What is meditation and what does it give the common man

Good day, dear readers of my blog! On the path of self-development, meditation is an important tool — this is a state when the body is as relaxed as possible, there are no thoughts and emotions. It is achieved through special mental exercises. And today we will consider what meditation gives a person, since it has been used since ancient times, to this day.

Briefly about meditation

To understand what it is, I will briefly talk about the process itself. In a comfortable position, you need to try to clear your mind of all thoughts in order to concentrate on one task. By the way, the widespread opinion that only the lotus position is suitable is incorrect. It is quite possible to sit on a chair and even a bed, the main thing is not to lose control and not fall asleep. And for those who do not like to sit in one place, there are techniques that allow you to meditate while walking in nature. But in any case, each of them consists of several stages and has several types.


  • Prepare
  • Active action
  • Consolidation of the result
  • Completion

Basic views

What is meditation and what does it give the common man

  1. Unidirectional. That is, you need to concentrate your attention on something, say something or listen. There are a large number of techniques, I will introduce you to them in the next article (concentration on breathing, on creation, auditory, active, passive group, revealing, deep, etc.). Usually one-pointed concentration is used to prepare for the next sight.
  2. On the void. Sometimes it is difficult to achieve it, due to the fact that there should not be a single thought in the head, not a single emotion should distract you, only relaxation and concentration on emptiness.

Well, let’s get down to the most important thing — why do we need it? Scientists have conducted more than three thousand studies on the effect of meditation on the human body. The results may surprise you, but even skeptical experts have recognized the enormous changes in the health and psychological state of the meditator. Even if a person practiced for only four days, there was a tangible benefit immediately.

Impact on health

  1. Lowers blood pressure and levels of lactic acid (lactate), thereby reducing post-workout pain and fatigue.
  2. Helps strengthen the immune system, thereby increasing the level of protection against adverse environmental conditions.
  3. The practitioner of the relaxation technique is less likely to develop heart disease.
  4. Reduces pain and helps with headaches.
  5. Less frequent asthma attacks
  6. Most readers will probably be delighted, because meditation keeps the body youthful, and also increases life expectancy.
  7. By engaging in practices, especially breathing, there is a high probability that there will be no need for smoking or alcohol.
  8. The quality of sleep improves, depression and nightmares disappear.
  9. Even children are useful, because the techniques help to reduce the hyperactivity of the child, calming the nervous system and increasing concentration.
  10. Your mind and body will always be in good shape, no matter what kind of meditation you prefer.
  11. Increases the production of the hormone serotonin, thanks to which we experience joy, happiness and interest in life.

Impact on thinking

What is meditation and what does it give the common man

  1. Improves brain function and thought processes, resulting in increased performance over time.
  2. Memory is strengthened, and absent-mindedness disappears accordingly. It is also an excellent method for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, when over time a person loses the ability to remember events that happened 5 minutes ago, thinking decreases to the level of a two-year-old baby. By the way, if you want to increase your level of mindfulness, you can read a previously published article on the blog: “How to deal with inattention in a way that helps everyone.”
  3. The process of processing information is accelerated, which significantly saves time and improves the quality of work.
  4. A meditating person is able to discover and develop intuitive abilities.
  5. Creativity and creative thinking develop.
  6. There is clarity of mind, which makes it easier to perceive difficult situations and obstacles to achieving your goal.
  7. The ability to learn and perceive new information increases.

Impact on the emotional state

  1. Meditation techniques help increase self-confidence, give inner strength to implement your plans and, accordingly, increase self-esteem.
  2. Much less often there is a feeling of anger or anger, irritability and dissatisfaction with life is minimized.
  3. It becomes possible to control your emotions, which significantly helps to achieve success in doing business and important negotiations.
  4. Depression and depression disappear, vital energy rises, stimulating desires and interest in every day.
  5. For those who are actively engaged in self-development, I want to say that thanks to meditation, not only the quality of thinking increases, but also emotional intelligence. That is, awareness of one’s feelings, actions, desires and intentions. Indeed, in achieving success, it is this type of intelligence that plays a decisive role, and not
  6. A meditating person achieves inner balance, his anxieties, doubts and worries disappear. He is more resolute, stable and in harmony not only with himself, but also with the world.
  7. Stress resistance increases, which means that it becomes possible to maintain warm and close relationships with others. It also reduces the risk of many diseases that occur when trying to cope with stress, such as stomach ulcers, headaches, heart disease, back problems, throat problems, and many others.
  8. A great way to deal with your phobias. Over time, the frequency and depth of experiencing fear is significantly reduced, which causes a feeling of calm in previously traumatic and frightening situations.

In general, why meditation is needed is to improve the quality of your life. After all, people who practice it eventually have a reduced desire to enter into conflicts, they are more efficient and achieve a high level of self-regulation.

During difficult life situations, they can rely on their internal resources without losing self-control and control. In addition, the confidence that everything in your life depends only on you, and you can become what you want, is very motivating to achieve, causing interest and passion for life.

Common traits of people who meditate

What is meditation and what does it give the common man

When performing the techniques, a wide range of emotions and experiences arise, which can sometimes alternate, replacing each other, but in the end leaving joy and peace. For example, a feeling of strong love may appear, which will be replaced by anger, and then a feeling of peace will come. This is a very interesting experience of living, during which a person becomes more conscious, responsible and developed. The action is so effective and inevitable that there are even common features of people who distinguish them from the rest who do not practice this way of self-development:

  • Openness to learning something new;
  • Interest in your inner world, experience and sensations;
  • Increased ability to focus on the necessary things and processes;
  • A very significant ability for a person is to accept another as he is, and, accordingly, himself too. With all the flaws and negative personality traits. After all, changes for the better occur when we realize the present and recognize what we have and have, even if we don’t like it.
  • A high level of self-control, a meditating person will not allow himself to be led by feelings, allowing himself outbursts of rage or scandals. If only because it is easier to relate to life, not prone to neuroses, and simply practically does not feel such charged emotions as rage.


It is important to remember that the process of self-development is a continuous work on oneself; after doing an exercise just a couple of times, one should not expect instant colossal results. Show perseverance and willpower in the process of achieving your goals. Hone your skills, and over time, your knowledge of yourself will reach a deep level, opening up completely new sides of your inner world.

You will learn how to meditate correctly in the article: “The Basics of the Art of Meditation for Beginners for Proper Meditation”.

About the method of meditation: «The easiest to learn and effective way of meditation.»

As you can see, dear readers, meditation is the main element on the way to achieving harmony with yourself and others. No wonder it has been at the peak of popularity for so many hundreds of years and does not lose its leading position in the list of methods for self-development and improving the quality of life. Harmony and balance to you.

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