What is mass consciousness and the main methods of modern manipulation

Hello, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov’s blog! Against the backdrop of everything that is happening in the world, I consider it my duty to deal with you about what mass consciousness is. And we will also consider the most popular methods by which people are manipulated. So, are you ready?

Definition of concept

Mass consciousness is the consciousness of large groups of people, as you might have guessed. It manifests itself in the behavior of these groups, which is accompanied by strong emotions that have arisen in certain circumstances. They are formed spontaneously, they have a powerful force in terms of defeat and inclusion of other individuals in their process.

To make it clearer, the structure and main forms of manifestation:

  1. Hysteria, it is also called collective insanity. For example, if a person with a mental disorder is placed on a train and sent on a long journey with healthy people, then on the 6-7th day of a joint stay, almost the entire carriage will show symptoms characteristic of his illness.
  2. Gossip. Do you know the game «broken phone»? As soon as one person “launches” interesting and shocking information to the people, without specifying the source, how it will instantly spread among acquaintances. This is how word of mouth radio works.
  3. Panic — occurs when the danger that has arisen frightens people so much that they cease to be aware of their actions. I think you are aware of the stories when, for example, during a panic at concerts, people died in a stampede. Sadly, sometimes such situations are a deliberate impact on the psyche of groups of people for a specific purpose.
  4. Pogrom — a group, but at the same time a short-term act of violence. It arises spontaneously, against the background of emotions, sometimes people who are not prone to aggression, but succumbed to the influence of the majority of radically minded members of the formed team.
  5. Revolt — a manifestation of protest due to dissatisfaction with something.

Manipulation methods

In modern society, the main ways of manipulation are manifested through the media, that is, the media.

Distracting maneuvers

Usually used by politicians to distract the population from some global problem. This technique is somewhat reminiscent of the situation when a child falls and starts crying in pain, and one of the adults takes out a candy, switching attention from a broken knee. At this time, they manage to treat the wound and bandage his leg, but the “wound” is no longer so important for the baby, he is happy with the gift.

Here is something similar that the authorities are doing with the population of their country, but not with the aim of painlessly treating them. Therefore, while, for example, everyone is happy with some new reforms in the field of medicine, they are raising utility bills. Or they make a “stuffing of information” that they want to allow polygamy until the people realize that they made a mistake in the elections.


What is mass consciousness and the main methods of modern manipulation

Above, I have already mentioned that the manipulation of the masses occurs with the help of panic that arises in some abnormal situation. Therefore, sometimes even terrorist attacks are artificially created. The point is that the authorities are throwing all their efforts into strengthening and creating maximum security for residents, having come up with the best solution to the problem.


You are aware that if a situation is constantly repeated, then it becomes familiar, ordinary? Even if it’s shocking, let’s say murder and violence.

Watching the news day after day, and watching how the presenter with a calm face, as if nothing had happened, says that again a fatal traffic accident was committed due to the fault of a drunk driver of one of the vehicles, then over time they stop strong emotions and reactions to such abnormal events arise.

A person gets used to consider this as ordinary. And then all sorts of protests and riots also do not affect the emotional sphere of a person, they become everyday and insignificant for the population.

Influence at the subconscious level

Another method is completely opposite to the previous one, but is also associated with an impact on the emotional sphere. Only the news presenter will, with the help of facial expressions and intonation, adapt to the situation, efforts to effect the feelings that arise. Therefore, speaking about another tragedy, he will make a mournful face, but not very clearly, so that the facial expressions can be read at the subconscious level.

Talking about a new reform leading to happiness, the voice will acquire confident notes of a resident of a country in which positive changes will finally take place. Modern society is becoming dependent on the desire to experience strong feelings, and at least even a banal interest, especially if one’s life did not turn out the way one dreamed. Against this background, programs with real heroes of any tragic events, crimes, and so on are actively appearing.

Have you noticed that sometimes, during such TV shows, some resonant events occur, for example, the participants decided to fight or someone decided to reveal a secret, a terrible secret explaining why he did such a terrible thing? And for some reason, it is in the advertisement of the upcoming broadcast that there is just a cut of such intriguing moments. And then adults will grieve about the fate of abandoned children, at the moment ignoring their own.

Fragmentation of information

I mean, when you buy a magazine and you start reading an interesting article, and you turn the page, there is no continuation. There is an advertisement for at least 4 sheets, which you will have to look through, because you want to find the end of the article. And by the way, subconsciously, brands, brands, etc. will be deposited in your head, so when you get to the shopping center, one day you will be able to “spend” the last money on some thing, because: “you deserve it.”

Who likes to watch commercials on TV? There are few of them, but many who have to, and most do not even notice how all attention is completely switched to the video. Although it all started with the banal — the film was interrupted at the most interesting place, and even though it’s time to go to bed for a long time, you have to wait for the end of the commercial to still see the denouement. Familiar?

Online influence

Considering that society has “learned” the virtual world and computer technologies, it has become easier to manage it. Scientists have conducted research and found that on average, each person with a smartphone takes it out about 150 times a day to check mail, news, and more. And if you think about it, it’s scary. Applications that seem to be created in order to make our lives easier, in fact, deprive us of part of it.

For example, online shopping. It seems to be great if you get sick or there is no way to get out of the house — you will not stay hungry, for example, if you order a pizza, you will receive it with delivery. But how many unplanned purchases do, for example, users of an application like Aliexpress make? Bulk buying unnecessary goods, just because they are now a big discount, consoling themselves with the thought that someday this thing will definitely come in handy. But usually this doesn’t happen. This is how the mass consumer is formed.

What about social networks? How many people are on your friends list that you either never met in real life or haven’t talked to for an unknown amount of time? Which, by the way, disappears without a trace while active users flip through a series of photos on Instagram, the first thing they do in the morning is rush to the phone to find out about new posts that were posted while they were sleeping.

Has it ever happened to you that it’s time to run to work, go to bed, or, finally, turn the cutlets over before they burn out, but you scroll and leaf through the news feed? Which, by the way, is not at all interesting, but there is hope that a worthwhile post will appear …

After all, the world does not stand still, it develops, you need to keep up with all the events, so instead of walking the dog in the park, it is more interesting to read the news about the murders and watch videos with everyday life hacks.

Have you noticed that once you enter a query of interest into a search engine, for example, about repair services in your city, how after a while, even when you go to Facebook, you will everywhere come across ads directly with the masters?

Need for social approval

What is mass consciousness and the main methods of modern manipulation

Another trap of the modern world. This approval can be obtained through photo likes, thought posts, videos, and more. Have you heard of situations where people died trying to take a risky selfie that many will definitely appreciate? Or stories about teenagers, and sometimes even more mature people, who do absolutely crazy things, just to get more subscribers on their channel?

They jump from rooftops, lie down on the rails in front of the train, dye their hair pink or light green (boys), and come up with a lot of dangerous and reckless things, guided by one desire — to stand out. People who are not able to rely on their inner feelings, strengths and resources, and are also unaware of their characteristics, are at risk.

Mentally mature and self-confident individuals have a clear idea of ​​who they really are, about their shortcomings and advantages. So the opinion of others will not affect their self-esteem at all. Therefore, adolescents “suffer” more, they are just in the process of forming knowledge, both about the world and about themselves.

Dirty manipulation

If you read the last article about manipulating people, then you already know that there are manipulation techniques, I call them “dirty”, the purpose of which is to play on certain human feelings. So, the effect on guilt gives very good results.

Yes, the quality of a person’s life depends only on him, you should not shift this responsibility to others, but still. When advertising forms an idea of ​​a successful person (and this is rarely a family, healthy children and parents, most often prestigious watches, a car and expensive tobacco worthy of a real man), then one involuntarily arises a comparison of oneself with all these pictures.

And if the realization comes that it is still very far from these imposed values, a person may decide that he is a loser, incapable of anything and so on. And self-flagellation is very distant from the problems in the economy, it causes depression. And such a desperate person is very easy to manage. One has only to offer something unacceptable (even a crime) in exchange for the fulfillment of a dream.


The description of all methods can be terrifying and angry, but it is important to remember that everything depends on you. This article is not to surprise you with something new, or shock, or set you up against someone. It is more for your awareness. So that you continue to engage in self-development and watch less TV. You can also read about the dangers of TV on the blog at this link.

You can only be controlled if you succumb to weakness. It’s like with children at school, while someone reacts, they tease him. One has only to calmly begin to relate to this, and the bullies will lose interest, going in search of a new victim. So develop, get to know yourself, and then you will have more chances not to be in the mass, controlled by someone more powerful.

The material was prepared by Zhuravina Alina.

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