsive can be divided into those related to thoughts and those related to actions. The first group includes, among others: intrusive uncertainty (e.g. an emerging thought or did we turn off the light at home), intrusive impulses (thoughts are about wanting to scream or expose oneself in public) luminations (the sick person thinks about something for a long time, but cannot come to any conclusions), fear of dirt, bacteria, which is associated with maintaining a perfect order, symmetry and a specific arrangement of objects. The second group includes: intrusive checking (water taps, doors, etc.), recurring cleaning, washing or arrangement, complex activitiesthat resemble rituals as well compulsory collection of items.

Child obsessive compulsive disorder

Parents are keeping a close eye on theirs dzieci. It is worth reacting when symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder they appear in our offspring, either in childhood or in adolescence. In children can often be seen of various kinds rituals. They don’t have to mean obsessive-compulsive disorder, however, it is worth talking to baby and pay attention to his behavior. In case of noticing others symptoms a specialist should be consulted. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder occurring in u dzieci can be effectively treated with psychotherapy and pharmacological treatment at the same time.

Treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder

During treating obsessive-compulsive disorder first of all, special drugs are used. Another element treating obsessive-compulsive disorder there is therapy that involves psychotherapy and psychoeducation. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and behavioral therapy focused on the technique of exposure and inhibition of reaction are also used. In a situation where all the above-mentioned methods turn out to be ineffective, it is sometimes used psychosurgical method.

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