What is lookism and how to deal with it?

Hello dear blog readers! Lookism is discrimination against a person because of their appearance, which, in the opinion of another person, does not «fit» into his personal or socially accepted stereotypes of beauty.

Almost every one of us can be attacked. Because he is too thin, overweight, with or without tattoos, with bright hair, or vice versa, gray as a mouse and unremarkable.

Some general information

The term arose in the late 1970s, together with the active struggle against body shaming (also discrimination of a person because of appearance, but mainly in matters of weight).

Although the term arose recently, the problem itself has tormented humanity for many centuries. Just the canons of beauty constantly replace each other. For example, there used to be stereotypes that thin people are poor, and fat people are wealthy, having power, because they have no problems with nutrition and can afford to “overeat”.

Now, things are completely different. It is believed that slim and fit are those who have money for gyms and quality food. The rest lose their shape on fast food and so on.

The halo effect also works — this is such a distorted perception of another person due to the formed stereotypes. In principle, lookism is precisely its consequence. Charming people seem kinder to us. While the unsympathetic are associated with cunning, greedy and cruel.

What is lookism and how to deal with it?

Take even children’s fairy tales, in which the main characters are always cute, charismatic, while negative characters evoke horror and disgust. Children grow up with the idea that a bad person will definitely be recognized.

Because it will be scary, maybe even ugly. Although the reality is completely different. Yes, children, even criminals who have a beautiful appearance, have a great chance of receiving a more lenient punishment, and in some cases, pardon.

How it manifests itself in work

Lookism is perfectly displayed in the phrase: «Meet by clothes, see off by mind.» Indeed, the first opinion about a person is formed during the first seconds of acquaintance.

That is, when we still do not know what he really is, what his character, resource sides, weaknesses are — we draw conclusions whether we like him or not. And, as you know, the first opinion is often wrong.

So. Foreign scientists in the course of research have concluded why lookism occurs in the professional field. It is clear that external attractiveness does not affect the productivity of a person, but for some reason employers have a different opinion.

Among them, there is the idea that a beautiful woman is more competent than the owner of an ordinary, or unattractive appearance. This is quite often observed among secretaries, waitresses. They are like a business card of the company.

In addition, attractive girls are forgiven for their low economic or social status, while with men, the effect is completely opposite.

But beauty can play a cruel joke on its owner. Although in most cases they accept the prettiest applicants, it happens that it is for this reason that they refuse.

Especially if the vacancy involves more masculine work, responsibility and people management skills. Here the idea is triggered that a beautiful young lady is actually stupid. And if there is also a blonde in addition, then you will have to make completely superhuman efforts to convince the employer of the opposite.

What is lookism and how to deal with it?


Two researchers, Segal and Landy, set out to test whether beauty really distorts the perception of personality. In 1974, they recruited a group of male students and submitted two essays to their attention. The task was to get acquainted with the works and evaluate how well they were written.

Attached to each essay was a photo of the authors, a pretty girl and not a pretty one. Some of the guys gave out really two interesting compositions, but the rest failed.

As a result, it turned out that the girls who liked the guys, regardless of the quality of their work, received higher marks. And even a well-written paper could not help unattractive, but really talented students to gain recognition.

How to overcome

You should start with yourself. Reconsider values, priorities. Take care of your own self-esteem, if it is too high or too low. In general, in simple words — to develop, increase the level of awareness, emotional intelligence. Shift the focus of attention from external attributes to internal mi. Listen to your own feelings and true desires.

After all, behind the need to be beautiful is a completely different, more valuable and real one, which a person tries to satisfy in this way. For example, he just wants love, to avoid loneliness, to get attention, to get rid of tension… That’s why he chases the created stereotypes, trying to match them, thinking that then he will find happiness.

Yes, and sometimes it is difficult to feel the boundaries where this very lookism begins. When a certain person irritates or disgusts me because of the fact that it looks untidy, it smells terrible — can I be accused of discrimination in this case?

Try to simply abandon the stereotypes, focusing on your own feelings. And also, do not draw conclusions about another person only by appearance, no matter how «eloquent» it may seem to you.

This kind of discrimination cannot be eradicated completely, it is profitable. Manufacturers of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, clothing, sporting goods, even restaurants will fail, losing customers. And this, as you understand, is not beneficial to any of them.


Today, lookism is a fairly serious problem. A rare person is satisfied with his appearance, which is why he constantly tries to change it.

And not always the methods are justified and safe. For example, diets or plastic surgery may well cause damage to health. But people, in order to comply with existing stereotypes and canons of beauty, are ready to take risks.

Take care of yourself, love, appreciate and be happy!

Finally, we recommend reading an article that will help to correctly determine the character of a person, according to the shape of the lips.

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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