What is Lotemax and in what situations is it used?

Lotemax is an eye drop suspension medicine that is used after surgery. It should be applied topically. The drug contains a synthetic corticosteroid, a substance that has an anti-inflammatory effect on the eye. Lotemax is prescribed only by prescription.

What is Lotemax?

Lotemax is a medicine in the form of eye drops. It is used during inflammation of the eyeballs caused by surgery. The drops are applied topically in small amounts to the inflamed part of the eye.

What is included in Lotemax?

The eye drops contain the therapeutic substance loteprednol etabonate, in amounts of 5 mg per milliliter of suspension. The other ingredients are: purified water, hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide, glycerol, tyloxapol, edetate disodium, povidone and benzalkonium chloride (0,01%).

In what cases is Lotemax used?

The use of Lotemax is justified in the following cases:

  1. after eye surgery;
  2. in the treatment of conjunctivitis;
  3. in the treatment of inflammation of the iris and ciliary body;
  4. in the treatment of eye allergies;
  5. in the treatment of rosacea;
  6. in the treatment of keratitis;
  7. in the treatment of corneal herpes zoster.

How is Lotemax used?

The use of eye drops should be agreed with the doctor in advance. Eye drops are usually given the day after surgery. The treatment lasts for about 2 weeks.

Before use, the Lotemax bottle should be shaken well. Then we open the eye, gently pulling the lower eyelid. Sequentially, it is recommended to instill one or two drops of the drug in the place between the eyeball and the eyelid. The medicine bottle should not touch any part of the patient’s eye or body. The bottle with the suspension should be tightly closed and set aside.

When not to use Lotemax?

Lotemax should not be used by children. In addition, the preparation should be avoided by people allergic to any of the ingredients of the drug, suffering from fungal eye inflammation, ocular tuberculosis, but also a bacterial infection of the cornea and conjunctiva.

Side effects of Lotemax

Children should be excluded from the use of Lotemax. Side effects of Lotemax eye drops may occur, but not necessarily everyone. First of all, symptoms such as discharge from the eye, dry eye, redness of the eye, itchy eye, excessive tearing, eye pain, burning, swelling of the eye or eyelid may occur. More severe symptoms caused by side effects of the drug include: difficulty breathing, swollen tongue, swelling of the face and even swelling of the esophagus, rash, difficulty breathing or coughing. If you notice any of the above symptoms, please inform your doctor or pharmacist immediately.

Storing Lotemax

The drug should be kept out of the reach of children. The bottle cannot be exposed to the temperature above 25 degrees Celsius, and even less it cannot be frozen. The bottle should stand upright and tightly closed. The drug should not be used after its expiry date.

Action of Lotemax with other drugs

Before starting treatment with Lotemax, tell your doctor about all medications and rescue preparations you are taking. No interactions of this drug with other preparations have been found.

Lotomax, pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug by pregnant and breastfeeding women should be consulted with a doctor, however, there are no contraindications for its use in these periods.

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