What is mental chewing gum and how to get rid of it?

Good afternoon, dear readers! Have you ever heard of such a thing as «mental chewing gum». I would like to note that many do not know what it is, but they also repeatedly encounter this problem. Let’s talk about it today.

What is mental chewing gum?

Mental chewing gum refers to the thoughts that arise in the head, from which it is difficult, and in some cases almost impossible to get rid of. They are obsessive, appear in the head regardless of the desire of the person.

These thoughts are groundless, arise on their own, do not carry a share of rationality. In addition to nervous exhaustion, they do not entail any consequences. They can spin in their heads for hours, i.e. they are as long lasting as chewing gum. Oddly enough, both adults and children and adolescents are equally susceptible to this phenomenon.

For example, an unpleasant situation happened to you in a store or public transport, you were rude. It has already passed, but you suddenly begin to scroll through this situation in your thoughts. You assume what might have happened if you had answered this way or that way. Or maybe you should have ignored this moment and kept silent, then the outcome would have been completely different? Or, maybe, on the contrary — it was necessary to enter into a conflict and defend your opinion to the end? How is it better? What is the correct way out of this situation?

The point is that there is no “correct” way. All that you can achieve by thinking about a situation, thing or person is just nervous tension, fatigue and exhaustion. This is a real «mental chewing gum» that does not go out of our heads at our request. She keeps coming back and coming back again. How to live with it? How to get rid of it? How to minimize negative emotions from this phenomenon?

How to get rid?

All conscious efforts to get rid of obsessive thoughts are doomed to failure in one way or another. No one has yet come up with a treatment that could permanently save a person from this. But we can stop thinking about anything, at least for a while. Let’s take a look at the methods on how to do this.

  1. Try to be constantly busy with something. It’s no secret that the thoughts of a busy person are focused exclusively on work, whether it be physical or mental labor. He thinks how to do it, what to do, what can be improved, and so on. Therefore, employment is a good protector against “mental chewing gum”.
  2. Look for the positives. As soon as an obsessive thought arises in your head, find a positive aspect in it. Think about whether you can get at least some benefit from this thing or situation that you are thinking about now. And when you define it, immediately cling to it and turn the train of thought in another direction, more acceptable to you. Then it will gradually turn into a more pleasant one, and by itself will fade into the background.
  3. Try to be indifferent. If you can’t drive or turn thoughts in any way, try not to notice them. Naturally, the effect will not be as fast as in the first two paragraphs, but over time, these thoughts will visit you less and less.
  4. Relaxation and meditation. Physical and moral rest, yoga helps to tune in to the right wave. The head is occupied with calmness and rest, so there can be no talk of any anxieties. Each of us has his own, the most optimal method of relaxation. Analyze what calms you the most. This can be a great defense method.
  5. Hobby. Each of us is a natural genius in some way. Someone masterfully rides a bicycle or roller skates. Someone is great at singing or drawing. Someone is a born artist or sculptor. Surely you also have a favorite activity for your heart, which is an excellent defense against “mental chewing gum”. As soon as you realize that your thoughts have not gone where you would like, get down to business.
  6. Tell loved ones or friends about your worries. Very often, after we talk about it and hear the opinion of people who are authoritative for us, anxieties disappear by themselves, everything does not seem so gloomy and hopeless. We roughly determine for ourselves options for getting out of difficult or frightening situations. Speak and you will feel better.


This, perhaps, is all the existing methods of getting rid of mental chewing gum. The main thing is not to panic and not let your thoughts control you and your emotions. Remember, you and only you are the master of your thoughts and life. Therefore, everything is in your hands.

Goodbye, dear readers. Be attentive to yourself, do not panic and do not get upset over trifles. Until we meet again for new interesting conversations!

Also, we recommend reading an article about motor memory and methods of its development. By the way, it may one day save your life.

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