What is laser varicose veins removal?

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The operation of laser varicose veins removal is a modern method. Thanks to it, the doctor is able to close the lumen of a large vein and it is not necessary to make an incision on the skin. The method, to be more precise, consists in inserting an inefficient vein into the lumen of a catheter. Its end emits laser light. The released energy affects the immediate contraction and closure of the ineffective vein. Thanks to this, removal of this vein is not necessary, and the varicose veins connected with it become smaller. Interestingly, the operation only takes an hour. It is carried out on an outpatient basis. It is also important that the patient can move normally right after the procedure. Hospitalization is not necessary.

Functioning after surgery

Thanks to this method of removing varicose veins, the patient can function normally right after the procedure. Excessive effort is, of course, discouraged, but it does not make life difficult. Importantly, most patients do not deal with any pain after the procedure. Some people experience minimal discomfort. It is worth knowing that slight bruises may appear on the skin. An important issue is also the fact that after laser removal of varicose veins, the risk of their recurrence is very small, especially when the patient visits a specialist for checkups.

What are the advantages of laser varicose veins removal?

This modern method of removing varicose veins brings many benefits that certainly encourage patients to undergo the procedure. The first is the lack of hospitalization after surgery. Thanks to this, the patient can quickly return to his home. General and regional anesthesia is not administered during the procedure. Local tuminescent anesthesia is used, which has a high safety profile. Another advantage is the short stay in the office. The whole process, including all procedures, takes about 2-3 hours. The great advantage is also the lack of cuts, scars and large hematomas. There are also no complications related to disposable tips used during the procedure. An additional advantage is the high effectiveness of the treatment.

If you want to take care of your veins, both before and after the procedure, you can use Cleavers 400 mg (Cuddlehead) Viridian – a dietary supplement that positively affects not only the circulatory system, but also the digestive and urinary systems.

Complications after laser varicose veins removal

This method of removing varicose veins is less invasive than traditional surgery. However, it is worth bearing in mind that this is a surgical procedure, and thus – some complications may arise. If the patient feels severe pain after the procedure, which does not disappear after taking the recommended medications, contact a doctor. Also, if there is significant swelling of the limbs, fever, shortness of breath, dry, exhausting cough or chest pain occur, the patient should see a specialist. Rarely, but there are complications such as discoloration that fade after a year.

The patient may also experience a local skin sensation disorder on the calf as well as the thigh. This complication is due to irritation of the saphenous nerve that is near the vein being removed. However, it is worth knowing that this ailment usually disappears within a year of the surgery, and its incidence is much lower than in the case of classic varicose veins removal surgery. There is also a risk of deep vein thrombosis, but this complication is very rare. If antithrombotic prophylaxis is used and the specialist uses ultrasound efficiently during the procedure, the risk of this complication is minimized.

After laser removal of varicose veins, it is worth supporting the circulatory system to prevent the formation of new ones. One way is to use the healing power of herbs. Try VENICE – a herbal tea that has a positive effect on the venous system, fights the feeling of heaviness in the legs and inhibits the harmful effects of free radicals. Another way is to massage hemp milk for varicose veins into the skin, which supports circulation and nourishes the skin.

To reduce the discomfort of varicose veins and minimize the risk of cramps, purchase the OS1st CS6 calf compression bandage. It is available in various sizes on Medonet Market in the following colors: white, black, blue, gray, pink and yellow.

Laser varicose veins removal – not for everyone

As in many other cases, there are contraindications to laser varicose veins removal. One of them is an active infection or advanced peripheral arteriosclerosis. Also, patients with active thromboembolic changes cannot undergo the procedure. Contraindication to laser removal of varicose veins are also blood clots or adhesions, which significantly narrow the lumen of the treated vein, and a very tortuous and irregular course of the vessel. Pregnant women should refrain from performing the procedure. Also, people who are allergic to agents used for local anesthesia cannot undergo the procedure.

A contraindication to laser removal of varicose veins is also the general serious condition of the patient, which is associated with, for example, advanced heart or lung failure. Unfortunately, people with massive lymphoedema or hypercoagulable conditions should not undergo the procedure either. One of the contraindications is also inflammatory changes in the area of ​​the limb that is undergoing the procedure. Also, huge varicose veins, which prevent their effective closure with this method, are a clear contraindication to the procedure.

The orthopedic support for the treatment of varicose veins is the OS1st FS4 + n compression bandage for the calf and ankle joint, available in black or blue. The band improves blood flow, reduces swelling and pain, which is why it is recommended, among others, in the treatment of varicose veins.

If you struggle with varicose veins, try Ventosil gel. Its natural composition, including hemp oil, peppermint and fennel, soothe swelling, regenerate swelling and nourish the skin. You can buy Venosil gel quickly and safely at medonetmarket.pl. See what ointments for varicose veins are available in our store. We recommend, for example, the Farm-Vix Japanese pearl ointment that improves the condition of blood vessels or the soothing-soothing chestnut gel to strengthen the blood vessels of Farm-Vix.

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