What is muscle hypertrophy training and why is it needed?

Hypertrophy training is strength training, the goal of which is the physical growth of muscles, and, therefore, an increase in their strength and volume. Tips for those whose goal is the ideal form.

Hypertrophy (“more” – hyper, “nutrition” – trophe, greek.) muscles – an increase in the mass of muscle tissues and their volume with the help of physical activity. Weight training contributes most to the growth and development of muscles. Power fitness areas also allow you to increase physical strength and endurance. There are three main factors responsible for the development of hypertrophy: mechanical tension of muscles during strength training, metabolic stress, microtrauma of muscle fibers. In people leading a sedentary lifestyle, the opposite process is observed – atrophy (a decrease in muscle volume).

Training for muscle growth: features

The increase in muscle mass is one of the main tasks of athletes who lift weights, take part in speed-strength sports and in bodybuilding, where the quality and quantity of developed muscles are assessed. Not only athletes strive to develop hypertrophy, but also people who care about the beauty of their bodies. And recently, not only men of any age are striving for muscle hypertrophy, but also women who are gaining mass to round their shapes.

  1. To grow muscle mass, it is necessary to regularly perform power loads progressive in intensity. Hypertrophy is based on the process of formation of new tissue cells in areas with microtraumas resulting from intense muscle work.
  2. Bodybuilders usually use moderate exercise with short breaks – this causes the most metabolic stress. Powerlifters take long rests between sets and train with heavy weights.

Types of muscle hypertrophy. There are 2 types of muscle hypertrophy:

  • myofibrillar – muscles have a toned appearance due to the growth of muscle mass due to the regeneration of injured fibers – myofibrils;
  • sarcoplasmic – the muscles look voluminous due to an increase in the volume of the nutrient fluid surrounding the tissue.

Fitness training contributes to the development of muscles in two types at the same time. It is impossible to achieve growth in only one type, but it is possible to stimulate development in the desired direction by performing certain exercises.

Necessary conditions for muscle growth according to the myofibrillar type

For the development of myofibrillar hypertrophy, speed exercises are effective. In this case, the following conditions must be observed:

  • the minimum weight of weighting shells should be 80% of the weight used in one maximum repetition of the working weight;
  • adhere to the fitness training schedule – optimally 5 times a week, class time – up to 1 hour;
  • periodically increase the working weight in order to better adapt myofibrils to power loads and prevent stopping the growth of muscle mass;
  • to stimulate muscle fibers due to their rapid fatigue, it is necessary to rest between sets for 1-2 minutes;
  • vary the range of repetitions of exercises within 4–8 times (depending on the complexity of the workout and working weight);
  • follow a protein diet – provide the body with essential substances involved in the formation of new cells.

Myofibrillar mass growth exercises should include:

  • bench press;
  • barbell squats;
  • deadlift;
  • thrust in an inclined position of the body.

Conditions necessary for sarcoplasmic hypertrophy

The sarcoplasmic type needs the work of slow-twitch muscle fibers. To activate them will allow training with a moderate working weight, the maximum possible number of repetitions and rest for 3-5 minutes between sets. The classes include the following exercises:

  • bench press;
  • pulling the dumbbell back;
  • rises to the sides;
  • lifting to the side from a sitting position in an inclination.

Important: At the initial stages of training, muscle hypertrophy is almost absent. Weight gain depends on many factors: the gender of the person involved, age, hormonal levels, individual and genetic characteristics, etc. Over time, it becomes much more difficult to build muscle mass, so it is important to initially organize classes correctly. See also: How to develop physical strength?

A few rules to achieve an increase in muscle mass:

The key to triggering hypertrophy and muscle growth is stress, so it’s important to use substantial weights in your exercises and keep progressing. Otherwise, the muscles adapt and stop being stressed.

  1. It is important not to exceed the recommended number of sets. One muscle group should account for 3-4 exercises in 3-4 sets. When performing exercises with a load on the muscles, increasing the number of approaches will not give additional results.
  2. Don’t forget muscle building supplements. Fast sources of energy – BCAA, creatine phosphate, glycogen – are the fuel for muscle fibers. To help your muscles grow faster before training, take creatine, whey protein and high glycemic carbohydrates on time – BCAA amino acids.
  3. Rest properly between sets. Energy reserves in the muscle during strength training are consumed in 10-12 seconds. The muscle recovery break should be between 40 and 90 seconds. If you refuse to rest (or when it is reduced), the muscles do not have time to recover and accumulate strength for a new approach or acceleration, the effectiveness of the training decreases.

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