What is non-verbal communication: types, examples, tips

Hello dear readers of my blog! Communication is a very important process in the life of every person, thanks to it our psyche develops, we advance, socialize and generally live. And today I want to invite you to consider one of its types, namely the non-verbal manifestation of a person’s emotional states. After all, it makes up from 60 to 95% of the information that we unconsciously present to others.

What is non-verbal communication?

In simple terms, non-verbal communication is communication without the help of words.

And not only between people, but also when interacting with animals. It also helps to understand the interlocutor more deeply and express more complex feelings for which it is impossible to find words, or if a person does not realize what is happening to him, then the body gives him and those around him a hint about his condition. You might think why do we need to know more, because verbally it’s as simple as that, right?

But words can be deceived, and some movements and processes in the body, depending on the experience of any feeling, cannot be faked. For example, even if you assume the posture and appearance of a frightened person, your pupils will not dilate, and your palms will not sweat from fear. You can learn more about such nuances in the following article: “The most interesting features of non-verbal communication between people”, and now I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main types:

Types of non-verbal communication and manifestations


In fact, this is not only a means of communication, but also a very complex instrument of a person, with the help of which he can scream, laugh, cry and, with a change in intonation or tone, makes others understand about his position and condition. For example, by the usual word: “Hi”, you can determine whether you are glad to meet you, they greeted you formally, they are completely unfriendly towards you, and so on.

Voice characteristics

  • Speed ​​of speech: a fast pace indicates impulsiveness, confidence, a slow pace indicates poise and restraint. But if there are fluctuations, then speech speeds up, then slows down, this signals uncertainty and the inability to control oneself due to experiences and slight excitability.
  • Loudness: a loud voice belongs to a person with an active lifestyle and a lot of vitality. A quiet voice means modesty, restraint in manifestations, but jumps indicate excitement and feelings at the time of the conversation.
  • Articulation: A clear pronunciation indicates a desire to be understood, and an incomprehensible pronunciation indicates a lack of confidence in oneself and one’s point of view.
  • Height: falsetto belongs to a person with a high level of intelligence, a voice from the chest — sincere and emotional, too high, squeaky — means fear, low timbre — self-confidence, relaxation and the ability to influence others, command respect and admiration.

Characteristics of laughter

  • Ha ha ha — carefree, open and cheerful.
  • He-he-he — wayward, stubborn.
  • Hee hee hee — sarcastic, malevolent.
  • Ho-ho-ho — boastful, rebellious.
  • Hu-hoo-hoo — cowardice, sometimes unconscious fear.


Facial expression is a facial expression that reflects the various feelings that a person lives. Only they are expressed a little differently on each side of the face, due to the fact that the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the intellectual sphere, and the right — for the emotional.

Gaze characteristics

  • Wide-open eyes mean liveliness and readiness to perceive information from the outside, but too open indicate increased attachment to the world.
  • Squinted or tensely narrowed — concentration, cunning, watching someone and signs of increased attention.
  • Direct means interest and willingness to communicate.
  • If they look at you only from the corners of their eyes, then know that they do not trust you and are skeptical about what you say.
  • From top to bottom — excessive self-confidence, up to arrogance.
  • Avoiding your gaze is modesty, or living a feeling.

Characteristics of a smile

  • The corners of the mouth pulled down indicate a person’s pessimism.
  • And vice versa, raised up symbolize a cheerful and optimistic person.
  • A plump and soft mouth is a sign of sensitivity and increased vitality.
  • Sharp thin lips — indicate intelligence and willpower.

Let’s now look at how a person’s feelings are manifested in order to better understand the behavior of the interlocutor and the thoughts and feelings he lives through, because what he says is not always true.

Manifestation of feelings

  1. Anger, anger — eyes open wide, teeth clench, and the look becomes squinted.
  2. Surprise — again, eyes open wide, only in case of surprise, eyebrows also rise, and the mouth opens slightly.
  3. Fear — a frightened person lowers his eyebrows, his lips are slightly stretched, the corners of which fall down.
  4. Happiness, joy — raised corners of the lips, and the look is calm and open.
  5. Sadness — the look seems to be extinct, completely without interest in others, the eyebrows are drawn together, and the corners of the lips are lowered down.
  6. Admiration — long eye contact, with a calm look.
  7. Indignation — prolonged eye contact, without pauses, intent and slightly anxious.
  8. Interest in the other — an attentive look with pauses, approximately every 10 seconds.
  9. Dislike is manifested when the interlocutor looks away, not wanting to meet eyes.

Gestures and postures of non-verbal communication

What is non-verbal communication: types, examples, tips

If you are attentive to the behavior of another person, you will observe what position of the hands, body, what gestures he uses when interacting with you — you will be able to recognize the true intentions and notice if he is lying or really speaking sincerely.


  • Crossing the arms on the chest means a state of expectation of something or is used as a defensive reaction. If they are hidden behind the back, it is not going to act now, to do something, open palms are a sign that the person is sincere at the moment, but if he hides them in his pocket, it symbolizes the desire to hide something, a feeling of insecurity and static.
  • If you notice that the interlocutor is clenching his hand into a fist, do not be alarmed, this is not always a symbol of aggression, but only a desire to master the feeling of inner anxiety and concentrate. But if the tip of the index finger and thumb are in contact, while the little finger is protruded — a symbol of a very strong concentration on any details.
  • If at least one hand rests on the thigh, this means that a person is trying to demonstrate his superiority due to a feeling of insecurity and embarrassment, that is, falling into a completely different polarity.
  • When the hands rest on a chair, table, etc., trying to support the body in this way, this means that it is important for him to feel that there is a sense of security and support, then he will again feel strength.

Types of gestures

  1. Openness — shrugging, showing open palms and hands in general, unbuttoning a shirt, etc. A person who is ready for a sincere conversation sits on the very edge of the chair in order to be closer to the interlocutor. When both are in a friendly mood, they will repeat each other’s movements and postures.
  2. Defense — crossed arms over the chest or clenched into a fist, communication in this case is unlikely to lead to a compromise.
  3. Evaluation, reflection — the hand propping up the cheek means that the interlocutor is in deep thought, but if the chin is propped up by the palm, with the index finger extended along the oval of the face, you are critically assessed, not trusting, being in a position, «we’ll see.» If the head is tilted, they listen to you as much as possible, including in the process. Thinking and the moment of choice, decision-making — when you notice that the other is scratching his chin, pacing back and forth, pinching the bridge of his nose, and if there are glasses, then he does some kind of manipulation with them.
  4. Boredom and lack of interest — a blank look, mechanical drawing of something, tapping with a foot or hand.
  5. Flirting — women usually preen by straightening their hair, slowly crossing their legs, stroking their thighs or calves. The behavior of men is slightly different, they straighten their tie, jacket, raise and lower their chin, straighten up …
  6. Concealment, suspicion — the hand usually covers the mouth, legs and body are turned towards the exit, rubbing the eyes, ear, nose, and also looking away.
  7. Credulity — fingers connected in the form of a dome
  8. Self-control — hands are placed behind the lower back and hidden, or, if a person is sitting, but at the same time crossed his legs and grabbed his armrests with his hands. If you notice that you are twitching your ear, this means that you have a great desire to end the conversation, but you control yourself and do not allow this to be done.
  9. Anger and frustration — frequent breathing, tense and closely intertwined hands, sometimes clasped, squeezing one another.

Gait characteristic

  • Wide steps most often characterize a purposeful, assertive and active person.
  • Rhythmic gait — typical for those walking in a good mood.
  • A clear one, like an army step, is a sign of strong will and determination.
  • Shuffling — laziness, lack of goals and aspirations.
  • Firm, tense, as if on stilts — constriction, constraint and lack of communication.

Characteristic posture during sleep

What is non-verbal communication: types, examples, tips

  1. On his side in a ball, pressing something to his stomach — such a person wants help, he needs support and protection. Their body language speaks of their unwillingness to take responsibility for their lives, they are sensitive and impulsive, mostly guided by desire rather than common sense.
  2. On the side in a ball, spreading arms and legs — there is balance and the ability to adapt to changes.
  3. On the stomach, arms outstretched — predictable, prudent and love when power is in their hands.
  4. On the back, with their hands under their heads, sociable and self-confident people sleep, they are optimistic and loyal.
  5. On the side, bending the knees — balanced people usually rest, capable of compromise and not tolerating conflict situations. Not brave enough and like to be invisible.
  6. Having lowered the leg from the bed, they live at a very fast pace, they do not know how to pause in order to notice the surrounding reality.
  7. Wrapped completely in a blanket — shy and cowardly.
  8. Legs laid one on top of the other indicate that a person cannot realize something in himself or understand the events that happen to him.
  9. On his stomach, with his hands under it, he is punctual, prudent, does not like surprises, trying to predict events and their results in advance.

How to recognize a lie?

An interesting fact about how to recognize a lie: it turns out that sincerity or vice versa, a lie in relation to the location towards you arises depending on the speed and simultaneity of expanding the eyes and raising the corners of the mouth. For example, if you notice that the interlocutor’s eyes are slowly opening, while he rarely blinks and smiles, it means that there is a threat towards you. Or vice versa, if he allows himself to close his eyes for a short time, he trusts you and is disposed to sincere interaction.

There are also signs like this:

  • Hesitation in conversation or long pauses.
  • Facial expressions seemed to freeze for about 10 seconds — a clear sign of falsehood and a simulated demonstration of feelings.
  • A pause between spoken words and emotional manifestations.
  • Avoidance of prolonged eye contact, gaze mostly restless.
  • Few gestures or gesticulation only with the right hand, and sometimes on the contrary, excessive movements and inappropriate feelings.
  • Breathing is heavy, facial expressions are weak, blinking is rapid.


These are the main types of manifestations of non-verbal communication, if you want to know more, you can see my article «TOP 10 best books on non-verbal communication worth reading», where I indicated a list of literature that is easy to understand, and at the same time informative.

That’s all, dear friends, do not forget to subscribe to blog updates. See you soon.

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