What is Norvasc and when to use it?

The drug in the form of tablets, taken orally. It is most often used during angina, angina and arterial hypertension. Your doctor should always adjust the dose that is right for you.

What is Norvasc used for?

The main ingredient in Norvasc is amlodipine, which is a calcium antagonist. Norvasc is used primarily in people who suffer from high blood pressure, angina and people who experience regular chest pain.

Regular use of the drug helps to increase the blood supply to the heart and the amount of oxygen the body needs, which contributes greatly to reducing pain in the chest. Thanks to it, blood flows more easily in the veins, which helps people suffering from hypertension to function better.

Who should not use Norvasc?

The drug should not be used by people who are allergic to any of the ingredients. Patients suffering from hypotension, aortic stenosis, or a patient suffering from heart failure following a recent infarction are also excluded.

Before starting the treatment, inform your doctor about all medications that you are currently taking. The physician should also be made aware of all diseases and conditions related to the circulatory system and the cardiovascular system.

Norvasc can be used in children from 6 to 17 years of age. So far, no studies have been conducted on the effects of the drug on children under 6 years of age.

If you experience any discomfort after taking this medicine, please inform your doctor immediately.

Other Medicines and Norvasc

Other medications can have negative effects along with taking Norvascu. These drugs include, but are not limited to: antifungal drugs, antibiotics, St. John’s wort, immunosuppressants, other heart medications, protease inhibitors, and drugs that lower cholesterol.

Eating Food and Norvasc

People taking this medication should not consume grapefruit and grapefruit drinks.

How is Norvasc used?

First of all, the doctor should prescribe the appropriate dose of the drug, selected for the patient’s needs. The recommended amount of Norvascu is 5 mg daily. Occasionally, the dose may double. You should take your medicine at the same time each day with plenty of water.

Side effects of Norvascu

The most frequently mentioned side effects by patients include: chest pain, breathing problems, swelling on the face, swelling of the throat and tongue or esophagus, allergic reactions on the skin, heart rhythm disturbances, as well as pain in the lower abdomen. You may also experience frequent dizziness and headache, fatigue, muscle cramps.

If you notice any of the symptoms listed above, please inform your doctor immediately.

Storage of Norvascu

The drug should be stored in a shaded place out of the reach of children. It must not be used after the expiry date. It should be stored at a temperature of up to 25 degrees Celsius.

The composition of the drug Norvasc

The active substance is amlodipine. One tablet contains 5 mg or 10 g of this substance. Additional ingredients are: magnesium stearate, calcium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium carboxymethyl starch.

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