The pros and cons of alcoholic beverages are constantly discussed. So I recently argued with friends on this topic. And this is understandable, since you want to choose such a drink for yourself in order to feel good not only in the evening, but also in the morning.
In my company, the question has long been discussed: “What is more harmful than store-bought vodka or homemade moonshine?”.
Because some people like to buy vodka, while others try to drink moonshine, as it seems that it has a more natural composition. I would still like to understand this topic.
What is the real harm of any alcohol
We all understand that even in small quantities, any alcoholic beverages are harmful. This applies to both a bottle of beer and a glass of moonshine.
Therefore, when used, the responsibility lies with the people themselves. A few years ago, scientists even debunked the myth about the benefits of a glass of red wine for the body.
With daily use, in addition to direct harm to the body, the disintegration of the personality begins. A person cannot control his actions. All problems recede, euphoria arises.
In this state, you can easily get behind the wheel and lose control. Often, alcoholics are characterized by unmotivated aggression, which also pushes them to illegal actions. Fights, quarrels, violence – all this is easier to unleash, being “under a degree”.
The liver is especially affected. She has to process drunk, although alcohol strives to spread throughout the body.
Alcoholic hepatitis often develops, and then cirrhosis, as the organ wears out, and fatty deposits appear at the site of damage.
The difference between vodka and moonshine – fusel oils
To put it simply, vodka is concentrated, already purified alcohol. And moonshine is called the result of the distillation of certain products.
The difference between them is in the concentration of fusel oils. Vodka contains about 3 milligrams per 1 liter of liquid, and home-made moonshine contains more (this is similar to whiskey).
Fusel oils slow down the processes of processing substances, in particular, oxidation. This helps the body adapt to what is happening, so in the morning the hangover is not so pronounced just after moonshine. Of course, if you drink it within the bounds of decency.
Visual comparison of moonshine and vodka
A characteristic feature of vodka is alcohol taste and smell. The drink is based on ethyl (purified alcohol) and water, and only then, depending on the price category, manufacturers add additional impurities. For example, they can be treated with silver, egg white or milk.
Important! The advantage of vodka is that it goes through several stages of filtration during preparation. This is not possible with homemade alcohol.
Moonshine is made at home using the distillation method on a special apparatus. The basis of the drink is Braga – a mixture of yeast and sugar. This gives the drink a special taste and smell.
What else is harmful vodka, except for fusel oils
In terms of chemical properties, vodka is worse than moonshine, because the process of getting into the liver and processing is fast. Taking moonshine is always easier for the body. That is why they note that after a store-bought alcohol hangover is worse than from a homemade one.
In terms of taste, vodka also loses – it always has a characteristic taste and aroma, which can be “disguised” with moonshine. There are many different recipes. Double or even triple distillation of raw materials helps to get rid of the pungent odor.
Two more significant disadvantages are hidden in the price and the ability to buy a fake. Vodka is often faked, and its value is constantly growing due to excise taxes. Homemade alcohol is usually more profitable, and it is always clear what it is made of.
At what doses moonshine is more harmful than vodka
The main disadvantage of moonshine is insufficient cleaning in comparison with the store counterpart. With a little experience of the moonshiner, the specific aroma of the drink will be felt. However, experienced moonshiners have learned to filter moonshine at home, as well as insist and soften.
Moonshine after cleaning infused with herbs
Important! By adding tinctures, berries, honey to moonshine, you can give it a refined and original taste.
Vodka is produced according to standards and GOSTs. Moonshine is difficult to check. It is impossible to test at home: the result depends on the master and the quality of the raw materials.
As for the dose, it is definitely difficult to say. For each toxic dose is individual. Out of habit, you can poison yourself with a very small glass.
We remind you! Alcohol is harmful in any quantity, regardless of its type and origin.
It seems to me that everyone chooses what he likes best. Some want the original version of moonshine, while others perceive only store-bought vodka. And what do you like more?