What is not allowed in your forties? These habits are very bad for your health

Life in our forties may not be any different from what and how we felt a few years earlier. However, it can also be quite a challenge for us. All this is due to the changes that take place in the body that begins its fifth decade of functioning. This is why it is worth taking a moment to look at your daily habits, because they are of great importance to your overall well-being and health. Some of them are extremely harmful.

  1. As we age, we sleep less and less, despite the fact that the need for sleep is very high – experts recommend seven to eight hours of night sleep
  2. It is also important to weigh yourself regularly. This allows you to monitor any deviations that may indicate health problems
  3. After XNUMX, it is also important to take care of your mental well-being. A good way is to practice mindfulness, yoga or meditation can also be helpful
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

You sleep too little

Experts repeat it like a mantra: the right amount of sleep can work wonders. With age, sleep becomes less restful (it is more difficult to fall asleep, get up earlier, wake up more often at night), but paradoxically, the need for night rest increases. The American Sleep Foundation recommends that you sleep a minimum of seven, and preferably eight, hours a day after the age of 40. Such a dream helps to regenerate physically and mentally, but it is also a preventive measure. It has been proven that healthy, regular sleep reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer.

The rest of the text below the video.

You don’t weigh yourself regularly

From the point of view of the psyche, getting weight every day is not the best idea, especially when we are trying to lose weight. However, exaggerating the other way will not do us any good either. Dr. Hector Perez, a surgeon collaborating with the Bariatric Journal, reminds that “with age your metabolism slows down and it is easier to gain weight”. The doctor adds that being overweight can put us at risk of heart disease, diabetes and other health problems. Monitoring it and paying attention to any abnormalities and worrying trends (both weight gain and loss).

You don’t pay attention to what you eat

With age, the awareness of the harmfulness of some products is slightly greater, but the eating habits instilled many years ago and practiced for a long time often take over. However, neglecting a proper, balanced diet in your forties has far greater consequences than even a few years earlier.

At this age, changes occur in the body that require additional support. Metabolic processes weaken, the risk of developing chronic diseases increases, incl. hypertension and diabetes, as well as cancer (especially when we are at risk, because oncological diseases have been diagnosed in our relatives).

In the case of women, there are also hormonal changes related to the menopause. The key here is the decrease in the level of estrogen, which causes, among others, hot flashes and night sweats. According to nutritionists, it may be helpful, among others include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins D and K in the daily menu, as well as limit processed foods and simple sugars.

A separate place should be devoted to the role of fruit and vegetables, which are the best investment in well-being, but also delay the aging process of the body. “This is because the plant compounds act as antioxidants in the body that fight free radicals. They are similar to toxins and cause cellular damage both inside and outside the body. This can lead to the acceleration of the aging process of the body »explains nutritionist Lisa Richards.

Optimal production of collagen has a positive effect on the appearance of the skin. You will find this ingredient, among others in Nalewka The Secret of Longevity Klimuszko, which is available at an attractive price in Medonet Market.

You don’t care about your mental health

If so far we have not paid much attention to our mental well-being, it is high time to change it. Stress, repressed feelings, emotional imbalance, racing thoughts, constant rush – the body can only cope with it when they happen sporadically. In the long run, however, they can cause health problems.

According to a study by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in five adults over the age of 55 experiences psychological problems, so being over XNUMX is the best time to avoid these problems. We can do a lot on our own. It is taking care of the balance between professional and private life, finding a passion that will be a stepping stone from everyday worries, more frequent social meetings, as well as implementing practices that calm the body and mind.

“Self-care can include meditation, yoga, mindfulness, (…) learning to express yourself and listen to what your body tells you (are you hungry, tired, bored, lonely, etc.),” ​​advises Anne Poirier, image expert body, author of The Body Joyful. As the trainer adds, “not listening to yourself, both in your body and mind, can have a big impact on your stress levels. Chronic stress has become a status symbol these days. Reducing stress can improve mood, sleep, immunity and quality of life, while reducing aches and pains, lowering blood pressure and reducing the likelihood of disease ».

If it is not possible to deal with mental problems, it is also worth going to specialists: a psychiatrist and a psychologist or psychotherapist for help.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time our guest is Marek Rybiec – businessman, as one of 78 people from all over the world, he completed «4 Deserts» – ultramarathon taking place in extreme places around the world. She talks to Aleksandra Brzozowska about the challenge, mental strength and mindfulness training. Listen!

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