Full awareness of what we eat leads to concern about eating healthy foods and improving our eating habits.
El mindfoodness (also called “mindful eating”) is a term widely used today on social media. It comes from the word mindfulness, and consists of pay full attention to the food we eat. The full awareness of what we eat leads to the concern to eat healthy meals, and to improve our habits in order to make them healthier, without being strictly a diet.
Mindful eating also consists of eat food slowly, savoring and enjoying it. It is a technique that allows you to be more attentive when it comes to eating and connect with food in a new way.
Thus, el mindfoodness promotes self-control, making eating not such an automatic practice. Thanks to this, cravings or the amount of food we eat can be reduced.
Practices to carry out mindful eating
To carry out the mindfoodness, necessary willpower and desire to improve your life. Help from expert nutritionists is also advisable, who will guide us through this journey.
If you want to master mindful eating, you can carry out practices such as:
- Eat slower
- Make sure that we do not eat out of boredom or whim
- Respect lunch time without paying attention to the mobile or the television
- Keeping a diary of the food we eat each day so that it is easier for us to record everything we eat and manage it more appropriately
Be mindful of every moment when eating
When we eat, on many occasions we are not aware of what we are doing. We start looking at our cell phones, television, talking to our friends or family and we are not aware of the act of eating. We don’t stop to think about it.
Mindful eating promotes precisely that, that we are aware of the time of the meal in order to benefit our health.
You must be clear that it is not a specific diet or a way to lose weight, but a way of eating whose purpose is to improve the way we eat. Something that is important for our physical and mental well-being.
At mealtime, you are supposed to chew at least 40 times. A reality that at all adjusts to the eating habits of our society. Chewing each bite the right way, we help reduce gluttony y we improve the absorption of nutrients during digestion.
We cannot ignore this full awareness of what we eat because it is a form of self-control, increased pleasure and also el mindfoodness can help us contribute to the prevention of different eating disorders.