What is management and how to learn it

We understand what types of management exist, what tasks managerial specialists face, how much they earn and what skills they need

What is management

Management is the work of managing and controlling a business, process or project. From the point of view of science, management is a discipline that studies the principles and characteristics of effective management and explores how certain process management leads an organization to success.

Management is also called the circle / community of company leaders and the set of skills for working with people and solving difficult situations in the organization.

Management functions

The responsibilities of a manager traditionally include 4 functions. In practice, managerial tasks usually involve a combination of several of them.

Goal setting or planning

The manager needs to determine what result the company should achieve. And then plan with what methods and strategies you can use to do this with maximum efficiency.


The manager analyzes which employees or departments to assign the task, what resources of the organization can be used, what conditions will accompany the achievement of the goal. In other words, the manager creates the governance structure in the company or project.

Team motivation

Employees are stimulated not only by material factors such as bonuses or quarterly bonuses, but also by intangible ones. For example, the possibility of feedback, corporate training and social security. The manager must find out what methods will motivate the team to work effectively, and use those that will support this particular employee right now.


Since circumstances can change on the fly, the manager adjusts the work of employees and changes the methods or structure of management. He checks the quality and quantity of completed tasks and ensures that the organization achieves the desired goal on time.

Sometimes the functions of management include coordination, which helps to establish well-coordinated work within the team and maintain communication among all those involved in the process.

The material was prepared for the special project “Guide to MBA”

Management tasks

These functions form the specific responsibilities of a manager who:

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Digital manager: what qualities should a manager of the XNUMXst century have
University of Palermo Argentina 1 hour 5 minutes
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Types of management


It is important for a manager to determine the goals of the company and the ways in which it will achieve them. He thinks about how the firm will respond to changes in the market, the environment and the actions of competitors.


The manager prepares the budget of the organization, distributes money between different projects and departments – directs financial flows so that the company remains solvent.


The main task of the manager is to ensure that all employees have the knowledge they need to complete their tasks, and that customers have reliable information about the company’s products.


The manager manages what the organization produces, analyzes competitors and the competitiveness of its own product, determines the volume of products that it is profitable for the company to produce and which technologies are most effective.


The manager analyzes the current financial situation of the company and decides where it is most profitable to invest and which projects will bring the greatest profit. In addition, the investment manager explores how to attract additional money to the company and from what sources it is better to take it.

Risk Management

The task is to identify negative scenarios for the company and the likelihood with which they can begin to develop. The manager develops ways to deal with negative consequences and measures to minimize them.

HR management

The manager hires employees, helps them adapt to the new team, develops a system of employee motivation and makes sure that everyone can work effectively.

How in demand is the management profession?

If you drive the word “manager” into the search boxes on career portals, the results will be in the thousands of offers. For example, as of July 2022, 32 vacancies were posted on HeadHunter, Rabota.ru offers 707, and SuperJob – 1390. Managers are needed by the IT industry, financial companies and retailers. For comparison, there are 2143 times fewer offers for accountants on hh.ru and 5 times less for doctors.

At the same time, the title of a position related to management will not always contain the word “manager”. The company may be looking for a director of production, a head of department, a manager, and even a business assistant to whom management tasks will be transferred.

Typically, firms are looking not just for a manager, but for a candidate with a certain “specialization”. For example, a sales manager, a project manager, a product manager, an account manager, and so on.

How is a manager’s career built and how much do they earn?

The manager’s salary depends on several factors. First, on the specifics of what the employee manages. According to statistics from the Rabota.ru portal, on average, an anti-crisis manager in Moscow earns ₽85, a project manager – ₽69, and a PR manager – ₽50.

Secondly, from the region where the company is located. Let’s take a marketing manager as an example. In Moscow, the average salary of such specialists is ₽65 thousand, in St. Petersburg – ₽47 thousand, and in Yekaterinburg – ₽54 thousand.

Salary may also depend on the level of management.

Career starts from a position line managerwho manages a small group of subordinates. For example, the salary of an account manager can be ₽40 – ₽70 thousand, and for an assistant brand manager – ₽50 – ₽70 thousand.

Then goes middle managementwhen specialists are assigned to manage a project or department. A brand manager can receive ₽120 – ₽200 thousand, and a product manager – ₽150 – ₽200 thousand.

The third stage of a career functional management, where the manager is responsible, for example, for finance, production or logistics, and the position often contains the word “director”. In this position, the manager receives from ₽250 thousand to ₽600 thousand.

General management, or top management, is the fourth stage in which a person manages a company or group of companies and takes the company to the national or international level. The salary of such a manager can vary from ₽250 thousand to ₽2 million, which depends on the characteristics of a particular industry and company.

Universities where you can study management

Some universities have separate bachelor’s programs in management, others have management as one of the courses in economics departments.

  • HSE;
  • SPbSU;
  • VAVT;
  • RANEPA (marketing and brand management);
  • TomGU;
  • Financial University (business management);

For those who already have both a bachelor’s/specialist’s degree and several years of professional experience, an MBA program – a special master’s degree in business administration – may be suitable. In our country, such training is offered, for example:

  • HSE;
  • Skolkovo;
  • ISIMP;

Management courses

Since the courses are focused on practice and real market tasks, the methodologists develop more specific programs for different industries or types of management. For example, there are separate courses in personnel management or financial management.

  • Skillbox;
  • open education;
  • Netology;
  • Yandex.Practice;
  • GeekBrains;
  • Moscow Business Academy;
  • Coursera;
  • MasterClass;

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