What is nymphomania?

According to the definition, nymphomania is a sexual disorder involving addiction to sex and an orientation towards sexual intercourse. The causes of nymphomania include disorders and emotional difficulties, fear of emotional involvement, low self-esteem, being a victim of sexual harassment or abuse.

This disorder may be temporary, but it is often the case that if treatment is not started, it begins to affect other areas of life as well and does not go away on its own. To be diagnosed nymphomaniacs Consultation with a sexologist is necessary, however, there are some premises allowing for an initial self-diagnosis. Nymphomania can be suspected when thinking about the sexual sphere begins to dominate during the day. If your reflections on sex begin to affect other areas of your life (for example, work), contact your healthcare professional. Nymphomania (satirism in men), otherwise known as sex addiction, is a disease included in the classification of mental illnesses under the reference number F52.7. Like other behavioral disorders, nymphomania i satyriasis are placed in the same row as gambling addiction or alcoholism. In this case, some behaviors of the addicted person are independent of him. The immediate reason for this is simple: both psychoactive substances (alcohol, drugs, etc.) and sex act on the brain’s reward center. To put it simply: when you have an orgasm, your endorphin levels rise just as rapidly as when you get drunk or win a large sum of money. As a result, the level of satisfaction and well-being improves. Some sexaholics may feel euphoric at the very beginning, which will not necessarily end with intercourse. Sexholism takes various forms, such as addiction to masturbation, cybersex, the need to use pornography, the desire to have intercourse with many partners, the search for opportunities to seduce another person, despite the awareness that such action will probably lead to the breakdown of the relationship or the acquisition of venereal diseases. Consistent opinions of specialists say that people suffering from sex addiction (nymphomania, satyriasis) have a habit of engaging in more than 1 type of sexual behavior as part of addiction.

How to cure a nymphomaniac?

Treatment so nymphomaniacsAnd satyriasis are performed by qualified sexologists who, on the basis of the initial interview, are able to determine whether a given case suffers from this problem. The therapy for said disorder is based on treatment psychological (i.e. psychodynamic therapy) and pharmacological (in which SSRIs, neuroleptics or anti-androgen drugs are used). In treatment In a sex addict, behavioral therapies are also very helpful, as they teach the patient to establish deeper relationships with other people and learn new methods of fighting stress. If the sex addict is in a relationship, they may be asked to come to therapy with their partner. As with psychoactive substances, a complete recovery from nymphomaniacs i satirism sometimes it is impossible. For this reason, specialists advise people recovering from addiction to avoid risky situations, the occurrence of which could cause a relapse.

Controversy around nymphomania

There is a view among some specialists that sex addiction is not a disease but a fashion. This position is argued by them with the special popularity of erotic themes, which are becoming more and more present in culture every year. According to the supporters of the above theory, both nymphomaniaAnd satirism is another name for a more active than average sex life. Moreover, they believe that in some circles such behavior may be desirable, and hence there are people who imitate them in order to obtain some kind of social gratification. However, the more popular position is the Classification of Mental Diseases ICD-10, according to whose excessive sex drive, other disorders of drive and habit, and unspecified disorders of drive and habit, constitute a disease listed under F52.7. With this in mind, it is important to remember that sex addiction has little to do with a playful way of portraying it as a desirable trait in a partner. Nymphomania and satirism are disorders that, if left untreated, significantly hinder functioning not only in relationships, but also in society more broadly.

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